;,,�� -. �� _�
<br /> � ��� Know Ail Men By These Presents '��.�� ����
<br /> o �.�.,e ..
<br /> �� � `' THAT Henry C. Per�ins and Daisy J. Perkins� each in hds own right ' `
<br /> „.,�
<br /> - nd spouse of the other
<br /> f.:,
<br /> of tlie County of HSl"Z ,Stc�te of Nebraska �for a�nd in consideration
<br /> of tiLe sum of One,,and no/100 Dollars and other valuab�e consideration DOLLdRS
<br /> ,��P� in hand,paid,"do`liereby''grant, bargain, aell, convey and confirm unto Heriry C. Luhn and
<br /> innie E. Luhn� husband and wife - - � T :=�'°
<br /> '- of the C,oacnty of Hall , Stdte of Nebraska ,as J0711 T TENANTS
<br /> _ WITH SURVIVORSHIP AND 11%OT AS TEN�NTS I?4 CODiMON; the follozoing deaeribed reml estate, situated
<br /> Ya.
<br /> �n Hall co�,.ty, state of Nebraska , to-w�t:
<br /> �`��`��� * * *Lots three (3) and four (4) � in block five (5) in the r''`�
<br /> =���°�° Fourth Addition to the Town of Cairo� as shown�by a recorded •
<br /> -.:Y;-» plat thereof* * *
<br /> �}:
<br /> y3 _ � ... :�
<br /> -fi�." 1�• .��ii�
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<br /> ;:;;�%;;„ togetl�.e�• with all the tenements, hereditaments� ¢nd appurten¢nces to th.e same belonging,a�nd all the estate,title, ;;�;�;.
<br /> "`r�=��' dower, right of homeatead, clazm or demand zahataoever o the said rdntor_._S of in or to the same or an� ¢rt •��°�_��
<br /> =- f 9 , , Jp ,f�rj
<br /> ;��;G=- the�•cof;subject to ri0 encumbrances �' :r
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<br /> ;;:�;�h;,�;t IT BEING TIiF I�1TTEll%TIOA- OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THgT Ill� THE L•'VEl"T OF TIIE DEf1TH OF ,;#��;; .
<br /> '== •,._��_-_-___
<br /> �;''� HF,REII% SffALL VEST Il THE SIiRVIVI�1'G GR�iI%TEE. -
<br /> :_: �'''':_
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<br /> -=_�, TO H�1VE A�tiD TO HOLD the above described prenzises� zcith the ¢ppurtena�ices, unto the said gra�ctees �=:_�_
<br /> .=;;;;;t;:, as JOII�T TE�I'AA�TS WITH SL'Rti'IVORSHIP ri_lD 1'OT AS TE�AI"TS Il' C0�1is1f0il', and to their assigns, :;;�':
<br />;:';:,�1�s, '':,.,�;;:,;`:
<br />;;__, oi• to t7aeir 7aeirs ¢nd assiyns of tlze survivor of tTiem,foreve►•. And _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ••--=
<br /> ti,�" lceirs , , '�":
<br /> ti�_' the �r•a,�zto�• S �ianxed laerevn for themselves �rcd their , e�ecutors and ad��Li�zistruto�•s -=2�-
<br />::� do eove�2ant ioith the yrantees na�ned h,e�•e�n aucl zoitla their assig�is a.�id uitle. the heirs aac�l assigns of tlze s+crvivor �
<br /> _:=`_i;�, of t7aem, tliat they are lawf:cll� seized of 8aid premises; tlaat the� are frec frona rncunibrance except ccs �=
<br /> '" stated laerei�a, and that the said g�•¢nto�• have ood �•i 1Lt und lau ul aut7LOrit to sell tlae `°'
<br />;;'�.. S 9 9 f y :,:
<br />;==: savae; a�id they do hereby covena�at tliat they zcill and their lieirs, �'�i�
<br />�'�' > execu.tors and ad�ni�aistrators shall wan•rant and defend tlie title to said pre»cises unto tlae grantees named herein �:� s�
<br /> �x'- <.:;,...,.
<br />�:�;� a�id u.nto tlicir assigns and unto the heirs a�ad assigns of t7ae surzivor of tliem�forever, aqaanst the lauful cl¢i�las ' �'"
<br />_>�� . `' _�z.
<br /> of all persons wlzomsoever, excludrozg the e�ceptions na��zed herein. °°_-==.
<br />- ��h;tii; ,;��;��'�-
<br />;��:='` Si,gned this 8th da� of February ,�. D.,1� 5�+ . --
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<br /> �l`p� State of Neb�aska �`
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<br />._. • , ,.
<br />��_'� S5. On this $th da�vf February ,A.D.,19 51f, ,.1�'�"
<br />:_====�` . �,
<br />��=�' COU/ityOf___.___H311__________________________ bejore n:e, tice u�adersigned W. E. Sorensen
<br /> 2�
<br />�`°j"' a notary public� dicly eon�anissioned and qualified for ��ad residing in said eount�,personally eame M�-•��.
<br /> rf: Henry C. Perkins and Daisy J. Perkins� husband and wife �
<br />--,,M , :.�z_
<br />�?:,: � �,.;:
<br />,,.,���
<br /> �'� to me known t'o ,t'h,e;%denticml personS whose nd�ne s are affi�ed to the foregoing inatrument ,<�"
<br /> i
<br />=`� as gra•ntp�.•,s""�'w�l,,'��� . ledged said instrument to be their voluntary¢ct and deed.
<br />;y.::.�,: �` �0 A � �:-:.�.
<br />�� ,'��F.2.����.�c'�`�' d seal the decy and ye¢r last above 2nritten. '=�
<br /> . .
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<br /> fl E p s � 4 ~^ '��.,
<br />= : ae : �„,��„�S j e�ae Notccry Public
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<br /> ;,-' ""�,, V N 7 Y. � ,;x..
<br />';� �y•aarrimieaz'o�qr;�ex�±b�es the 20th da.y of dUly ,d. D.,19 5�
<br />�'
<br />�-r::z; i�: ,
<br /> ��: Filed for record February 9, 1954, at �:;0 A.M. �
<br /> i� ,c „�b
<br />�i.s i�a'���e.F. 6.yr_fa�'�'i.
<br /> F P�
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