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� <br /> ���' <br /> DFED RECORD <br /> , t-luffman Form 1Va. to3�/2 Containing qii Printed VVorcls. <br />'� NO. 135-29055- INEA�:GUSTINECO.GRANOISLAND,NEBR. , . � . <br /> X <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> �'.�,,.C�P@� �• �'�i�mp�qri Msingle County o{ Hall SS' Entered in Numerical Index and filed for record in <br /> thl;egi�ter of Deed.� of fice of saic��.'ounty <br /> �2ari.�.n V, Byram, aing�.e the 34day of October ,�6 at 10 ' io�k and-- m• ut�• Nt. <br /> TO ancl recorded in Book 93 page ��2 of Deeds <br /> r+iC�WBY'!3. YB.PIIlA11 & Charlotte Yarman Register of Dee s. <br /> By Deputy. <br /> � <br /> •KNOW�T,T: MEN BY TH$SE PRESENTS. That Mildred F. Thompson (a ingl e) and Marian V• ByP&1Ti� (s ingl e) <br /> in consideration o� One dollar & other valuable conslderation — — — ---- — — — — — — — — DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and conftrni unto Edward Yarman and Charlotte Yarma,n (husband & Wj,t'e� <br /> as JOIN�" TBNANTS, and not as tenants in common; tlie followinc� described real estate situate in tlie County of H�.1. and <br /> State oF Nebraska to-wit: <br /> Lot one (1) Hlock Eighteen �18) John Lambert' s Addition �o the Clty of arand Island. <br /> � 55 s. R. �s� . <br /> Cancelled ) <br /> together with aII tlie tenements, liereditaments, and appurtenances to tlie same belonging, and alI the estate, title, dower, right of liomestead, claim or demand whatsoever of <br /> the sait�granto� ,of,in or to t�ie same,or any part thereof; subject to <br /> , <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HBRETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIR$ FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. , <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said gruntees as JOINT T�NANTS, and not as tenants in cornmon, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, and W2 the grantor8 named herein for ourselvea <br /> ancl Ot12^ heirs, executors, and acIministrators, do eouenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigns anc� with the heirs und assigns of the <br /> survivor of tTiem, that � We are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, anFl that �e <br /> the saicl grantoi$ ha V@ good righ,t and lawful authority to sell the same,and that W8 will and Our heirs, executors <br /> I� and administrators shall warrant and defend the same unto tlie grantees named lierein anc� unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons wliomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF wE F�aUe hereunto set �uY' hand� this 26 day <br /> of April ,A. D. 19�6 <br /> In presence of Mildred F. Thompson <br />' Carl A. Veburg Marian V. Byram <br /> Helen Eiler <br /> STATE OF Nebraska� On this 26 day of April a. D.l9�d , before me, a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of DOLigl'a'$ SS• County, personally came the above named Mildred F. Thompson and Marian vy Byra.m � <br /> who aY'L' personally Tznown to me to be the identical person 8' whose name $ a�'e af{ixed to the above <br /> instru.ment as grantor S , ancl they aclznowledged said instrument to be their <br /> �sE�+� voluntary act and deed. , <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaicl. ��Y,� �'♦ B�uln�$ <br /> h Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires on tjte 15 ctay of �iarch A. D. 1952 <br /> , <br />