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; .. .,�..._.�.�--� ----- ' .. . . __.._.. :.' . . . � . � � . . ' _ . .'_`' .. � ' . : _ �.._._:v,=::.:.�;,. . • ; : .- <br /> � �— � . � .. -. <br /> � + - � 9 i�a��±� . � . �:-. <br /> � <br /> - =� ,++�r alch successor or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify ' _ <br /> :i iatetest.I.en6er snaii nat be rcyu�;ed:o tamm:ax"r:�ia�s�- __ _- -- <br /> . -� umomzation of the sums secured by this Dced of Tnut by reason of any demand mxde by the original Bartowcr and Borrowers successors in [�:' , a <br /> � interesc.F►ny forbearance by Lender in exereis�og anY right or remedy heteunder,or othetwise afForded by applicable lavsr,shall not be a waiver . ` �,_: <br /> � .:. :. ,�. <br /> , af or preclude the exercise of any such rigfit or ranedy. <br /> � ; 11. Successors aad Asslgns Bonnd;doint und Several 6.istb[Hiy;Co-signers.'I7ie covenants and agreements herein rnntained shall . � -. <br /> '`� bind, and the nghts hereun�er shall inure to, the respective successois and assigns of i.ender and Bmrower, subject to the provisions of � � ' +- ._ <br /> � pazagrapfi 16 hereof.All covenants and agreements of Bomower shall be joint and several.Any Bormwer who co-signs this Deed of Trust.but �• .^,,"'�" <br /> . � does not eaecute the Note,(a)is co-signing this Deed of Trust only to grant aad convey that Borrowels mterest in the PropeRy to Trustee under <br /> r.`:-,�;-�... <br /> the tem�s of this Deed of Trust.(b)is not persotnliy liable on the Note or undet this Deed of Tnut,and(c)agrees that Lender and any other ...f_y 4_` <br /> Borrower hereunder may agree to extend,modify,fori�ear,or make any other accommodaYions with regard to the tesms of this Qeed of Trt�st or . , k�_.�._ <br /> _ � the Note without that Bortowers consent and without teleasing that Borrower or modifying this Dced of Tncst as to that Hortowers interest in . _,,_?-:— <br /> ',1 �e��� Wpttce,ExceQY fot any notice required under appticable law to be gtven in another manner,(a)any notice to Borrower provided -� - ;� <br /> � for in this Deed of Tnut shall be given by delsvering it or by mailing such notice by certi£ed mail addressed to Borrower ai the PraRertY Address � _ <br /> or at such other address as Botrower may designate by notice to Lender as provsded herein,and(b)any notice to I.ender shall be given by , . , _�_ <br /> cxrtified mail to I.enders address stated hesein ar to such other address as lxnde*maY desiSiate by notice to Borrower as pmrided herein.Any =.:�;�X <br /> •� noUCe provided for in this Deed of Trusc sha11 be deemed w have been given to Boirower or Lender when given in the manner desi g n a t e d herein• . . .. ..� '':; • ,r� <br /> 13. Goveming state and local laws applicxible to this Deed of Trust shail be the laws of the jurisdiction in :� .����: <br /> ` which the Pmperty is located.'lt�e foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicability of Federal Iaw to tbis Deed of Trust In the event thaz any ':���_. <br /> ' � provision or clause of this Deed of Tnui or the Note conflicts arith applicable law.such conflict sha11 not affect other provisions of this Deed of �. ��_._- _ <br /> Trust or the Nate which can be given effeci without the conflicting pmvision,and to this end the prerisions of this Beed of Tnsi and the Note ��,. ; ___„^^_'. ;� . <br /> aze dectazed to be severable.As used herero,"costs","expenses"aad"�ttomeys'fees"include aSl s+�s:o the e�ctent rat prohbited by applicabte •�`:- <br /> law or limited hentin. ,, �"�,w �. .....'�F,�;. <br /> y�lv:,�i,..;�E.•�- _y: <br /> � 14. Borrowet's Copy.Borrower shall be fumished a confom�ed copy of 2h�1\ote and of t�is De�d of Trast at the time of�xecution ?.:��;�;,:;:�y�4a�,}w � ,r., �.; <br /> s �wn:�:�.. • <br /> �•.��!!y;��, i .. <br /> or aP�recordation hereof. '";`,'�,"��}�,���.$ ��,� �,:- <br /> . . 15. Rehabllitatton Loan Agreemeat Borrower sha3� fidfiU all of Sorrowe�s obfigations tm d e r a ny h o m e re h a bilitatio n, ,,:��,��_,:� <br /> � improvement,repair,or other loan agreement nfi*_�a Bortower e��s into with Lender.Lender,at I.endets option,may require Borrower to --,.-......-u—"_ <br /> ._:�....:.„-•;;;--•— <br /> - e�cecute and deliver to a fotm acceptable 2o ri.e�der,an asrigmnent of any rights,claitns or defenses whic6 Borrower may have against � ' ;•�. �� : <br /> • parties who supply labor,materials or services in r,�nirzction with i�provements made to the Prtsperty. - -+:, `.:,i <br /> 16. Transfer of the PWperty or a Ben�'ti�al lnteres4 a�Barroe'er If all or any part of the Property or any intaest in it is sold or 4 ' �,—; <br /> uansferred(or if a beneficial interest in Bomower is sold or trar.��and Bormwer is not a aatural pe�son)without Lcnde�s prior written — - <br /> consent,Levder may,at its opfion,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Trast.However,this option shall not <br /> ' be exer�ised by f.ender if exercise is prohbited by fedetal!aw as of the date of tLis Dced of Ttust. , _ . <br /> �� If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Botrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 , <br /> � days fram the date thz r.atice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all susns secured by this Deed of Trust If Borrower fails to � „ •,��.�.� . ., <br /> pay tan�sums pri�r t�the ezpisa�a�of fhis period,Lender may civoke as�y remedies permitied by this Deetl of Trust without further notice or ��.__,:•J <br /> � desaud an Borrower. ,.",",�",' _ <br /> e <br /> NON-UN�ORM COVEiJANfS.Bonower and I.ender fm�:er covenant and agee as follows: ,•'�""?�_: <br />� 17. Accetenttoa;Remedtes. Bxcept as pmrided in paragrapb �6 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of aay codenaz►t or agreement of '=.. :mr�: <br /> � Borrower in this Dced of Tnist,including the wvenants to pay when due any sums secured by this De�d of Tn�,Bander prior to accelerarion :; .._:v.-� <br /> shsll give notice to Borrower ac provided in paragraph 12 haeof speeifj+ing.(1)the breach;(2)the action required to ewe such breaeh;(3)a ��:{,. :. �_ <br /> � dz.+z,not tess thari 10 days from the date the notice is maited to Borrower,6y wfiieh sucb breach must be cured;and(4)that fail�ue to cure such ' _'`t . � <br /> breach on or befare the date specified in the notice may resuh in acceleration of the sums sec�tted by this Deed of Tcust and sale of the Property - , ��_' <br /> � ' 'fUe aorice shall further inform Borrmver of the right to reinstate after accelerarion and the right to bring a eourt adion w essert the nonexistance .�;�. ` <br /> of a default or any osher defense of Borrower to acce(eraiion and sale.If the breach is not cured on ar before the date specified in the notice, ;s;,:= � <br /> • Lender,at Lende�s optian,may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediatety due and payt►ble without furthcr demand � � �� � -�l�:;___. <br /> ,, and�say invoice the power of sale and any other remedies peTmitte3 by applicable law.Lender shal)be entitled to collect alI reasonable cost9 and �'�� <br /> ea�sr.r�,inc�rred in pursuing the rrmedics pmvided in this paeag*aph 17,including,but not limited to,rasonable attomeys'fees. �._��-�� <br /> If Lender invokes the power of sal�Lender shall eaecutr as cause Trustze to execvte a wdtten norice of the occutrence of an event of ��--- <br /> dcfault and of Lendets election to cause the Property to be sold aad sha11 cause such norice to be tecorded in esch county in which the Properey �''��,.;,_._ <br /> . or some part thereoY is locaicd.Lender or Truscee ' ' mail cupies of such noda ia the manner prescdbad bY x��.i�bls law.Sn�ster shall give _ ...: ����:�'.: <br /> � • public notice of sale to the persons and in the mannzr prescribed by applicable iaw.After the lapse of such dme ss m,�y ba nquired by applicable , .. .���- <br /> 1aw,Trustee.without demand on Bortower,shall sell the ProFery u pu b lic auction to t he hi g he�bi d der a t t h e t i m e a n d p l a c e a ad under the .`� -' � : ';"`,` <br /> . tenns dcsignated in the notiee of sale in one or more parcels and i�such order as Tcustee may detennine.Tcustec may postpone sale of all or uny •'':1`r':'�=�.-�.'-� <br /> � parcel of the Propercy by public announcement at the 6me and place of any pTeviously scheduled sale. Lender or Lender's designa may <br /> ' punhase the Property at any sale. , . .. ,_ <br /> . .:;. Tmstee shall deliver tti the purcl�aser Trustee's deed wnveying the Property so sold without any covenant or werranry,expressed or � <br /> imglied.'Iiie recitals in the ltustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.Trustee shall apply the .,.y'�`��:: <br /> p_�a�ds of the sale in the following order.(a)to all reasonable costs and eapcnses of the sale,includin�,but not limited to,reasonable Trostee's ':. .'• _ '� .,,� � <br /> ar��'.:omeys'fces and cos�ts of title evidence:(b)to all sums sec�.-�by this Deed of TrusG and(C)the excess,if the person or petsons ri, _�. <br />` � le�lyendtledthereto. ���,t'�' +�"�-� <br /> , '.:.�:;._-��;- <br /> 18, Borrower's WgF�t to RelnsWte.l�otwithstanding l.ende�s accelernrion of the sums seuued by this Dced of Trust due to '��° . td, <br /> ` Baaower's bzeach,Borrower shall have the ri�'�:e�have any proceedings begun by Lender to enfosce this Deed of 7tust discontinued at any � w��y;,.;:_.-� " �•Y-- <br /> �• �i' r_^�:prior to the earlier to occur of(i)the fiM day�efore sale oFty:Property pursuant to the power of sale oonreined in this Dee�of Trust or(ii) �'��• �'"' <br /> � �of a judgnent enforcing th:s 3a:�.d of Tnut if:(a)Borrov•¢r pays l.ender all sums which acuA be then due under this Beed of Tnist arcd � ��`��`� � <br /> ��: . . <br /> � �'�:'��te had no accelerarion oaw-rd;(b)Boaower cures all t:.aci-s of any other covenants ar$ye�-nente of Borrower con��a3 in this Deed '��""1. : . ., <br /> • 'nrl'`.��%Ai+�FiY�f�P,,ir�.�.._.. <br /> � r of Trusr,(c)Borrower pays all masonable expenses incurred by Lender and Trustee in enforr.�3��e wvens�nts and agea-.�rs of Bflnower _.�w,,;�. ..:.,.;�: . • • <br /> � • cantained in this U=ed of Trust,and in enforcing Lenders and Trustec's remedies as provided in pnragaph 17 hemoY,inctuding,but not limi:cd � <br /> . to,reasonable att�:��_ys fees;and(d)Bonower�xes such action as Lender may s:,.:��nably reqvire to assure that t�'�e tien of this Deed of Truss, , � <br /> � L.ende�'s intaest in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums seacred by this Deed of Trust shall conpnue unimpir�.Upon such �� , <br /> payment and cure by Borrower,this Deed of Trust and the obligations secured f:ereby shall re:m�in full force and effect as if r.o acceleration � <br /> � had occumod. <br /> - • `. f•-.. <br /> ' '. � r:.-- <br /> � ' �l:. <br /> NEBRA.SI{A-SECOND MORTGAGE-1/80 FNNIA/FfII.MC UNIFORM INSTRIJMEN Page 3 of4 Fotm 32i28 --°---—'- <br /> • � _ <br /> — �----�-----�., , - � - • - . • ... . � ..-- ----.,. . <br /> � ' � ' • ' '. . . .. :. .. � . `, . . <br />