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<br /> � 1-4 FAI�/IILY RII�ER g7_ 1aO'7�� � : :,�_:�:�_- :=
<br /> - Ass�uaeat ot Rentc --: �-=��-
<br /> ',: � � ��T.;-�
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAl0l1ILY RIDER iS m2d6 thLS 27TH d3y Of JAIdtJARY � 1997 �271d is � ':a=�'_A=
<br /> � inco:poiated inw and shall be deemed w amend and supglemeut the Martgage,Deed of Tmst or Security Deed(the � �.:.L�;�:_:_{-:_-
<br /> "Security Insuume�t'7 of the saaae dat�given by the imdersigned(the"Borrower")tn secvze Borrower's Note to - - _�;�<<;..�.--
<br /> ' . - +>��:. ��-_ _.
<br /> .. �
<br /> • (tke"L.ender'7 .. f��rrs.:, ::�.�
<br /> . of the same dats and coveamg the Yropeity de�."�in the SecuQitS+Ins�ument and tocated ax {: •- - _=____----
<br /> 1418 HAQC3S STREHT � ,,�` '
<br /> ORAND ISLAND. NSBRASIA 6880I ;.: '-'�,
<br /> t
<br /> ��ropecty Addnss] 2�,� ,;� ' *� �.�.
<br /> ,��; ,�. '=_
<br /> �--- 1-4 FAMO..Y COVENAN'fiS. Ln addition to the caE-c-saa�"s and agreements ma�e ui tt�Seauity Ins�umenc, ���. �Y�;{�."�., ,
<br /> Ba�ower�d Lendel fiuther covc�ant and agree as follows � `� • ;
<br /> A.A D D i 7 T O N A L PR O&'ET2TY SUB�T TO Tbw�'�CiJRITY INSTRUMEN7'. Zn addition � ttce ��`—`"-�.
<br /> .,�cr•-
<br /> Presperty descn'bed in the Security Insmumeus.�:,following it,ems are added to the Property descr�ption,and shall . - ,., . °�.
<br />° ��`, atso con�iUate the Propeity+wveaed by the�:ty Insuument bwilding mateaisls,aFPliaaces and gaods of every ?-� �'=��:-
<br /> ...����,, ... ,,.
<br /> ,::'�>� nawre whatsoever now or h�c�li�Lx�ted i3,on,or nsed,or iatended tn be�sed in car�ction with the Property, ,.(E�,.`.;. ..�;;
<br /> :-r.:t:.� �.f.,a�• � .,�
<br /> �;;y'': includiug,but noi limited t�.:t'ra�for the putposes of sug�Iying or distnbutiag hea�a,g,•moling.electricity+b�as. b:•., . . r.
<br /> ,r ligi�Y.fua ti•�.�n and agparatus c a�a a l a . l u m b i n , . =!r, '��•�`�;• -E_'�
<br /> sc�uri t y a n d a c c e s s P P�� P 8 }`�- �,f. .;.
<br /> bath mb�water L�s.water clasets,smks�taves,mfri8eramrs,c�hwast�eas.disposets.w�-��rs,dTS+eas. ,�,,� ..f��;�� :�;;:;;��;;ro,�,
<br /> . . aamutga.swrm windows.stann doors.screens.bli�tds.shades,c�ins and cnr��+odc,aliached u�.i�ars.t�binets, ., h�;,.••:�f.�.:: , •;;f�:; :,....;;,_:
<br /> `�:,: =-,
<br /> panelling and attached flnar covcaings now ar h�reaft�a auached to the Properry, all of w� inclttding .�:;„ -
<br /> repL.�emeats and sdditions tLereto,shari be dcemed w 6e�d a+emair►a part of the prop�:ety cflve�ed bp t4�e Secur:� ,.'�::'.��'�.�. ,.:,,. .,,Y>,
<br /> '� Instrsi�neat All af the fa:egoing wgether witb the Fmpeatp drscrFbed in tf�e Security eTns�imeat(as the leaseho2� `����s�.. �{�;,- _
<br /> __. •'. e� if the Secruity Instr�unent is on a 2easehol�are r e f e r r u l tn in t h i s 1� F a m�1y Rider �afl tMe Securi Y y . ����',
<br /> Instiument as the"Ptog�ty." ��.�
<br /> • � ., ,
<br /> .,,,,,,..-
<br /> • . B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIAJVCE WiTH LAW. Horro�ves shall not seek. agree w or make a ;=:_;�a.-.
<br /> ��, ;���•.
<br /> ,''r,.`,. ".. change in the ase of the Praperty oz its zoning classifr�tion,�mlesti Lender 1�as agre�du writing w the cdange.
<br />, i1,.3 :.J���...
<br />. �,.; : Barrower shall comply with all taws, ordinances. regulations and requffcments of any govemmental body , .- -
<br /> ' . aFptic�Ie w the Ptoperty. . . ��.. _' '
<br /> .,,..,.:,.:�_.:
<br /> C.SUBOYtDINATE LdEIliS. Except as penniued by federal law,Borrawer shall nnt allow any lien inferior ..'_�y .
<br /> `� . w the Sec�ity Instrucnent ta be peafeaed agamst ftie Yropaty arIthout Lender's prior written pamission. '"•• : _
<br /> •,,� .� ea aga s
<br /> .`,f`�. .. D.itEN'i'LOSS 1NSURANCE. Barrowu s6all m2i�tain ins�aance against rent loss in addidon w the other .:
<br /> 1•,;�i .• _ . , .
<br /> =�;�, . n�forwt�tct,�,nce�req�rea ay unit�orm coY��. ..� _
<br /> E."BORSOWFdt'S RIGHT TO REIIV3TATE^��.'�4°fED. Unifotm Covenar�!]8 is deleted. ��' "�,�;�-. �':�
<br />� F.BORROWER'S OGCUPANCY. Uulrss I.ender and Bormwer otheswise a�ree in writic�g, the fust "�����#'�:.
<br /> .., .
<br />' sentence in Unifarm Covenant 6 conceming �oirower's occupancy of the Prope�ty is delete�. L�UI.remaining �� , -►�,-` .
<br /> cn•.oants and agreements set forth in Uniform CovenaAt Cx s�all aemain in ef�ect �,1�,���'�� •-
<br /> ' ���f.'+'"��� .
<br /> .`',�,'� :� :r;•� • ±•- .
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