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��� <br /> DEED R� CORD <br /> Huffman Form No. togt/2 Containing qi i Printed Words. <br /> NO.W35-2905J� TNEAi1GUSTINECO.GRANDIS�AND,NEBR. . . <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> Loucille Glover FROM County of Ha11- SS' $ntered in Numerical Index and filed for record in <br /> H. F. Glover F the Regi ter of Deeda offL�e of said County <br /> the ,5 c�aY of ebruary 6 Ig �� at � o'cloclz and 3� ' tes P•M. <br /> TO and recorded in Boolz g3 page �3 of Deeds �������� <br /> Delvin Chris Obermiller Rec�ister of Dee s. <br /> By Depufy. <br /> Mary A. Obermiller „/ <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRBSENTS, Tl�at �rE, Loucille Glover and H, F. Glover, also known as Herb�rt <br /> F. Glover, her husband, <br /> in consideration of �ne Dollar 8 TY� other YA1.UAb3.G' consideration — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —XX�� <br /> in hand paid,do hereby flrnrtt, bnrgain,sell,convey arid con{'irm unto De�.OSI3 Chria Obermiller and Mary A.Obermiller, husband <br /> and wif e, <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants tn common; the following described real estate situute in tlie County of g�-1 pnd <br /> State of Nebraska to-wit: ' <br /> The East Half (Eu)of Lo� Eight (8) and the West '�hirty-two (32) feet of Lot Nine (9) , in <br /> Block Thirteen (23) , oP Charlea Wasmer� a Addition to the City of Grand Ialand, Nebraska, as <br /> surveyed, pla�ted and r�corded. <br /> 7.15 I.R.Stamps ) <br /> ( Caneelled ) <br /> together with aII t�ie tenements, hereditaments, and a�purtenances to the same belonging, and all tl�e estate, title, dower, right of �omestead, claim or demand whatsoever of <br /> the saic�grantor $,of,in or to the same,or any part thereof;�F�D�X <br /> IT BEING TFiE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HBRETO, THAT Iltil THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHBR OF SAID GRANTEBS THE <br /> ENTIRE F$E SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TD HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said grantees as JOINT TENANTS, ancl not as tenanis in common, <br /> ancr to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the sur�ivor of them, forever, and W8 the grantor 8 namecl Tierein for U8 <br /> and OL1I' heirs, exeeutors, ancl ac�ministrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein ancl with tl�eir assigns ancl with the heirs anc� assigns of the <br /> survivor of them, that W@ are lawfully seizecl of said premises; t� they are�ree from.incumbrance except as stated herein, and that �"e <br /> the said grantor $ ha V G good right and lazuf ul authority to sell tlie same,and that W@ will and OUY` heirs, executors <br /> and a�lministrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein ancr unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assic�ns of tl�e suroivor o( them, forever, <br /> against the law)ul claims of aIl persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WH$REOF We have hereunto set �UI' hand B this 23rd dav <br /> �f January �A• D• 19�7 . <br /> In presence of <br /> Herbert F. Mayer Loucille Glo�er <br /> H. F. alover <br /> STATE (JF NeTJ2'A.SIia. On this 231'C� day of January A. D. 191�.'� , before me, a Notary Public in and for said <br /> A <br /> L'ounty of H�1 SS� �.'ounty,personally came the above namecl Louellle �'�.OVBY' and H• F. Glover, &.1.80 known <br /> i , <br /> as Herb�r�G F, (���ver, her husband, <br /> wlio a,l'E personally Iznown tn me to be the identical person $ whose name s ST'@ a(f ixed to the above <br /> instrument as grantor $ , ancl they aclznowledged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> �$Li'�� WITN�SS my liand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. Herbert F. M�BP <br /> Notary Pu lic. <br /> �y commission expires on the ].7 j",h dQY of May A.D. 195 0 <br /> I <br /> i <br />� <br /> i <br /> ' <br /> , <br />