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--I . , <br /> i Ot-30-1998 DEED OF TRUST P°Q°2 i � <br /> i Loen No 648808 (Contlnued) 9���i��1 i <br /> , — I <br /> Froceeds and ratunds of premwms)from any sale a other disposltlon ol the Property � <br /> Proparty. The wad'PropeAy'means colleclivNy iho Real Properly and the Peraonai Property. � _. <br /> pe�l p►op�rty. The wads"Real Properly'mean tha proparty,Inbr�sls and rlQhlb tlsscnbed above in ihe"Convoyance and Orant"sectlon. i = <br /> RNat�d Docum�nts. Tho words'Relalod Daoumenta' rrN�n and InGude wilhout Itmltalfon all promissory not�s, credlt tprNments, lan I ___ <br /> aprwrn�nt9,�nvlronr►�nlal apreements,puannll�s,wCUrity aprNrrNnts,mortg�pQl,de�de of trust,and all othsr Instruments,ayrNmenta and ; � <br /> documsnts,whether now or hersatter exisifnp,sxecufsd In conneotlon wllh ths Indebtadnoss. � '� __ <br /> Rtntt. The wo►d'�1snb"means atl presenl and future rerb,revsnues,Income,Issues,royaltles,proflts,and other beneets dertved hom the i �,H.-u <br /> i �y - . <br /> Properly. � ,. <br /> Tnistq. TM wad"Trustee"means UNiTED NE9RASKA BANK and 4ny cubsUtuto or succossor Iru�teos• ' '._ <br /> Trustor. The word"frusto�'means any end all p�rsons and vntllbs ax�cutlnp thla DNd of Truat,includinp without Ymit�tlon au Trustors nartNd , "� ��-� <br /> above. � j`� <br /> ��,_,__. <br /> THIS DEED OF TRlJBT, IMCLWIN� ThIH A8810NMENT OF REMT8 AND TIiH SECURITY IMTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONILL. ; .��+fc't� <br /> pqppERTY,IS fi1VEN TO SECt1RE �i)PAYMENT OF THE INDE9TEDNEB$AND (4)PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND ALL OBL�QATIONS OF . , —�_� <br /> TRUSTOR UNDEA THE NOTE,TFIE RELATEO DOCUMENTS,AHD THIS DEEO OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST IS OIVEN AHD ACCEPTED � <br /> ON TFIE FOIJ.OWINCi TERMB: � - <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as otherwlse provided in this Deed ot Trust,Trustor shall pay to Lender all amounts secured by thls Deed __�______ <br /> of Trust as they becomo due,and shall striclly and In a timely manner perform alI of Trustor's obllpBtions under ihe Note,thls Deed of TrusL antl ihe <br /> Related Dxuments. shail be poverned by <br /> POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees That Trustor's possession and use of the PropeAy -_ <br /> lhe tollowing prodStons: <br /> Possession and Uae. Until the occurrence of an Event of Dofault,Trustor may (a)remaln In possesslon and coMrol of tho Property, (b)use, : � <br /> operate or manaqe the Property,and (c)coliecl any Rents from ihe Property ., i�;� <br /> Duty to MMntain. Trustor snali rneinloln Ihe Properly In tenantabia conditlon and promptly peAorm ell repalrs,rep4icements,and maintenanc� <br /> necessary to preserve Ils value. � .�=- <br /> Hexardous SuWt�nct�. The terms"harardous wasfe,""ha�ardous substance;"disposal,""release'and"threatened release."as usod In Ihis ,�y,_. <br /> Daed of Trust, shall have the same meaninps as set forth in the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensatlon,nnd UabAlty Acl of .i,�. <br /> tgBp,as amended,42 U.S.C. Secllon 9601,et seq. ("CERCLA'),the Superfund Amendments and Reaulhori�don Act of 1986,Pub.L.No. <br /> .� 99-d99('SARA"l,the Ha=ardous Matedals Transpatation Act,49 U.S.C.Sectlon 1801,et seq.,the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, r�+�i' <br /> ,�+.� 42 U.S.C.Section 6901,et seq.,or other applicable state or Federal Iaws,rules,or reguiallons adopted pursuant to any of the faegdnp• 1'he <br /> terms"hazardous waste'and"harardous subslance"shail also include,without pmllatlon,pehoieum and petroieum by-produats or any hactlon �,��.- <br /> thereof and asbestos.Trustor represents and warcants to Londer that: (a)During the period of Trustor's owne►ship of the Proporly,there has <br /> been no use,qeneradon,manufncture,storaye,treatment,disposal,release or thraetened reiease of any hezardous waste or subsfance by any ,fF�_ <br /> qer�on on,undx,about or from the Property; (b)Trustor has no knowiedqe of,a reason to beileve thel there h�s bean,exc9p!ata preNously �. �.�: <br /> dlsclosed to and acknowiedQed by Lender In wdiinp, (I)any use,qeneratfon,manufacture,storape,treatment,disposal,releasa,or thronfoned .,a;r: <br /> , .,. <br /> reloase of any hvxrdous waste or substance on,under,about or from the Property by any prfor owners or occupmts of ths Property or (��)a�Y � ,�.- •'v,� <br /> aotunl or thrs+►tened INlpation or clalms of any klnd by any person relatinp to such matters;and (o)ExcePt as Previously disdos�d to and <br /> ,iii;naurlsd�,sd by t,cnQss!n 4rrltln�. {�)naithar Trustor nor any tenant,contractor,apent or other authorixed use► of tha Proparty shtll use, '�j �;.::_ <br /> ��- <br /> penerate,mtnuhature,atore,treat,dlspose of,or release any harardous waste a sutisunce on,under,aooW c.+'from tha P��tl����hout � �,! <br /> suoh aaUvity stuA bo conducled In compllance with all appl�able federal,state,and local lawa,repulaAons and adinancos, .., , y <br /> limitaflon ilase I�ws,repulntions,and adinances described above. Trustor authorizes Lender and Its apants to anter upon the PropMly„is „�;., <br /> make such Inspectlons and tests,at Trustor's expense,as Lender may deem approprlate to determine compllance of the Property . <br /> seclton of the Daed otTrust. Any inspectlons or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's purpoees oniy end sluu not be Constru�d to c�sat� <br /> eny responslbiiity or Ilabfllty on the part of Lender to Trustor or to any olher person. The representatlons and wirranfles contalnad IwrNn ar0 •� , <br /> based on 7rustors due dlligence in Invesupatinp the Properly fa hazardous waste flnd ha�ardous substances. Trustor hereby (a)reieases and <br /> waives any future clalros agelnst Lender for Indemntty or contribution In the event Trustor becomes Aable for cleanup or other costs under any <br /> such laws,and (b)aqrees to indemnify and hold hurmless Lender a�ainst any and all clalms,losses, Ilsbflitl�s, damayes�Psna�1M����d •` <br /> expenses which Lender may dlrectly or indlrectiy sustaln or suNer resulling from a breaoh of this secUon of the �e�t�eTONS�hip o� I <br /> consequenCe ot any use,peneratlon,manufaclure, storape,dispusal,release or threatened release occurring pd d�� <br /> interest In the Property,whether or not the same was or should have been known to Trustor. The provislons of thb sectlon of the D6ed of Trust, ,_ �; <br /> inCluding lhe obliyatton to indemnily,shali survive the payment of lhe Indebtedness and the satisfnction and reco��eyance ot 1he�len of thls , <br /> Oead of Trust and sheM reot be aftected by Lender's acquisltion of any Inlerest in the Property,whether by fareclosu�a or otherwise. '�:{ ,.: <br /> Nuttance,Wasle. Trustor shall not csuse,conduct or permft any nulsance nor commit,perrNt,ar suffer any strippinq of a waste on or to the ��� <br /> Properly a anY Portlon of the Properiy. Without Ilmiting the generality of tha forepolnp,Trustor wlil not remove,u prant to any olhar parly the <br /> dqht to remove,any timber,minerals pncluding oll and gas),soN,gravel or rxk products without the p�ior wdtte�consent of Lender. � 3!"-"'" <br /> � Removd of Imp�owments• Trustor shall nol demollsh or remove any Improvements hom the Reai Property wNhout the prior wdtten consent •r��,�s_ <br /> ot Lendec As a condidon to the removal of eny Improvements,Lender may require Trustor to make arrangements satisfactory to Lender to ,��{�- <br />- + rep�ace such Improvements wtth Improvements of at Ieast equai value. .,�.��,��� <br /> Lende�'s Riqht to Hnte�. Lender and its aqents and representadves may enter upon the Real Propedy at atl reasonable Umes to atlend to <br /> ' Lender's Interesls and 10 Inspect the Property for purposes of Trustor's compilanCe with the terms and condlllons d this Oeed of Trust. - _ <br />- Compii�ncs wllh GovemmentN Requlrements. Trustw shaM promptly comply wfth all laws,ordlnanees,and reputaHOns,now or hereatter In .��1�,��: <br /> eNect,ot au governmental authortlles app8cable to the use w occupency of the Property. Trustor may contesl in qood teith any such law, . :.�, <br /> ordlnance,or repulnHOn and withhold compllance during any proceedinp,includiny appropriate appeals,so lonp es 7rustor has notlhed Lender �: �• <br />- in wrtting prior to dolnp so and so long ss,In Lender's sole opinlon,Lender's Interests In the Prope�ty are not Jeopardlzed. Lender may requlre <br />= Trustu to post adequale secwily or a surety bond,reasonably satisfactory to Lender,to protect Lender's Interest. <br /> ' Outy to Protect. Trustor agrees nelther to abandon nor leave unattended the Property. Trustor shall do all other acts.In addition to those acts <br /> set forlh above fn this section,which hom the character and use of the ProRerly are reasonobty necessary to protect and preserve the Property. <br /> DUE ON SALE- CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may,at Its option,declare Immedlately due and payable all sums secured by thls Deed of Trust <br /> ele or trasnsfer"meflnsethe conveyance ofRealPPrope rrly or any rlght,titlelw interest thereln;hetherrlep04 bBnetiC 81na equltflble;whelher oluntary <br /> or involuntary;whether by outrpht sale,doed,Installment sale contract,land contract,contract for deed,Ieasehoid IMerest with a torm flrepter than <br /> ' three(3)years,leas�optlon contracl,or by sale,assignment,or transfer of any beneflctal Interest In or to any land trust hoidinp tltie to the Real <br /> � Property.or by any other method ol conveyance of Real Property Interest. If any Trustor Is a corporatlon,partnership or Ilmlted��ablllty company, <br /> transfer elso Includes any change in ownership of more than twenty-five percent(25qo)0�the voting stoCk,pertnershlp Interest5 or Iimited Ilflblllty <br /> compeny�nterests,es the case may be,ol Trustor. However,this optlon shgll not be exerCised by Lender If such exerclse Is prohlblted by federal <br /> law or by Nebraska lew. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The�ollow�ng prows�ons reletmg to the texes 8nd liens On the Property ere 8 pert of lhis Deed of Trust. <br /> Payment. Truslor shall pay when due(and m all evenis pnur to dellnquBnCy)all taxes,spec�al texes,assessments,cherpes(Including water <br /> and sewe�), fines and ImposAions Ievled agamst or on eCCOUnt of the Property�apd s�PmY �hA i i pns havina' Oriorlb over o�equfll or ihe <br /> ' services rende�ed or matenai rurnisned io ino r�upa�iy. T��Si�r��o���.o••••,.••••••-•�-�-��. - <br /> mlerest o�Lender under tMS Deed ol Trust,except tor Ihe lien o�►axes and asseuments not due and except as dherwlse pr�vided In Ihls DeeO (� <br /> ol Trust. I <br /> i <br /> ' Rlpht To Contest. 7rustor may witnhold payment of any tax,ussessment,or claim In conneCt�on with a good fedh dispule over the obllgalion � <br /> _ to pay,so�ong as Lender'S�nterest in the property is not�eopardized. If a Ifen arises or is filed as e resull ot nonpayment,Trustor shflll wfthin i <br /> hiteen(i5)days ailer the lien anses or,if u lion is hled,w�thin hNeen(15)deys afler Truslor has notice ol the fillnp,sacure ihe dlsch8rqe of iho <br /> lien,or ii requestod by Lender,deposd wilh Lender cash or fl suHicient corporate surely bond or olher Secuafy setlslactory to Lender in an <br /> amount suNicient to d�sChurgo the I�en plus any Costs and atto�neyc}ees or othor charges lhat cou�d acc�ue as e result 01 a toreClosure or sale <br /> _ Property. Tr�stor sha�name Lendestes enAaldd Uonal 1obhgee u derdany Surely bo dt'�u ng edtlnehe contost praefld ngs.'�rcement agalnst Ihe <br /> _, Evldence of Peyment. Trustor shan upon demand furrush lo Londo�sat�s�ectory ev�dence o�paymenl o��he iaxes or assessments and shen <br /> f <br />