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��� <br /> DEED RECORD <br /> HuFfman Form No. io31/2 Containing qi t Printed Words. <br /> NO. 135-29OSS� YHEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. �, <br /> STATE OF NEBRf1SKA � <br /> FROM County o{ Hall SS� Entered in Numerical lndex and f iled f or record in <br /> Andxev� H.S'1".+E.'��.E & �vi the Re�?;is�er O�,' D2�dSof)ice of said County <br /> the �.�. day of �jc'�11Uc`�Y'�J ig�7 at �.�loc'� kDand �(�utes A,M. <br /> TO and recorded in Book �3 page �j6� of Deeds �.��.�� vf <br /> Ha.:C'O�.C�. F+'.�: G`�'11G�Ii�i G�O� Register o Deeds. <br /> By Deputy..` <br /> /� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,Th«t Arid.7'�;C,i H.St�ele a�d E���el Fa,�T Steele, eacE� 1ri �13.8 OI' �18T' Q�Yi <br /> r i�t�t and as Fiusband and ?�it'e <br /> in consideration of Otlier Considerat3.on A11C�, �I18 �01.�&�' — — — — — — — — — — '- '- — — -� — — — — — — -�DBF� <br /> in hand paid,cIo hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey ancl confirm unto H$Y'O�.C�. F.(iOX and G€�rnett (iOX <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; tlie following described real estate situate in the County of ��-�- antl <br /> stat6 of Nebras�.a to-w=t: <br /> paxt o�' tlze Easterly Fi�'ty-�even (57) Feet o� Fr�.ctional Lot Tl�.ree (3) in Frac�ional Block <br /> Thirteen (13) in Jo�u1 Voi�le 's Addition �Go the City o�' Grand Island,Hall County,Nebras�.a,mare <br /> par'�icularly described as �ollo�rs,to-v�it; Cor:-�iencin�; at tl�e Nortl�.easterly corner o� said �'ract�.on- <br /> al Lot Three ( 3) and rur.nin�; tt�ence �ve�terly Fi��y-seven (57) �e�� a1on� tlae nortizerly line o� <br /> said lot, thence Sout��erly p��rallel wi�l�. til�e �a�terly lirie o� said Lot,a distance o�' E3.g.hty-seven <br /> (�7) �'eet to the Sou'�1�erly l�.ne o�' said lot, �Glience Souti�.easterly alon� ttle Soutl�.erly line o�' said <br /> Lot a dis�Lance o� 2�.6 �'ee�, tllence Tdort?�,erly,parallel i�iti�, tl�.e Easl�erly line oP sa�d Lot a distance <br /> o� 1�.7 �'ee�,thence Eas�erly at right an�les and nara11e1 ruitlz ���e Nortt�erly o� said Lot a <br /> distance of 5.7 �eet,tkience tlor°��zerly at rip;l�t an�;les and parallel r�i'�ti tlle Easterly line o�' said <br /> Lo� a distance o�' 20.25 �'ee�, t�zence Easterly p��.1.�_el �vi'�11 the Nortl�.erly line o� saic� Lot a <br /> distance o� 3�.0 �eet to Eas�erl�r line o� said Lot, �t�ence Nor��ierly a7.on� t�ie Eas�erly line o�' <br /> said Lot a distan,ce n� 60 :�ee�, to t�le place o�' be�'innin�;,as per plat hereto at�acl°�ed. <br /> '�„�j•�5 I.R.S�amps r) <br /> ( Cancelled ___���.� <br />' together with adl tlxe tenements, I�ererlitaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, clower, right o` homestead, claim or demand wliatsoever of <br /> the said granto�6 ,of,in or to the same,or any part thereof; subject to <br /> IT BEING THE INT$NTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THB DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THB <br /> ENTIRE FBE SIMPLE TITLE TO TH$ REAL ESTATE D$SCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. . <br />, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above clescribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto tl�e said grantees as JOINT TENANTS, ancl not as tenants in commorL, <br /> , <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, and Z�� the grantors named herein for Z,a,g <br /> and OU�' heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grantees namec� herein and wiih, their assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survivor of them, that �'�`C�' �,I'e lawfully seizecl of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, and tliat <br /> the said grantor 8 ha V8 good right and lawful authority to sell tTie same,and tliat L`�@ will and l�eirs„executors <br /> and administrators s1�all warrant and defend the same unto tTie grantees named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITN$SS WHER$OF S78 have hereunto set OUr' hand S this 6��1 day <br /> of Janu�xy .A. D. 1��7 <br /> In presence of <br /> Andre�a H.Steele <br /> Rose P,Dudek Et�zel Fay Steele <br /> .,,. <br /> STAT$ OF�8�11�'a.B�iA On this �f'+�� day of Jr�nuar�r A. D. 1��7 , before me, a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of ��,1.�. }ss. County, personally came the above named Aridl'eW H,Steele and Ett�.el F�y S�eele, eael� in h3.s 4 <br /> or l�e� o��n ri�l�t and as Husband and Ni�'e - <br /> wlxo r�'B personally known to me to ve the identical person S whose name S cl2'�' a{�fixed to lhe above <br /> instrument as grantor S ,and �'i�1@y aclznowledged said instrument to be ���e�,Y+ <br /> �s'�L� uoluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my �iand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. RO$e P.�Ud@� <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires on t1�e 1.Z.�'+�x day of Febru�.ry A. D.�.�-�j`�. <br />