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201107845 <br /> In tha event of loss, Borro�ver shall givc LenJ�r immediate ootice uy maiL I,ender may make proof ol�loss if <br /> not inadu promptiv by Borro���er. Lacf:ii�surance company concerned is hcrc6y auihorizcd and direeteci to <br /> make payment for suoh losa dirrcUy lo L.euder, instend of co Borrmvu� and to Lcnder joimly. All or ony part <br /> oFthe insuranec proc�eds m�v be applied by Lende.r, at its nption, either(..)to thc rcduclioi�� olthe <br /> indebtedncss under the Nu[c nnd ihis Sccurity ]nstrumem, �r;t to any delinquent amo�mis applied in the <br /> order in paraeraph 3, and [he�i tn prcpnymcnl uf priricipnl, or(bi to the restoraiion or rcpair ul�Lhe damaged <br /> Pruper�y. �ny application ni'the proccads[o the princi�til shrll not extend or posCpone rhe duc dtitc ef tl�c <br /> monlhly payments tir-hich are referrecl to in paruernph 2, or chan.,�,e the amounc o'Fsuch payn�enLs. Ai�}� c�cess <br /> inaurnnec piaceecls orer an amouot raquired Co pny s11 outstandiog i�deb�ed�ess under tha Note and diis <br /> Smuriry lnstrument sh�ll be paid[o the en2ity legally cn[i[lcd lhcrulo. <br /> M the event of Fnrcclosurc oI this S�wuriq� lnstrurnent or other transfer nf titic to Lhc Property lhat <br /> ertiiiguishes che indebtadness, all righi, tille zn:l in�erest oF 13m�rower in and to insurnn�c E7uliuies in force <br /> sh211 pass to the purchaser. <br /> 5. �ccupancy, Preservation, Maintenance anc; Protection of th� Frape:ty; Borrowzr"s Loan <br /> Appfie?+YiOn; Leaseholds. Borrowcr �hall occupy, estt�blish, and use the Prnpeity as Borrowcr'a principal <br /> residei�ce within sixty days after the ex�uLioi� ol lhis Security Instrument (or within sixLy dm�s uC<i la�er s�le <br /> or Lrai�sfer ot the Yroperty) ¢nd shall cnntinuc to occupy lhe Properly as Liorrn�uer's principnl residence lix <br /> a[ lcasl une pear af�er Lhe date of occupancy, unless Lcndcr dcLCrn�ines thai requirement �a�ill causc unduc <br /> hardship fnr Bo�rowcr. or unicss-exicnuuting circums'tances e�isc��vhirh arc 6cyond Borrower's control. <br /> Borrower ahall nntil'y Lender nf any extenuating ciromnst:vnc�s. L�orrower sh¢II nnt commit ��vaslc or dcslruy, <br /> d�magz m' Substantially ch¢nge the Property nr allu�v Lhe Propert; to deterioiate.. rcavnna6lc we:ir tmd tear <br /> eseepted. Leuder may inspecc the Pro�ierty if the ProperL}' is vacnnl or abandoned o�thc loan is In defaull. <br /> I,ender may tzikc rcNSOi�n61c ew�ion to prolect and presen�e such vacant or ab:mdoned Propert��. 13orrower <br /> shall alsn be in defaulL il Burruwer. chiring the loa�i applicacion process. g��-emaleri211y falseor inaccuratc <br /> inY'orination nr statemen[s [o Lender(ur lailed to procide I.ender �a�ith any mziLerinl ioCorm�tion) in <br /> connection with the loan evidenccd by thc]JuLe, including. but not limited to, rcprescnlnliuns concerning <br /> 13orro�a-er's occupanay ofthe Properiy n�a principal residence. If Chis Security [nsh-umcnt is on 1 teasehold, <br /> Borro�tier shall cnmply �rith thc provisions of the lense. If L�orro�+�er acquires fac lillc lo ihe Property, the <br /> leasehold and 7=ee titie shall not Lc mergcd unlcss Lcnder agrees to the meroer in wrf[ing. <br /> 6. Condet'cnation. Tha proceed.s o'f any award ur claim Ivr dnrnages. direcY or a>nsequcnLial, in cunnection <br /> with airv cundcmnation or o�her taking oVanp part nf thc Pro�crL;-, or lor caiveyance in ptace of <br /> condcmnnlion, nre hereby assigned and shall ba pt+id to Lci�dcr Lu the extenc aFthe Pull ainuunt uC lhe <br /> indcbtcdncss th�tt rem�ins unpaid under trcNotc and �his S�curily ]nstrument'.. I,ender shail �pply auch <br /> proceeds to the rcductiun ol the Sndeb�edness under the A'oie and this Sccurity Instrume.nt, first to any <br /> delinqucnt ainnunts appGcd in lhe o!�der provide�i in parzgraph 3, znd Utcn iu prepayment of principal_ nny <br /> apnticslian uC thc proceuis to [he prinoipal shali not estcnt� or puslpone Itie due daPe nt thc mnnthly <br /> payments, which arc rclbrred to in paragra{�h 2- nr change thc amuLrol of such payments. Am- ascess <br /> proceeds ovcr nn amuiml required hi pa�-all outstanding indcb[edncss under the Note and this Sccurity <br /> Bish�umait shxll bc ptiid Lu the eutity legaliy entitled thereto. <br /> 7. Charges to Borrower and Protec4ion at' L.end��'s Rir�hts in ihe Proper[y. Ba�ru+ver shnl I pay 211 <br /> gnvernmental nr munici�xl charges. 13i�es and impositinns that are not includcd in para�rnph 2. f3nrrower <br /> shall pa,y these obtiaa[imis un lime direolly to the enti[p which is owcd lhcpayment. ]f Failure to pay woutd <br /> adversel}� affect Lendcr's in�cresl 3n lhc Pruperty, upon I.ender'e rcqucst [3orrov.�er sh:�ll ��romptly furnish ta <br /> I,er�der receipts �vidcncing ihcsc pziymems. <br /> If Borrower iails[o makc Lhcsc pnymc�ts or the�iayments required by pnragrnph 2, or fails tn perform any <br /> nth�r covcnxnLS xi�d ngr�r.ments contained in Lhis Security InstrumcnL. or lhera is a legal proceeding that may <br /> zo�.'-mizszs �nnoaornnin^.ese^�a� a2s] <br /> Fl IP.Mutlpa2a W'.TH ANEfL�-NE P.eviseJ i198 4naitled I104 <br /> VP.�IF m `✓VAPi�VfVE);11�51 <br /> 'NOlte�s Kiuwa'Flnaecl:.l Scrvices Pagr c of t 0 <br />