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� �I <br /> ����. <br /> DEED RECORD <br /> Huffman Form No. io3t/2 Containing qtt Printed Words. <br /> �O. 135-29055- THEA�IGUSTINEC0.6RANOISLAND,NGBR. � , <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> FROM County of Hall SS' Entered in Numerical Index and filed forrecord an <br /> e70�1I1 H. Nelson & theRegister of Deeds officeof saidCounty <br /> Ka,tnerine E. Nelson the � day of Janu�,ry �9 47 at 11, �ck and �utes A,�'I. <br /> TO and reconded in Book 93 page �j'�j], of Deeds vr���uL v� 0 <br /> Peter J. Nelson c�c Register of Deeds. <br /> Patrieia A. Nelson By Deputy.� <br /> xNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That John _H. idelson & Katherine E. Nelson Brother & Sister <br /> in consic�eration of One — Doll�.r c'1T1C�. other COI1S�d@I'�t�OriS — — — — — — — — — � .. — — .. — — � .� ,,. _ DOLLARS <br /> in handpaid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell, convey anciconjirm unto Peter J. Idelson & Patricia A. Nelson Husband Ei11C� '"1j.f'� <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, anc� not as tenants in common; the following described real estate situate in t�ee County of �ja�l and <br /> State of Nebraska to-wit: <br /> Lots Eleven {11) and lwelve ��.�) in B�.ock Three (3) in Dodd and Marshalls Addition to the town of <br /> Wood River, Nebrask�,. <br />, . <br /> togetTier wit�. a�I the tenements, Fiereditaments, and appurtenances to th.e same belonging, and aII the estate, title, dower, right of homestead, claim or demand rvTiatsoever of <br />� fhe saic�grantor g of,in or to the same,or any part thereof; subject to <br /> IT BEIIVG THE Il'VTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRAIVTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FE� SIMPLE TIfiLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN' SHALL VF.ST IN THE SURVIVIIVG GRANTE�. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above clescribed premises, tvith th,e appurte nances, unto the said grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> ancl to tlieir assigns, or to tlie �eirs anc� assigns of the survi�or of them, forever, and WG th,e grantor S named herein for ourselves <br /> anc� OUr heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with. the grantees named herein and with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survivor of them, that �e are lawful�y seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, und tTiat We <br /> the saic�grantor $ haVe good right ancl Iawful authority to sell tFie same, and that w8 will and OUI' heirs, executors <br /> and administrators, shall warrant and de�end the same unto the graniees named �erein anc� unto thaic assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of !he surviuor of them, forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons wlzomsoever, excludinc� the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF t�e have hereunto set OUr• l�and g this 12th day <br /> �f April .a.D. 19�+5 <br /> In presence of <br /> John H. Nelson <br /> J. E, Hoye Katherine E. Nelson <br /> STATE OF Nebr�aska � On this 7.2t,h daY °f April A. D. 1945, before me, a Notary Public in anc� for said <br /> ' County of j��,l]„ SS' County, personally came the above named JOYlI1 H. Nelson & Katherine E. Nelson <br /> who a,Y'@ personally known to me to be Yhe idenEical person g wl�.ose name s are a�fixed to tlxe above <br /> instrument as grantor $,and tYl@3T acknow�T.edged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> ( SFAL) WITN$SS my hand and Notarial Seaa tFie date IasE aforesaid. J. E. x0yg <br /> o Pub ' <br />, N ta Iac. <br /> *Y <br /> My commission expires on the 22C� day of April A• D� 1947 <br /> I <br /> I� <br />