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i <br /> ��� <br /> DEED R � CC�RD <br /> HuFfman Form No. tog�/z Containing qi t Printed Words. <br /> �10. 135-29055- iHEAUGlISTINECO.GRANDISLAND.NEBR. � � , <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> FROM County of Hc'�,1� SS� Entered in Numerical Index and filed for record in <br /> Axel Seastedt and Rose J. Seasted each in theRegister of Deeds �ff=�eofs«idCounty <br /> his or her OWTl right and 2,8 Sp�US e of the the $� day of January 19�.7 at 2 lock and nutes P�'I. <br /> other TO and recorded in Book 93 paqe 555 of Deeds���atid �-�-��- <br /> Riley Alkire and Anna V. Alkire Register of �eeds. <br /> By Depufy. <br /> N <br /> KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS,Thnt AXG'1 Se�.stedt and Rose J. Seastedt, �ach in h3S or her OWri <br /> right and as s�ouse of the other <br /> in consicleration of One �o7.lar and other valuab�e cons�.deration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �3�a�x <br /> rn handpaid,do hereby grnnt, bargain,sell, convey arLdconf�Pn�z�nfo Riley Al�ire and Anna V• Alkire <br /> � JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; tTie following described real estate situate in the County of Ha,].1 anc� <br /> State of PJebraska to-wit: <br /> Lot Twenty-two (22) Block Ttao (2) Sothman' s Subdivision �o the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> . . tamps <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />, witli alI the tenements, hereditaments, und appurtenances to tlie same, belonging, and all the estate, title, dower, right of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of <br /> the said grantor S,o f,in or to the same,or any part tTiereo f; sub;��c to '�h e unpai d b al an e e o P a.n i n s ur ed FHA mo r t ga ge in f avo r o f <br /> the Service Life Insurance Co. , Omaha, Nebraska. <br /> IT E3EING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTI�S HF.RETO, THAT IN THE EVBNT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br />� o <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, wit�. tlie appurtenances, unto the said gruntees as ]OINT T.�LVANTS, anc� not as tenants in c mmon, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs ancl assigns of the saraivor of them, forever, and W@ the grantor 8 numed herein for ourselves <br /> ancl 0 UI' heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with t he grantees named herein and with t�,eir assigns and witTi tlte jieirs und assigns o f tTie <br /> suruivor of tTiem, that �1C are lnwfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumTirance except as stated herein, and that we <br /> tTte saicl grantor S �aV@ good right and Inwful authority to sell the same,and that We will anc� p� heirs, executors <br /> and aclmfnistrators shall warrant and defend the same unto t�e grantees named herein ancl unto their assigns and unto tTie Tieirs ancl assigns of the suruivor of them, forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of aIl persons whomsoever, excludinc� the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITN$SS WH$REOF We I�aUe T�ereunto set pU2' hand g this 2$th day <br /> of Decernber ,A. D. 1g�+6 <br /> In presence of <br /> - - - - - - A�cel Seasted� <br /> Rose J. Se�,stedt <br /> STATE OF Nebraska On tF�is 2�j-,h day of December A. D. 1g�.6, before me, a Notary Public in and for said <br />' County of �j�.�.,].]_ } SS County, personally came the above named �e]. $ga3teClt and Rose J. Seas tedt, each in his <br /> or her o��n ri�ht and as spouse of the other <br /> wl�o �Y+� personally lznown to me to be the identical person g whose name g ar e af f ixed to the aboue <br /> i ��'Ei Aj�� instrument as grantor g, and they acknowledged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> I WIT1V$SS my �iand ancl Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. +�;].V�Y'a, M. Wurster <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires on tTie ].C��-,h dQy �f February A' D' 19�� <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I� <br />