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_ '�>';-,r... . . ' � <br /> . • ti•.;�.� --- <br /> DEE[1 OF TRUST Pa9e 5 'Q''''��� <br /> • ' 01z3Q-1998 n � <br /> � ' �Loan No 648808 (Continued) ag- �O1121 � . �":`'- �-� <br /> � Truat a undsr Ihr terms ot the Note not then ropald,indud— ir�ip but eot Ilmited to eccrusd Interesl end ate charpes, (n)atl other eums Ihen` � s <br /> secured hereby,and (Nq the remelnder,It any,to the person a penons lepaUy entitled thereto. I .��ti.""_ <br /> (c) Trustee may in the manner provlded by lew postpone sale o}eu or any portlon of the Properly, - <br /> RMm�dNs Not Exciu�ivs. Trustee and Lender,and each ol Ihem,shall ba eNltled to entorce payment and perfamance of any Indebt�dness __ <br /> or obllpatlons secured by thls D9ed of Trust and to exercise dl riphls and powers under thls Oead of Trust, under the Note,under tny ol the <br /> Related Documants,or under any olher apreement a any lews now a herenrier In force;notwithstandlnq,some or all of such Indobt�dness _- <br /> and obllpatlons�cund by this Deed of Trust may now or h�reaAer be otherwise secured,wMlher by mortpape,de�d of trust,pNd�,��ee, _ <br /> aaslpnmsnt or otFMrwls�. Neither the ac�xptancs of thls Deed of Trust na!ts enforcement,whsltwr by court acUOn or purauant to tM powx ol � __ - <br /> sele or other powsrs contdned In thls Dsod of Trus1,shall prejud�e a in tny manrnr afl�ct Trusleo's a Lender'a rlpht to reaNz� upan a ,t,'�.,�� <br /> enlace eny other security now or hereatter held by Trustee or Lender,I! being epreed that Trustoe and Lender,and eeCh of tlwm, slul W , _.._ _ <br /> entlllsd lo enforco fhls Deed of Trust and any other secunty now a hereoHur held by Londer or Trusloo In such ordor nnd mannor ns they a � _�,`ri�_•� __ <br /> etth�r of th�m rtwy In thelr absolute discrotlon datormine. No nmedy conterred upon a r�swved to Trusts�a Lender, Is Int�ndsd to b� �_.,__ <br /> exclusivs of any other remedy In thls Oesd of Trust or by I�w provided or permided,but woh ahall be cumulative�nd ehati be fn�ddidon to �:=--. <br /> evwy other remsdy piven In this Deed of Trust or now or here�fter exfstiny at Iew a In equity a by stalute. Every power a remedy plvsn by th� r:- <br /> Note or any of the Related Oxuments to Trustoe or Lender a to which elther of them may be otherwise entitled, may be exerGSetl, �3`�� <br /> concurtently or Independently,Irom tlme to time and as aflen as muy be deemed expedlent by Trustea or Lender,and either o}them may . . _ <br /> pursue Inconsistent remedles. NotNnp tn tMs Dead of Trust shall be construed as prohtbi6np Lender irom seeklnp a deflclenay Judqmenl • <br /> apainst the Trustor to the extent such 8ctlon Is permifled by lew. <br /> of Salesu der h�si0 d of Trustbe malled to themrat ih addresses sat lorth en hehfirst pareq 8ph of ihis Deed of Trust nd a copy of a�y Notice ,Y - <br /> W�IVH;Ekcllo�of R�m�di�s. A wahrer by any Darty of a breQCh of a provislon of this Deed of Trust shaN not constitut�a wafwr ot a �:�-: <br /> preJudico the party's riphts othervvise to demend strict compllance with that provislon a any other provision. Eiectlon by Lender to pursu�any _ - <br /> remedy provided In this Deed of Trust,the Note,ln any Related Oocumant,or provlded by law shau not ezclude pursult of any other remady, <br /> and a�olection to m4ke expendltures or to take acUOn to perform an oblipatlon of Trustor under thls Deed of Trust atter faliura of Trustor to ___ <br /> pertorm shall not eftect Lender's righl to declue a default and t�exercise any of its remedies. -.. <br /> Attorneys'Faea;Expena8s. If Lendor InslNutes any sult or eCtion to enforce any of the terms of ihis Deed of Trust,Lender shnll be enUded to . <br /> recover such sum as the court may adJudpe reasonabte as attaneys'tees at trlal and on any appeai. Whether or not any couR actlon b _ <br /> Involved,all reasonable expenses Incurted by Lender which in Lender's opinlon are necassary at any time for the protectiqn of Its Interest or the -______ <br /> enforcemont of Its rights shail beCOme a part of the Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear fnterest at the Note rate hom the dQte d <br /> expenditure until repald. Expenses cqvered by thfs pf►ragraph Include,wNhout Ilmitadon,however subJect to any Iimits under sppliCable law, __ <br /> Lenders attorneys'feos whether or not there Is a lawsuit,Ineluding attorneys'tees tor bankruptcy proceedinps(Includinp eMorts to modly a <br /> � vacate any automatb stay or Injunctlon), flppeals end any anucipated post-Judpment cWlection seMCes, the cost Of seerchlrp records, _— <br /> obtainlny dtie reports pncluding toreclosure reports),surveyors'reports,appralsal fees,dtle Insurance,and fees for the Trustee,to the extent .��:�.� <br /> � permitted by appi�able law. Trustor also will pay any cou�t rASts,In additlon to aIi sums provided by law. •,-,� � <br /> Riphta of Trustee. Trustee shall h8ve all of the rights and dulles of Lender as sef torth In 4his section. �� <br /> a� POWERS ANO OBLIGATION8 OF TRUSTEE. The followinp provislons relatinq to the powers and obllpatlons of Trustee are pad of this Oeed d �— <br /> Trost, ���i <br /> y » <br /> Pow�ra of Trustee. In addftlon to all powers of 7rustea e�sing es a matter of law,Trustee sh4ll hnvo the power to take the following�cttons <br /> - :�ilh tespect to thp Proparty upon the wdtten request of Lender end Trustor. (a)jWn in prepa�ing and filinp a mep or plat Of ths Renl Property, _��_! = <br /> mcludtng the dedk;ation of streets or other hghls to the pub�C; (b)Jofn In grBntlny any easemeni or creaiiny any�ialrkition on tA8 ite�! Pr��l;, , ,n����:. . <br /> � end (c)joln in any subordinatlon or other agresmenl aftecdnp this Deed of Trust or the Interest of Lender under this Deed of Trust. .:; �� <br /> Truatea. Trustee shall meet all qualifications required for 7rustee under appllcabie law. In additicn fo the riphts and remedles set forth�bow, •+�=. <br /> ; with respecl to all or any part of the Property,the Trustee shall heve ihe right to faeclose by not�e and sale,and Lender shall have ltte ripht k �� ;"� <br /> foreclose by Judtcial toreclosure,in either case in accordance wilh and lo the tull extenl provlded by epplicable law. r <br /> Succ�aror Tnistee. Lender,at Lender's option,may hom Wne to tlme appdnt a successor Trustee to any Trustee appdnted hereundtr by an �'!�� <br /> '''s tnstrument executed and acknowledged by Lender end recuded In the offbe of the recorder of HALL County,Nebraska. The InsWment shtl n;ti <br /> contaln,In addition to atl other maHers required by state lew, ihe names of the orlylnal Lender, Trustee,and Trusta,the book and p�pe(a - .. <br /> compuler system reference)where this Deed of Trust Is recaded,and the neme and address of the successor trustee,and the Instrumenl slul , __ - <br /> be executod and acknowledged by all the beneeciaries under the Deed of Trust or thelr successora In Inlerest. The successor trustee�wlthoW �,_��,L.�. <br /> conveyance ot the Property,shall succeed to all the title,power,end duties conferted upon the Trustee In thls Deed of 7'rust and by apW�cabY �-��` <br /> �, law. This procedure fu substitutlon of trustee shait qovern Io the ezcluslon of all other proNstons for subautullon. ��� <br /> � NOTICES TO TRUSTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notice under thfs Oeed of Trust shall be In wdtinp,may be sent by teletacslm8e(unleu �-_ . <br /> otherwise requlred by taw),and shail be eNecti��e when acluaNy detivered,or when deposited with a n�Uonelly reCOpnl�sd ovemipht courler,or,R ��_- <br /> , malled,shall be deemed atfective when deFosited In the United Stales mell flrst ciass,certlfled or registered mail,postape prepatd,directed to 1he ��� <br /> ; addresses shown near the bepinning of thl,Deed of Trust. Any party may chanya Us address for notices under lhis Deed ot Trust by pivinp fornal .��.� <br /> '� written notice to the other partles,speclyinp that the purpose of the ndlce Is to chanye the parly's addross. All coples ot nottces of fweclosure hom <br /> � the holder of any Iien whbh hes pdority over thts Deed of Trust shall be sent to Lenders address,as shown near the bepinninp ot thls Deed o�Trusl. ~f�±,-�.'::� <br /> For not�e purposes,Trustor eqrees to keep Lender and Trostee informed at all times of 7rustor's curcenl address. ''����_ <br /> �� ':.�.�«.���-- <br /> , � `��.;:��--'�� <br /> MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The foliowing miscelleneous D�ovislons are a part of thls Deed of Trush ',tii�,yc��--.. <br /> Ameadmenb. Thls Deed of Trusl,toyother wlth any Reteled Dxuments,constitutes the entlre understandiny and apreoment of the ptrHes�s ��,�;��.""'` <br /> to the maflere set torth in this Deed of 7rust. No alleratfon of or amondment to tNs Deed of 7rust shaA be eHeotive unless plven In wAhrp nnd � =:�:''��":-��� <br /> s�gned by the parly or parlies sought to be charged or bound by Ihe elleratlon or amendmant. '� `"a. �a�-; � <br /> ' ` ,�YSIkU�. �,- _ . <br /> Appllcabb Law. 7hla Deed of Truat has been deilvered to Lender�nd�ccepted by Lender In the Stete of Nebraeks. Thls Deed o(Tnnt . <br /> ahall be poverned by and conatrued In accordence with lhe lewa of the State of Nebrasks. , <br /> Captlon Headlnqs. Caption head�ngs m this Deed of Trusl are�or conveNenco purposes only and are not to be used to Inierpret or define�he • <br /> provisions of this Deed of Trust. , <br /> Mefgef. There ShaN be no merger ot the inleresl a estatecrea�ed by Ihis Deetl of Trust with flny olhe�interest or estate in the Proporty at any <br /> i hme held by or for the benetit of Lender in any capaaty.wAhout Ihe wntten consent of Lender. <br /> � Multiple PaRlea. AN obl�gat�ons of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall be Joint and several,and aY reterenCes to Trustor shall mean each end <br /> i evory Trustor. This means that each of the persons signinp below Is responsible for all obligatlons in this Deed of Trust. , <br /> Severabliity. It e Court of competent junsdiCllon linds any proNSlon of thls Deed o�Trust to be Invalid or unenforCeable as to flny pe�son or <br /> ' circumstence,such tinding shflll not render that provision nvald or unentorceable as to&ny other persons or cirCUmstanCes. If leasibl9,6ny <br /> such offending provislon sha11 be deemed to be modiffed b be withln the Ilmlts ot entOrCeabY�ty or vallWty;however,If Ihe oftending provlsion <br /> Cannot be so modified,it Shall be stncken and ali other proNSfons of IINS Deed ol Trust In all other respecls shall remaln valld and enforceable. <br /> � SuCCeasora and Aselpns. Sub�ect to the Ilmilatbns stated In thls Oeed of Trust on transter of 7rustor's Inlerest,lhfs Deed of Trust shaA be <br /> ' bindiny upon and Inure lo the benefit of the partles,thelr successors and esslgns. If ownership of the Property becomes vested in a person I <br /> ,.t►,e. �►.o� Tr�����r t andar. wlthout notice to Trustor, maY deal wlth Trustor'8 successors wilh re�erence to this Deed of Trust end Ihe L <br /> . _..._. .-�- --- • <br /> ' Indebtedness by way of forbearance or oxtension wilhou� roteasing Trustor from ihe obllgaUOns ot inis ueeo or 'irust or iianu'ry unoBr i��o �� <br /> � Indebtedness. ; <br />= Time Is of the EasenCe. 71me�s of the essenCe In the pedormence of this Deed of Trusl. ' <br /> Waivers and Contlontd. Lender shall not be deemed to have wawetl any ri9hts under this Deed of Trust(or under ihe Related OoCUmenls) i <br /> unless such walver is In wrlting and slgned by Lontler. No deley or omisSlon on the perl of LendOr in exerclsing sny r1gh1 shaN operate es Q , <br /> wefver oi suCh nght or any other nghl. A waWer by any party oi a prowSfon ot this Deed of Trust ShAll nol constflule a wfliver of or preJudice Ihe <br /> perty's right olherwise lo demand s�nct complienCe with Ihat provisio� or any olher pro�s�on. No pnor wsive�by Lender,nor 6ny CoutSe of <br /> de811ng botween Lender and Truslo�, shall co�sldute a waiver a�any ot Lender's righls or any ot Truslar's obligalions as lo any fulure <br /> IransaCtions. Whenaver consent by Lender is requued m Ih�S Deotl of Trust,ihe grantmg ol SuCh Cpn58nt by Londor in any instenCe ShaY not <br /> cUnstitute continuing COnsoN lo subsequenl inStanCBS whcrp suCh consenl iS rpqu�red. <br /> - <br /> —� __ __ <br />