T R U S T E E ' S D E E D
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY I�IESE PRESENTS: That I, John W. F'ines, Jr., of Shelton,
<br /> Nebraska, as trustee, pursuant to the power conferred upon me as such trustee by
<br /> the deed of John 1�. Fines and Zerlda Fines, husband and wife, of Buffalo County,
<br /> Nebraska, dated November 22, 1922, and recorded in Book 61 of lleeds at Page 137 of
<br /> the records of Hall County, Nebraska, and in Book 109 of veeds at Page 1e53 of the
<br /> records of Buffalo County, Nebraska, to convey the real estate hereinafter described
<br /> to 'myself, individually� do hereby convey unto m,yself, John W. Fines� Jr., individually�
<br /> the Northwest quarter of the North�est quarter of Section �iventy-nine �29)� and the
<br /> Northeast quarter of Section Thirty �30), all in ToRnship Ten (10) IJorth, Nange Twelve
<br /> �12), West of the Sixth Principal �eridian, in Hall �ounty, Mebraska, and the South-
<br /> east quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section �enty-thaee �23), Township Nine �9)
<br /> North, Ra.nge Thirteen ��l3), tiYest of the Sixth Principal �eridian, in Buffalo County,
<br /> i�ebraska.
<br /> TQ FiAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together wi.th all the
<br /> tenements, heriditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br /> John W. Fines, Jr., individually, and to his heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And I do hereby, in �y capacity as trustee, as aforesaid, and pursuant to
<br /> the power conferred upon me by the deed of the said John 1�. F'ines and Zerlda Fines, as
<br /> aforesaid, covenant with the grantee named herein and with his heirs and assigns that
<br /> the said John �. Fines died on Dda.rch 1, 1939, at his residernce in Shelton, Bu.ffalo
<br /> County, Nebraska; that T am, by virtue of the power aforesaid, lawfully seized of
<br /> said above described premises, as such trustee, and that I, in my capac?ty as such
<br /> trustee, h:ave lawful authority to convey the same; and I do hereby, in m,y official
<br /> capacity as such trustee, covenant and agree to defend and warrant the said premises
<br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> IN t�IITNESS VV�EREOF, I have here.untb subscribed my name this 5th day of
<br /> �a.rch, A.D.� 195�t, at Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> �.,,,_w, ��,��. �h.��
<br /> State of Nebraska ) SS.
<br /> Hall �ounty )
<br /> Qn this 5th day of �a.rch� �.D., 1951�, before me, H. G. 1Nellensiek, a Nota.ry
<br /> Public within £nd for Hall County, Nebraska, personally appeared John W. Fines, Jr.,
<br /> as trustee under the deed of John 1K. Fines and �erlda Fines, husband and wife, here-
<br /> inbefore described, to me personally known to be the identieal person described
<br /> therein, who executed the foregoing deed in my presence and aclmowledged the same -
<br /> to be his voluntary act and deed, ss such trustee, for the purposes therein stated.
<br /> sWITNESS my hand and notarial seal on the day and year la.st �ritten above,
<br /> at Gxand.Island, ;Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> \a`v��`'"�s �
<br /> >
<br /> , � ,.;���t . � �,.� �z� , �
<br /> _ J:ti`� - "�l `�¢�� `�t . 1 1
<br /> + �' '*' Notary I'ub1iC
<br /> = ���" �y{A . �u.re �..r= �������. � - � � . . � � . .. . .
<br /> - l�rc�,��iar�e��es September 1� 1954.
<br /> . y �,�,„tz�;.�,, � � �
<br /> =�� �,Fr�r� y9� �?- `.`�'�led for record March 5, 19,54, 'at 1 t 00 P`.M. ��� ����
<br /> --
<br /> '� c � � Y ���-�' '.' �� ,r Reg ister of Deeds
<br /> ��, , Hazl County, Nebr.
<br /> � + <x.� ,�'w�_ <* �� � �'L t _x, 'r�' ..�r..io r' �'�•,v
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