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I <br />. �� �[�/) <br /> �..^'?mm[ <br /> DEED RECORD <br /> HufFinan Form No. to31/2 Containing qif Printed Words. <br />� . I� 135-29055� THEAIIGUSTINECO.GRAN�I5LAN0,NEBR. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> FROM County of Ha.�.�. ss' Entered in Numerical Index and filed for record in <br /> M. J. O�Ha.ra ehe Register of Deeds�ff�eof Sa�dCounty <br /> Emma A. � ��a.Y'8 the ].�j' day of February tg�7 at 9 o'clock and30 minutesA. M. <br /> TO and recorded in $ook 93 page 622 of eeds , <br /> Stephen C. Lehm�,n (���,�,� Register of Deecls. <br /> Elouise �l. Lehman By ��, G���ey� Depufy. <br /> �V <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THES�PRESENTS,That ��• J. Q�HaI't�. and Emma A. 0 'Hara, husband arid wife <br /> in consicleration of One Dollar and other �aluable consideration (�1.�0) - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid,cIo I�erevy grant, barflain,seii, co►ivey and cor�f�rm unt� St ephen C. Lehman and Eloui s e ��1. Lehman, husband and raif e <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, ancl not as tenants in common; tlie following described real estate situate in the County of H'�Zl and <br /> Sfate o{ T1 ebra ska to-w�t: <br /> Lot Eight (�) , in Block One (1a:,. George Loan� s Su�division to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> �.�0~��t a <br /> � C�ncelled <br /> togetTier with all tTie tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and aIl tTie estate, title, dower, riglit of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of <br /> the said grantor S,of,in or to fhe same,or any part fhereof; subject to non e <br /> I <br />� IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN TH� EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAV� AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with tTie appurtenances, unto tlie saicl grantees «s JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenanfs in common, <br />' ancl to their assigns, or to the heirs ancl assigns of the survivor of tliem, forever, and W8 tlie grantor 3 named herein for ourselves <br /> anc� OUI' heirs, executors, and aclministrators, cIo covenant with the grantees namec� herein and with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the <br />' survivor of them, tFeat W@ �,Y'6 lawfully serzed of said premises; that they'are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, and that WG <br /> the said grantor3 Ita V@ good right ancl lawful authority to sell the same,and that We will ancl OUY' heirs,executors <br />� and administrators shall warrant and defend the same unto tlte grantees named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the surviuor of them, forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> I <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set OUY' hand this 3�t+h day <br />' o{ J�nuary .A.D. �9�7 <br /> In presence of <br /> Lloyd W. Kelly M. J. 0'Hara <br /> Emma'A. O �Hara <br /> STATE OF Nebraska � On this �QtYj, day of Ja.nuary A. D. ],��}7, before me, a Notary Public in ancl for said <br /> County of $a,],], SS' County, personally came the above named j��j, J. Q�$��„rn, 23na E+Trillla, pi. Q�$a,Y'L�,� husband and wif e ' <br /> who are Personally known to me to be the identical person g whose nameS �g affixecl to the aboue <br /> instrument as grantor g, and they acknowledged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my Tiand and Notarial Seal the date �nst a f oreBa�d. Fr an c e s Jo n e s <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ( SE;AL) My commission expires on the �.7 day of March �1• 1�• 1950 � <br /> �, <br />