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�' �-�� '� <br /> � _- �� �� <br /> DEED R�CORD � <br />� 28418—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> a <br /> WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY STAT$ OF NEBRASKA, l ss. Entered in Numeric«l Index and f iled f or record in the oJf ice <br /> of Grand 1sland, Nebraska HALL COUNTY f of the Register of Deec�s of saicl C'ounty, the 8 clay <br /> TO of Mareh , t9 52 at l00'�lo�k and IS minutes A. Nl., and duly recorded <br /> in Book 92 of Deeds on page 490 . <br /> Murry Heim and � R • �� <br />' egester of Deeds. <br /> Margaret Hei.m ,r` <br /> �fi. <br /> Deputy. <br /> Warranty Cemetery Deed <br /> in <br /> � W�STLAVVN I�IEI�IORIAL PARK <br /> of Grand IsIand, Nebraska, <br /> a cemetery association incorporatecl under the cemetery Iaws of the State of Nebraska <br /> THIS INDENTURE: lvlade this 30th day of August A. D., �g50 , <br /> bEtween WESTLAWIV lvIE1�IORIAL PARK CE1�'IETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASK�A, First Party, <br /> �r�d Murry Heim and Margaret Heim, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in co�mnon, with <br /> right of survivorship , Second Party. <br /> WITIVESSETH: That First Party for ancl in consic�eration of the su.m of <br /> One hundred dollars and other valuable considerations DOLLARS <br /> the receipt whereof is hereby ackn.owledg�ed, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey anc� confirm unto the Second Party <br /> and to Second Party's heirs and assigns or to heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, Lot number <br /> 3?9 spaces 4-5 and 6 section ftDt� of WESTLAWN 1�'IEI�'IORIAL PARK <br /> of Granc� Islanc�, 1VebrasTza, situatec� in HaII County, 1Vebraslza, a cemetery to be used for interment purposes only, being so dedicated <br /> and declared, t�.e Plat of said eemetery being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County; Nebras�a. <br /> Th�s deed is sub�ect to alI Iaws of the Stat,e of Nebraska, and to aII by-�aws, rules and regulations of WESTLAWN <br /> MEMORIAL PARK CEI�IETERY of Grand Island, Nebraska, anc� to any changes in said Iaws, by-Iaws, rules and regulations. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described for interment of only tTi,e W�ite Caucas�an Race, <br /> Any trans f er of title o f any part of the above deseribeel property shall not be valic� until the same has been reeorc�ed upon <br /> the books of the First Party. <br /> WESTLAWN 1�'IE1�'IORIAL PARK CEI�'IETERY �F GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, �.ereby covena�ts and agrees <br /> to and with the Second Party and with the h.eirs and assigns of the Seconcl Party, at the time of th,e execution �.nd delivery <br /> of these presents it is Iawfully seized of said premises; that it has good right and Iawful authority to convey the sam,e; that t�ey <br /> are f ree f rom encumbrance and First Party does hereby covenant ta warran.t ancl de f end t�ie premises against the Iaw f uI claims <br /> of alI persons whomsoever. <br /> WESTLAWN 1vIE1vIORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, agrees to furnisTi perpetual <br /> care, aclministration ancl maintenance of the above described premises as provided by its by-Iaws. <br /> TN WITIVESS WHEREQF, The said WESTLA�VN 1vIEM4RIAL PARK CEI�IETERY OF GRAND ISLAIVD, <br /> 1VEBRASKA, has h.ereunto caused its corporate seal to be af f ixed and thes,e presents to be signed by its president the day and <br /> ear irst above written. <br /> v f <br /> WESTLAWN 1�IFMQRIAL PARK CENiETERY QF �RA1VD ISLAIVD, NEBRASI�A <br /> ($.55 I. R. STAMPS) (CORP) By Ray M. Higgins <br /> (CANCELLED ) (SEAL) Presiclent <br /> STATE OF 1VEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF HALL <br /> Ori, 30th c�ay of August � i9 50 � <br /> before me the undersic�ned, a notary pu,blic, in and for said county and state, personally came Rap M. Higgins <br />� <br /> President o,f VVestlawn 1�'Iemorial ParTi Cemetery of Grand Island, NebrasTza, to me personally Iznown to be the President and <br /> the ic�ent�eal person whose name is af f ixed to the above conveyanee, ancl ac�enQwledged the execution t�ereof to �ie �,is voluntary act <br /> arul deed as suc� officer ancl the volunta.ry act and deed of the said Westlawn 1VIemarial ParTz Cemetery of Grand Islanc�, Nebraska, <br /> and that t�ee corporate seal of th.e said westlawn 1�'I,emorial Park Cem�tery of Grancl Island, Ne�iraska, tuas thereto affixec� �y its <br /> authority. <br /> WITIVESS my hanc� and notarial seal the day ancl year last above �vritten. <br /> (SEAL) John R. Higgins <br /> My commission e.xpires Sept. 6, 1.955. 1Votary Public <br />