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.. ... . . , . ,. <br /> , , ',�,r., �� i, � .. � , ,� <br /> _. . - :i!`}•� � '• �-(;^ $J r•� - ;S_ � ' -.- <br /> -•�'�'• ' , • '.r t�.� ' � . .. " _. . .C._ - .' - r�:lt ���ti.;; <br /> ,�w�ea',.•. . <br /> , , _ . . , . ..•r?-.. <br /> . .. �np7i4..,. <br /> ..�-�roi... _.. <br /> 9�3�- ��js.lzs . ��:�::__�-T_ <br /> COVENANTS __ <br /> '�;�:.�="=`�.��° <br /> 1. PaymN►U. Borrower agrees to meke all p�ymsntt on the �acurod debt when due. Unlosa Borrower and Lender agree otherwise, any , - _ <br /> payments Lender receives from Borrowar or tor Borrow�r's bsn�ilt wlll be appllAd fint to any amountt Horrower owet on the eecured debt ,;�•'?fit'•�i,: <br /> notlredure or exc ne�anyrlecheduied�ayminttunt�the�eau�ed debt�e�palld�in tull�� prep�yment of the secured debt occu�a for any reeson,It wtil " <br /> :.�.�;,: ,. <br /> 2.CINmi Apaintpt Tltls.Borrowor wi�pay all texee,aa�oa�ment�.end othor charpee atlributabte to the property when duo and will defend title <br /> � defenaea wh ehaBorrower mey hev ape nst pet��pw oiupply IaboNor materleis to Imp ove oeyme ntarin therpropsrtyassiyn any rights,claims or ,;.� <br /> .�1� <br /> 3. Insurana�. Borrower will keep the property Imured und�r tarms acceptabla to Lender et Botrower's expenae en d fo r L e n d e r s b e n e f i t. A l l „ __ <br /> ineurance policles ahalt Includ�a etand�rd mortp�0�al�ute In favor o}Lender.Lendet wW be named as loas payee or en the insured on any such -- <br /> � I or�to the sscured dabt�If Lender requlres�mortp�p�P su�ancet Borrowsr�ep e�a�rto�mefnttlnteuchhnauratnce for as long es Lendererequres roperty =___ <br /> { 4.Property.8orrower wili keep the propeny In pood condlclon end meke eli repelrs reasooably necessary. __ <br /> •••""'r� 6,Exp�nt�s.Borrower apree�to poy all Lend�r'��xp�n�es Inalud�np n��on�61e sttorneys'fees,if Borrower breaks eny covenants In this dead � _ <br /> �.� • '� of trust or In any abllgatlon iecured by tfila doad cf trutt. �orrower wlil pay thete amounte to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this dead of . <br /> trust. <br /> • 8.Pria S�curity Int�r�itt. Unlett Borrower flrst obtaln� Lmder'�wrltten con�ent,8arower will not meke or permit any changes to any prior .,.. - <br /> � secu►ity intereets. Bo�rower wlll pat(orm nil o} Borrow�r'�obltp�tlom under eny pria mongage, deed of trust or other security agreement, . . . __ <br /> Includinp Borrower'�coven�nt�to m�ks payme�t�when dw. ; ;= <br /> ; � T.Assi�nm�nt of R�nu and Pro}Its.9arrower aeelpns to Lender the rnnts end proflti ol tho property.Unless Borrower and Lender have agreed <'�� - <br /> otherwlse ln writinp, 8orrowsr mey coltent and rotsfn the renta n lonp a� Borrowet It nat tn defauit. If Borrower defaults,Lender, Lendor's - <br /> � apent,or a court eppolnted recelvet may tsk� poiss�tlon�nd m�nage the property Ind colieat the renta. Any rents Lender coliects ahall be <br /> epplied flrat to the costs of manapinp the property. Includlnp coun coste and attorneys' tees, comrniseiona to rentai agents, and eny other <br /> ; , necesaery related ezpense�.The remeflifnp amount of nnts wfll then e�piy to peymente on the secured debt ae provided in Covanent 1. . <br /> ( 8.L�s��hoids•Condominiumt;Pl�nn�d Unit D�v�lopmmt�.Borrower aareos to comS ly with the provisions of any lease if thfs deed of trust Is on �y i� <br /> � underthe�co enanta bv�AWeua�►eguladonsfof the co�ndomin�um or plannod untt develol�o'p n`nt, Bonower wfll perform all of Borrower's dutles <br /> � 9.putt,ority of��nd.�tc p��form fa BorrowK.If Borrow�r f�lls to�srform�ny of Borrow�r'i dutles under this deed of uust, Lander may ,�� <br /> � perform the duties or cauce them to be porformed. Lander mey elpn orrower'R mm�or p�y any amount if necae�ary tor perfarmence. If any �_ <br /> securi t y interest In the p opartyaTh�snm�Y includa compbting the aonstrua+tlanmann�r,lendu m�y do wh�tsver Is necessary to protect Lender's <br /> � . .i __= <br /> � � Lender's faiiure to perform wili not proclude Lender fram oxeralsing eny of Its other rlghu under the law or thi�deed of trust. __ <br /> � � I and will beatr inte�restyfrom�th tdapepof the payment untY�pa dtin full etithe�intereft�rete InleHiot onfthe iecured debt unts wilt be due on demund <br /> �•� I 10. Qdault md Acc�br�tlon. If Borrower fallt�oom,mortaa ePorYdeed of t�u�tuLendirrme�eocelerete�the6matueiry oif theeseeured debt end � <br /> obilpatlon secured by thia dead ot trust or any p Y o Y Iloable lew. � <br /> � demsnd Immedlete payment and mey Invoke the power of�de and en other remedlss pNml ed by app <br /> R' <br /> '4 � 11,R�qu�st tor Notic�of D�f�uit.It Is hereby requetted that coplea of the notfca� of default and�ale be sent to eech person who fs e party <br /> -� hereto,at the address of each such person,at set forth hereln. <br /> 12.Pow�r of 8N�.If the Lender Invokes the power of saU, the Trurtee shall fi►st record In the offlca of the repitter of deeds of each county <br /> � wheretn the truat propertY or some p�rt or percel thereof le sltuated a notice o}def�uit aontdnln the infarmation requfred by lew.The Trustee - <br /> ahall aleo mall coples ot the notice of defeuii tu ti�ie 3orr�war,ia aach par:an �ha!s a psrt;�reto,en!�rn oth�r peraona as p�nat�bn any <br /> � applicebin Iew. Not lees then one month aiter the Trustee recorde the notice of dehutt or two months if the trust property I <br /> Incorporoted city or vilkye ind la used in farminp aperationo carrled on by the truetor,Ihe fruste��hdl plve publio notice of eale to the persone <br /> i end in the manrtsr preecribed by appplicable law.Tru�tee,withaut dem�nd on Borrowa, shdl s�ll ths property at publio suotlon to the highsst �"== <br /> bidder.If required by tha Farm Homestead Protectton Aat,Tru�tee ahell offsr the proarty In two saperate ulss a�requlred by appitcable Iaw. ��; <br /> Trostee may postpone eale of ell or any paroel of the property by puNlo ennounaement at the ttme end place ot any previouely scheduled aaie. � <br /> Lender or ito designee msy purchase the property st��y sale. �_.: <br /> `� Upon receipt of psYment of the price bid,Trustee shaY deiiver to the purchaser Trutte�'t d�ed conveying the property. The recitlals c�ntalned in 1Q-- <br /> Trustee'a deed shall be prima}ecle evidience of the truth of the�tatements contafned thereln.Tru�teu shall eppty the proceeda of the sale in the . <br /> �� rolns1tat ment foea���b)to�all eu naasecu ed by thie�d ee dlu�dlnp,8buend Icl�thot balence tlif y blo the pe�soni legilly entltledltoaecelve�i feea end <br /> !, 13. Fonc�o�un.At Lender's option,thls deed of tru�t may be toreclosed In the menner provide by applicable law for forecloture of mortgaqes <br />_ . I on reel property. <br /> t <br /> I 14. Imp�otlon.Lender mey enter the property to inspect It If Londer glves Borrower notice beforehand. The notice muat atete tha reaaonable <br /> cause for Lender'�Inapectwn. <br /> � 16.Cond�mmUon.Borrower e4eign�s to Lender the proceeda oi any eward or clelm for Asmipet connected wlth a condemnatlon or other takinp <br />_ ot ali or eny Dart of the property.Such proceeds wili be applied ee provided In Covemnt 1.Tlils�ulOnment I�oub�eot to the terms of any prlor <br /> 1 i security egreement. __ <br /> � � 18,W�iv�r.By exe�cleing any remedy avaliable to Lendet,Lender does not glve u eny riqhts to leter use any other remedy.By not exercising -__- <br /> any remady upon Borrower's defeult,Lender does not walve any ripht to later cornPder the event e dstsult If It hsppens eyefn. <br /> 17. Jolnt �nd S�v�ral LI�bility Co•iipn�rr, Suaass�ors md Asdpm Bound. All dutbs under thls deed of truot ero�ofnt and several. Any <br />�r Bortower who co•aigns this deed ot trust but dooa not co•aipn the underlyinp debt inetrumentle) doss �o only to prant end convey that r <br /> Borrower'a intereet in the property to the Trustee under the terma of thls deed oT truet.In�dditlon,such e Borrower agreea that the Lender and <br /> anV other Barower under thie deed of truet may oxtend,modify or meke eny other chanpes in ths tarme of thls deed of truot or the secured �,;__ <br /> debt without that Dorrower's conaent end without roleasfng thet Borrowar from the torms of thl�deed of trust. �— -°_�-_ <br /> I The dutles and benofits of thfo deed of trust ahell bi�d and benefit the�uccesaors end aisipnt of Londer and Borrower. ,;,'� <br /> 18.NoU¢�.Unlesa otherwise requlred by law,any notice to Borrower shall be piven by dellverinq It or by malliny It by certified mefl addreaeedto ' ,:,,,�� <br /> � Borrower at the Droperty addresa or anV other eddrees thet Borrower hes given to Lender.Borrower wfll glve eny notice to Lender by cortifled � �._ <br /> mail to Lender's addrees on page 1 of this deed of truet.or to any other addreos whlch l.ender hat de�lpnatnd. Any other notice to Lender sheil ,:+� °' 5:,,�'�. <br /> be sent to Lender's addrese ea stated on page 1 ot thlt deed of trust, <br /> .t�'��M,. <br /> Any notice shail be deemed to have been givon to Barower or Lender whon elvon In tha manner atetad ebove. ._..; �� <br /> 19. Tranat�r of th� Prop�rty or e B�n�fleial Int�nst In th�Borrow�r.If ail or eny pert of the property or eny interest In It le eoid or transferrad � , <br /> without Londer's pnor written consent, Lender may demand Immodieto paymont ol the socurod doAt. Londor may nlso domend Immedlete <br /> puymant If the Borrowor Is not a naturai person ond a bonoficfal intorost in tho Barrowor la eold or trnnaforrod. Howover, Londor may not <br /> demand payment In the above situotions if it ie prohibted by fednral law as of tho dnto ot thie dond uf tnist. <br /> 20. R�conwyanc�. When the obligation securod by this deed of trust hos baon pad,und Lundw line no furthnr obllpatfun to muko advances <br /> under the inatrumenta or egraements secured by thla doed of trust,tho Trusteo shaM, upon wntton roquost by tho Londor,roconvoy the truat <br /> property. The Lendor shall deliver to the Borrowor, or to Borrowor's succoasor in intaost,thu truat dood und tho noto ur othor ovfdonco of the <br /> obligetfon so satiefied.Borrowor shali pay any rocordotion costs. <br /> 21. Succ�uor Trust�e. Londer. at Lender's option, mny remove Trustoo and oppoint a aucco�sor trur.too by lirst, madmp o copy of the <br /> substitutfon of trustee as required by eppliceble law,and then,by fIIInQ tho eubotitutlon of trustoa for roeord in tha otficu o(tho ropister of deeds <br /> of each whicfi the'trust property,or aomo part thoroof,is situoted.Tho succoseor tnistoe, witliout convoynnco ol tho proporty,ahalt <br /> � � . . . .__ ....��. .....ti...i�.,o...l�i�ln nf�ho Tr��ctwa namatl in thn f1nn�1 of truYt an�o}Ot1V IILLCCOOIIUt tfU8t00. <br /> � succoea co au uin vv..o.......................... _.._....- - ...- ---- - --.._ <br /> I . _. ..--�— <br /> I <br /> i <br /> � <br /> �pnge 7 0l 2l � <br /> BANKER9 SYSiEMS.iNC..ST CLOUO.MN 66901 Il B00]97�33411 FORM OCP MTO NE 6�19•91 ' <br /> 7 I <br />. f <br /> ` . ' � <br /> r <br /> l <br /> , <br /> - _--Z_ <br />