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__ _____ _ __ _ _ <br /> � _ <br /> �, � . -•- - ray . �. <br /> . . - .t��_4._-_`1�_..asx.�"��l.�_.__--.-- a',.t�.-pw v.�eJ.i.'-y- 'r'�- ._ , .._._,. . -- ,• f -' --''_'--_'���'�e�f-''- � . «�•" -��' <br /> 2 <br /> - �'�ti' ' - . �, _. <br /> . , :9�� ��os�� . ( �� . : � . � _ _,��. <br /> �(HI�IT E , , . - � . <br /> MORTGAGE A�DE6a1DllM � . . • ���"��- <br /> , . . . ,'�� <br /> 'fhe foUowing are addenda to the MoRgage. Ptease chedc the applicable addendum. The addendum chedced shatl be incorporated • ` . �,:.4's;t 1�V--° <br /> ,- into,and recorded with,the Mortgage. The term 'MoRgage' shali be deemed to irtdude 'Oeed of Trust.'if apPltcebte. . . _ �;::3-- <br /> � Flip,RECA and HUD ADDENDUM ONLY „�� <br /> , 1997 , and is inccrporated :;: � <br /> THIS TAX-EXEMPT FI�LaNCING RtD�l�rt�de ths 29�h day r�JanuarV �;�;;: ., :;, a <br /> Deed 'Secvr'sty fnstrumenf') of the same date � ._ -- . � ." <br /> � irttc and shdl be d�eemed to amer.d a-a supptern`n:the Ma:tgage. D�zd of Trust or Security ( . .r <br /> : m <br />=;.;>;- giver� bs i,e undersigned('Borrovref)ta secute Horrower's Note ('Nate'�to Ths Overland Nattonal BanC�ag Gransl Island _ <br /> •`:�. �. <br />,.,�� r . `_�-;:_-;�:=�--. <br /> � ` ('LendeY)of the same date and covering Ue property desaibed in the Security Instrument and located at 823 W 14th St�88t. _ _ ,,�z,., .. <br /> -" Geand Istanal NE 68801 � �pem, ��5� : -• . rr� �.� <br /> �:. <br /> (n add�lon to the covenants end agreemerts made fn the Securiry Instrumen� BoRawer end Lender turther covencint and agreo to amend ",, �" ,'�� : <br /> ' Paragraph 8 of the Model Mortgags Fortn. entiUed'C;rounds tor AcneleraUon ot Debt" as by adding addiUonel qrounds for acceteraUon as , .,��,`,,,;�•r.�i . <br /> . foilows: : ' "° �.s'.�:�^ •� <br /> Lender. or such of its successors or assigns es may by separate InsUument assnme responsibitdy for assudng compllan� by the � ; <br /> Botrower wtth the provisions of Yn(s Tax-Exempt Flnandng Rider, may require immedlats payment in fuU of all sums cecured by this ';'� �,�.;��..,-,:- .:� <br /> �_�:- - �.- <br /> � Securily InsVument H: � � -•'�'�'�--�'=�- <br /> (a) All or part ot the Prop°.rty is sold or othervuise transterted by Borrower to a purchaser or other Uansterae: ��^r�}:.:;;�„�g_ <br /> O Who cannot reasonabty be e�ected to accupy the property as a p�inclpa�residence within a reasonable tfine after tha sele or ''- ;. �. .•�-• <br /> ' . transfer.ail as pmvided in Sectlon 143(c)and n(2)of fhe Intemal Ravenue Code:or •`��•`"'`"�� _,----r <br /> n Who has had a present ew►sership interest in a pdncipal restdence dudng any part of the three�year period ending on the �•_,�.�.��_:�;,. <br /> � date of tho sale or Qansfer, all es provided in Section 143(�end(�(2) of the Intemal Revenue Code(except that'100 percent' sha0 be _ __ f�'r•��• <br /> " :�.:-- <br /> subst�uted tor'85 percent or more'where the latter appears tn 3ectton 143(djjl))or - ;��; <br /> � (�q At an acquisiUon cost which is greater than 90 percent of tBe averags area purchase price (greater than 110 percent for r .— <br /> t a r geted area residences),all as provided in SecNon 143(e)end(q(2)of the Intemel Revenue Code; or '�,.�. .� <br /> (iv) VYho has a gross tamity incortse in excess o f t he app G c a b le p e r c e M a g e o f a p p l i c a b l e m e d i a n f a m i i y i n c o m e a s p rov(ded in _ ;, _ _ <br /> Secdon 143(Q and [:E2?01 the Irtema!Revenue Code;or � ` <br /> . � (b) BorraHer fals to oax:�y the PraPzrtY desedbed (n the 3ecurity Instrument without pdor wr's�2*t consent of Lende► or fts <br /> Rider or '�'`•;_��'�•, �- <br /> ''' successors or assigns descn'h��t�•e beg:r.ning of this Tax-Exempt Finandng . <br /> ,`•���..�. (c) Bortawer omits or misrep'�°-n's a tact that is materisl wfth resped to the provis:ans �Seara'n 143 oi the intemal Revenue :�F�';Sy�..;;;�3��,}�`,;�:�` <br /> ,� '� '� '�1 <br /> Code in an applieatlon tor the loan secured by this Secufty Instrument ^�+ r �%�+ j�,_": <br /> ,'•(': '�,f <br /> References are to the Intemal Revenue Code as amended and in eNect on the date of issuance o}6onds,the proceeds ot which �����.�k•: <br />- •. .�.,,i;::._ <br /> will be used to finance the SQa�-;.�r Insburrient and are deemed to include ffie tmplemenUng regulatlons. • � �.,:,,,.�- <br /> �1:;". ;•:.r:`'�;,,�` <br /> BY SIGNINO BELOW,Borrowa accepts and agrees to the t�rt►a and provisions in this Tax-6cempt Flnancing Ridec �!it:;•;-- <br /> . . ._ lN� �' � ` � x�'="-- <br /> (SFAL) �.��,�.,1, •-:�,. <br /> �r <br />' - Bovower J� ,T09I�9 '�'�2'��'•�.`- <br /> . ,;'^ <br /> , .Y_ � 1�'=• <br /> .�,;.., . r: -- <br /> ($EAL) ttit,�. :_ °' <br />.:� •. BOROWE/ � �^��t�t..�_ <br /> ,'.._-.._.—r �.���. <br /> ❑ CONVENTIONAL MORTQAtiE LOAN ADDENDUM ONLV ���'��~'`'�" ��•�- <br /> p�ro �-s�er..��r::. <br /> TFt13 TAX-E�M?'f FINANCINQ RIOER Is rn��3 this day o1 . and Is incorpomted into and -_ ______ <br /> _E . . �'": <br /> sha11 be deemed to amend end supptemant the'Mo�tgage, Qeed oi Trust ar Securi:y Deed('Securiiy tns�vment') ot the same date given by ` �.,�., <br /> ". the undersigned('Bonower°)4o secure 8ortorrc�'s No te('No te')t o 1''�'� . <br /> ��\'�" �:5:�.�... <br /> ��KT �I'�.1: . �� l:� .. . <br /> � , ('Lender')of the same date end cover�yg t?:a„�,��erty descri6ed In the Securfty Instrument and loca:ed zt Ty. • � � <br /> .�� '�:�A,.�-w�: <br /> ' �vroverty aaarass� �.�°"� <br /> - , i . `,-. " .a'i*"�� r - <br /> �4�'y:'~ <br /> � In addttlon to the covenants an0��azments r.:ade in the Security Instrument. Borrovrer an9 Lender turther covenant and agree to amend ,,,f.�r�n,;�_,�;����" <br /> i..k.... I.�.4 s..�.�, <br /> � � panagraph 17 0}the Unitortn Morty�3 Forr.i. e^�Ued 'Transter of the Property as a 8enefic)al lrrterest In 8ortower' as by adding additional • ��_ ,�E.a <br /> grounds for acceleration as toUows: •,��am•°=�_ <br /> �..,,.,., . <br /> � Lender, or such of its successors or assi�s as may be separate instrvment assume responsibil'ity for assudng compliance by lhe ...�,��•- � <br /> E3orrower v�fth the provfsions o; t"s Tax-Exempt Flnancing Rider, may require Immediate payment in fuli of ell sums secured by this _���z�`.�•''—=.. <br /> . . Security instrument il: ` �'-"'�'�`��"'��". <br /> ' � (o) NI or part o1 the Property is sotd or otherwise transterted by 8onower to e purchaser or other transteree: � �?�'�� �=--- <br /> • L�.'• <br /> (� Who cannot reasonabty be expected to occupy the property as a pdnclpal restdence wfthin e reasonable Ume after the _�� <br /> � ' sale or transter,all as provtded in Saction 143(c)and m(2)of the Intemal Revenue Code: or • . � <br /> .ua�;co-�- <br /> � {ii) Who has had a present ownership interest (n e pdncipal residence dudng any part of the threayear pedod ending on the �.`�f�,;� .�_�- <br /> date of the sale or trac�ier, all as provided in Sectlon 143(d) and n(2) ot the Intemal Revenue Code (except that '100 percenY , <br /> shall be sebstituted`cr'85 percent or more' where the tatter appears in Section 143(t�(1): or ' ' " <br /> (i� At a.n acGui�:rt�^ cost which is greatet than the maximum +r�*.s established by the Nebroske Investment Flnance Authoriry �:�'�'. � • <br /> �, (the 'Authority')in csn'.s'°`on with its Progmm,pursuant to which Program this Security� is financed: or •- �. . �r,•---- <br /> �,. <br /> (N) Who has a �oss famiiy ir.come in excess of the maximum Ilmits es���s`ed ty c-� Authority in connection with ils •• •— <br /> -� Program: or � <br /> _ . S�2nG] iv r t vI 2 NIPA YN6 t. __.—_ . _._ <br /> . - �- F7875.Lfu70(11/96) 9 - �_:�� <br /> � � 9700Z . • , �.. ,_� <br /> �.._ <br /> -. ' , _ . .. _ � � .iT . . � . •., . - . <br /> . . - . , , !, � � � � �.�' .. .• �. .. . . 1 � ,. 'r' _ ' '_ .. � .. - . . . . , � _ . <br />