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-� <br /> ��;>�'� <br /> DEED RECORD <br /> Huffman Form No. io31/2 Containing qi t Printed Words. <br /> NO. 135-29055- THEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLANO.NEBR. <br /> STATE OF NBBRASKA � <br /> ss. <br /> FROM County of jja].], Entered in Numerical Index and filed for recorc�in <br /> Gordon L. Evan� the Re�ister of Deede�ffzCQOf saidCounty <br /> Mildred L. E+Va,i1$ the �9 day of pc'�ober 19 �6at I ' loclz and inutes ��M. <br /> . TO and recorded in Book 93 page �.}.3$� of Deeds <br /> '. j�al'�ey' �i'.L(�a�+ji Register of eeds. <br /> �AI'y cT8116 L@Ax'Il BY Deputy. <br /> ,e/ <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,Thaa Gordon L. Evang and Mildred L. Evans, Husband and Wif e <br /> in consideration oF Other consideration and One and NoI100 — � — -' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �DOLLARS <br />' in{iand patd,do Tiereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and conf irm unt���e�E. Learn and t�iary Jane Lear� Husband and Wite <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, anc� not as tenants in common; the following c�escribed real estate situate in tlie County of H&].], and <br /> State of Nebraska to-wit: <br /> The Northerly Eight-two (�2) Peet oY Lot One (1�)', in Bloek Seven (7) , oP Bonnie Brae Add�.tion to <br /> the City of Grand Ialand, Nebraska, as s�urveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> . : . amps <br /> ( CanceZled ) <br />, together with all the tenements, liereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all tha estate, title, dower, rig�t of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of <br /> the saic�grantor8 ,of, in or to the same,or any part thereof; subject to <br />. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVBNT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIR$ FEE SIMPLE TITL$ TO TH$ RBAL ESTATE DBSCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ubove clescribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the saicl grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, and we the grantor S named herein for ourselves <br />' and OUI' heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein anc� witli their assigns and with the heirs und assigns of the <br /> survivor of them, that W8 �.Y'@ lawfully seized of said premises; that tliey are free frorn incumbrance except as stated herein, and that w8 <br /> the said grantor 8 h.a Ve' good right and lawful authority to sell the same,and that W6 will and OLll" heirs,executors <br /> and administrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein ancl unto their assigns anc� unto the Tieirs and assigns of the sur�ivor of them, forever, <br /> ¢gainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF W@ have hereunto set OUI' hand S this �.9�Y1 day <br /> of �ctober ,A.D. 19�6 <br /> In presence of <br /> Gordon L. Evans <br /> Mildred L. Evane <br /> sTATE ot�ebraska � On this 19th day of Oetober A. D. lgt�6 . before me, a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of j�g�l SS' County, personally came the above named (x'OI'C�011 L+. L+`Pa.118 and Mildred L. r+,VAY18� HUSba,I1t� �,T1C1 <br /> Wife, <br /> who are personally known to me to be the identical person g whose name s are a){ixed to the uboue <br />, instru,ment as grantor g, and t',hgy acTznowledged said instrument to be thei r <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITN$SS my hand and Notarial Sea.I the date Tast aforesaid. (ri. T. Flower <br /> (aEAL) Nota�y Publ��. <br /> l�'ly commission expires on the 9'��1 dQY �{ �eptember A� D� 19�+9 <br />