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���.J <br /> - DEED RECORD <br /> Huffman Form No. iog�/2 Containing qt i Printed Words. <br />� � NO. 1 35-2 9 08 5- TNEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAtlD,NEBR. � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> ss. <br /> FROM County of H¢�.�, Entered ire Numerical Index ancl filec�for recorcl in <br /> L. D. G1111apie and wife the Reg�s�er vf Deeds�ff�6OfSaidCounty <br /> the 2$Iay o` January 1g 7 at �• ck and3�jr�iutes P$'I. <br /> TO antl recordecl in Book 9� page �88 of Deeds ��1{��-�Q��Ul.��-� . <br /> Robert D. & Jane M� �lampitt Register of L7`eeds. <br /> BY Deputy. <br /> h� <br /> r�.��itALan��asY pouse osf eaC�i�`aotherL. D. Glllispie and 4pa1 Gil3ispie, each in his and her own <br /> in consicleration of One Thousand Seve� Hundred Fif ty & no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS.. <br /> in hand paid,do�ereby�rant, bar9ain,sell, convey and confirm unto RO'�62'� D� Clampitt and Jane �� �i18IIIp�.1'+�� �1j.8 wife <br /> as ]OINT T$NANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following clescribed real estate situate in the County of Fj81,1, and <br /> state of Nebraska to-wtit: <br /> Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Twenty-one (21) in the V1llage of Alda, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded, includin� all right, �Gitle and interee� of <br /> �rantors in the Lease and A�reement recorded in Book Q�, at page 39? and the Aasignment <br /> thereof recorded in Hook "R at page 298 of .Miacellansous Records in the oPfice of the <br /> Regiater oP Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, said lease and agreement and aasignment thereoY <br /> affecting only Lot 3even (7) in said Block. <br /> It being the expreas intentlon of the �rantors and the grantees herein named, that the filling <br /> station, service stati.on, bu�.ldir�gs��.and a3.1 improvemen�s now situated on the above-described. <br /> real eatate, be and are from thia t�.me on, a paxt of sald real estate and �hall no longer be <br /> considered as chattel property. <br /> ( 2.20 I.R.5ta.�ps � <br /> ( Caneelled <br /> together with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to t�ie same belonging, and all the estate, title, dower, rig/�t of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of <br /> the said grantor S,of,in or to fhe same,or any part thereof; $�$�to <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FE� SIMPLE TITLE TO THE 12�AL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN 1"HE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above clescribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the saic� grantees a� JOINT TENANTS, ancl not' as tenants in common, <br /> anc� to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of tl�em, forever, and WE.' the grantor $named herein for UB <br /> and OLi2' heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grantees namec� herein anc� with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survivor oF them, that W6 are lawfully seized of saicl premises; that they are free from tncumbrance except as stated herein, and that 'W6 <br /> tT�e said grantor 8 ha VE good rigl�t anc�Iawful autliority to sell the same,and that W6 will and OUI' heirs,executors <br /> and administrators shall warrant ancl defend tlie same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns ancl unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor o( t�iem, forever, <br /> against the lawfur claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF W2 have hereunto set OLiY' hand B this �5�Z1 day <br /> of Jan�ary ,A. D. 19�7 <br /> In presence of <br /> _ __ _ .. _ ._ L, D. t�illiapie <br /> Opal Gillispie <br /> STATE OF (�'O�.OY'a,CZ.O� On this 25j'i�l day of January A. D. Zg�'� , before me, a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of Denver SS� County,personally came the above named �� D. Gilllspie and Opal �illispie, eaeh in <br /> his �.nd her o�m right ancl as apouse of each other <br /> who 81,I'E personally lznorun to me to be the identical person S whose name S 8.Z'2 af f ixed to the aboue <br /> inst►ument as grantor g , and t�j,Q� severally acknowleclgecl said instrument to �ie their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> �SEAL� WITNESS my hanc� and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaic�. �8I'�6 �• MaLain <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission ezpires on t�.e l�'t�l day of e�111y A. D.�.9�'l <br /> I�- <br />