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<br /> �: _�:i... __
<br />� DE�D RECOI�.D
<br />� .
<br /> I 28416—The Auguetine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> .
<br /> WESTLAWN M�MORIAL PARK CEME7'ERY STATE OF N�BRt1SKA, ss. F,ntered in Numerical Index and f iled f or record in the of{ice
<br /> oF Grand IsIand, Nebraska I-IALL COUNTY
<br /> �
<br /> o the Re ister o Deeds o saicl Count the G� cla
<br /> f 9 f f y, �. y
<br /> '�'O of t7L1].y , tg �9 at � o'clock anc�'—�+—minutes p� NI., anc�duly recorcled
<br /> in Boolz y'�4' of Deeds on page �1.�L . G /J
<br />' E. Floyd Nelson & ����� ;y�y✓
<br /> Mabel E• �@I.SOA Regzster of Deeds.
<br /> Deputy. �
<br /> 1��
<br /> War�anty Cemete�y Deed
<br /> in
<br /> V�ES�'L�.A.VVN l�'I�1VIC)RIAI� P.ARK
<br /> o� Grancl IsI�nd, Nebraska,
<br /> a cemetery association incorporatecl under t�e eemetery I�ws o� the State of Ne�raska
<br /> THIS INDEIVTURE: 1�'Iade this2�th day of Jut1e ,f1, j.�„ ig !}9 ,
<br /> between WEST�A WIV 1vIE1�'IORIAL PARK CE1vlETER1� OF GRANp ISLAND, 1VEBRASK�A, First Party,
<br /> and not as ten�,nts
<br /> �►ld E. �'layd Nelson and Mabel E. Nelson husband and wiPe, as �oint �enai����in common, wi'6h
<br /> right oP s�v3vorshlp
<br /> , Second Party.
<br /> WITIVESSETH: That First Party for anc� in eonsic�eratiort of the sum o}�
<br /> �ne dollar and other valuable considerations DOLLARS
<br /> t1�� receigt w�bereo� is �eereby acknowledg�ecl, �ias sold anc� �iy tFtiese prasents eloes grant, convey and confirm unto t�e Second Party
<br /> anc� to second Party's lieirs aricl assi�ns pt• �p hgj,r9 aMd assigns Of th6 SUx'V1VOP Of thetli� i'�r9VeY'� L0t
<br /> number 397 �paQes 2 and 3 section "D�
<br /> Qf Grczncl Islt�nd, Nebras�Za, situated in Hall Counfy, 1Vebraslza, a eemetery tm be used,�or interment purposes vnly, being so clecIieatec�
<br /> and decic�red, t�e Plat of said cemetery being recorded in t�ee of f�ce ef the R�gister of Deec�s of Hall County, N�bras�Za.
<br /> This deec� is subject to a�� la►�s of the Stat�e of Nebraska, and to a�I �►y-Iaws, rules ancl regulations of WESTLAWN
<br /> N1EI�IQRIAL PARK CEMETERY of Grand Island, N�bras�ta, and t� any c�,ang�s in said laws, �iy-�aws, ru�es ancl regu�ations.
<br /> TO HAVE A1VD TO HOLD the premises above describecl f or interment of anly t11,e �lhite Caucasian Race.
<br /> Any trar�sfer of title of a,ny parf of t�.e above deseribed p�roperty shall not be valid until the same �.as been recortxed upon
<br /> the books of tTi.e First Party.
<br /> WE'STLAWN 1vIE1�'I4RIAL PARK CENI'�I'ERY (l'� GR�1ND ISL,A,ND, N,�BRASI�A, hereby eovenan�s and ac�rees
<br /> �o ancl with the Seeonc� Party and with the heirs ane� assigns of the �eeon.d Party, t�aat at t�ee tim.e of the exeeutivn and delivery
<br /> o� these presenfs it is lawfully seizec� af saic� premases; that it has gooc� right and �awfu� aut�.oraty to convey t�e sam,e; t�tat t�ey
<br /> are f ree f rom �ncum�rance ancl First Party does here�iy eover�ant tQ warrant ancl def ered t�e premises against t�e lau�f u� c�aire�ea
<br /> of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> W�S�'LA�1N 1�'IE1vIQRIAL PARK C'ENI��'�RI' QF �RA1�II� ISLANLI, NEBI2ASKA, a�rees to f ur�ish perpetual
<br /> care, ac�ministration and maintenance o f the above deseribed prerraises as pravider��iy its by-Iaws.
<br /> NEBR�S�A, has hereunto caused its corporate seal ta be af f ixecl anc� t�tese presents to �e signecl T�y its presiclent t�te clay and
<br /> year f irst above written.
<br /> (s�L� , , , p� By �,. a. Qerdes �
<br /> �(����a],�,@d � PresicZent
<br /> SS.
<br /> Qn this 2�th cZay of J�.@ , ig �,�,9 ,
<br /> bef ore me the undersigned, a notary pubdie, in and f or sceicl eout�ty* cartcl slate, personallp eam.e L. G. E�erdes
<br /> President o� �est�awn 1�'Iemoria� Par� Cemetery of Grand Is�ar2d, Ne�iraslea, �a rrce personal�y lznown to �e th� President anc�'
<br /> ��ie iden�ictx� �zersan whose nar�e is af�ixed to t1�e above eor��reycance, anc� a;c�r�owlee�ged tl�e execution there��' �o �e l�is vQluntttry ac�
<br /> and tlee� as such of f icer and the �o�ur�tary aet a�d c�eed o� t�ee saed �1estlawn �emcaria� Parl� C`em.etery of Granel Is�anc�, �?e�iraslxcx,
<br /> anc� t�ia�t ��ae ec�rporaEe seal of the saicl Westlawn NI�ma�ical �ar1z �'em.etery t�f Granc� �slancl, Nehraska, e�as thereta af f ixe� by its `
<br /> authortity.
<br /> WITNESS my hancl anc� notarial seal tTi� c�ay c��c� year �ast a�iQVe �erritten.
<br /> �SEAL) W. P. Lauritsen
<br /> � Notary Public
<br /> Gomrnissio� Expires 6-11-52
<br />