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<br /> � G.ASSICMV�ENf OF L�A.SES. Upon Lendsr's reauest,Bomowea shall assign to Lender all I�es of the
<br /> � Propeny and all security deposits made in connection with leases of the Peaperty. Upon the assignmen4,L.euder = � _�
<br /> -" s�all Gave the right to modify,eatend ar�aie the exisring le�es and ta ex�ner�leases.in T.ender's sni,: - -- <-r--. .- ---� -
<br />. discceaon.As used in this p�aagraph G,the word"leace" shall mean"sublease"if the Security Ins�ument is on a . : , ,
<br /> ieasehold. . . , _
<br /> Bmmwa absolutely and�nncondirinnulty assigns and tiansfers to Leuder all the rents and tevenues("Ret►ts'�of the � - - :a:. .: `;�;:f
<br /> Pmpeity,regazdl�s of to ahom the Rents of the Pmperty are payab!e.Bo3rowes authorizes Lender or iLeadei's � , %.y -�.::f::
<br /> a;ents w collecE the Rent4,and ag�es tbat each teaiant of the Prope�ty s6a11 pay tlie Reuts to Leader ar Lendrr's .�. . - . .,:,�y,^`� '
<br /> � ag�is.However.Boaowa shaD teceive the Resits unt�7(�Lendea has givea Borrower notice of defaalt pursnant w • ,� - —
<br /> Farag�aph 21 of the Secarity Ir,suument and(n�Lsader ha4 giveu noaoe to the tenant(s)that the Reuts are w be �. � ,.�`�-°� -
<br /> ._ paid tn I.ender or Le�der's agent This assignmsnt of Rents constitutes an absolute assi�rrunent and not an . :�'�'g"
<br />. a�signmeat fur additional securily only_ .. "��"�"'`'_.
<br /> If Lender gives notioe of b�c6 t�I�oaower.(�all Reats�eceived by Bormwea sshaall be hetd by Berrower as ,• ' �u�;.:�:'��=-
<br /> trustee fos the be�efii of Leader on1y,u�be sppHed ta�x sums secwred by the Seauity Instrurnenx fri)L�der shaU . •�■�,.�.
<br /> be w6ded w collect and�eceive aU of the Rents of the Anpeity:fin�Batmvrer agrees thai each teaant of ihe _ � _� . __�
<br /> ��" �__- .
<br /> �P�Y�PaY all R�due and uapaid tn Lender or Leader's a�eats apon Lendea's writtr�de�and tn the �_ :_..:�.,,,�-�.--
<br /> - . t�►fi fiv) �mIess applicable 1aw psovides atherwise,a11 Rea�ts wgected by Lender ar Leuder's agents sI�II be -=��s.",f;',;�_�• .
<br /> applied fast ro the costs of ratdng oontrol of and managing the Pmpeaty and coll�ting dce Rc.�ts,mciud'mg,but not ..���,
<br /> Iimited to,atmmeys'fees,recQiver's fees.Premiums�u receiv�'s bonds,rePair a�d maintenauce cosG�,insurance ' ' ��� -
<br /> ' paemiums. taxes.assessments and other charges d�r�x Property.and then to ths sams secured by the Sec�ity �
<br /> :r�'��;� �� �
<br /> Instrumenx(v)Leuder,Leader's ageats ar aaY lu��Y�Po�recceivver s6a11 be liabte w aa�am for oNy those - . ,..,,. �:, �'._.,
<br /> Reats acu�ally received;and(v��Lxndea shall be entided w have a�eceiver appomted to take possession of and `: :��% : .
<br /> manage the Pmpaty and collect the Reasts and pmfits derived fram the Propeaty without any showmg as tn the � . -....;,;�;;,__:•:.
<br /> madecpizcY of ihe Pcoperty as saurity. . . , . . :��� '�'�� . -
<br /> 1f the Reuts of th�Pmperty ace not suffrcIe�ae Do cover t'ne costs of raYing caatrol of aad maaagiug ¢@e ° �...�_�--_
<br /> . Propetcy and of collecting�e Reats aay fumis expe�a�fl by Lea�fea for sucb purposes sUaU becflme indebiednt�af .�;�'�'`'"';;` ,'
<br /> _ , Boraower tfl Lender seaaed by the Security Instrumc�nt g�snant to Unifomi Covenant 7. _
<br /> _ ,i-=`�.
<br /> � Barmwer repmse�tts and wanants that Bamnwer has no�exec�ted any prior assignmeat of the Rents and� � '--
<br /> : ,� �, :
<br /> not aad w�nos petform eny act tb�.K woWd prevent I.caider fr.�m exercising its rightv under tbis pa:agraph. -� - ,�t��.::._
<br /> - E I.ea�i.�Leade�'s ag�ts ar a judiciaIIY aFP¢�-v:�d receiv�,s6all aot be reqaaad w eater upon,take auetcol -'.',, `:�_
<br /> _ of or maintaia tl�Property befate ar after giving noflce of defaiilt m Bosmwea.Howev�,Lendea,or Leadea's • '�
<br /> Ys s11�'.r,.,
<br /> , ageats or a N��Y�DPointed receiver.maY do so at any dme when a default oaaus.MY aPPlicatian af RenB . �A,,.�� �A
<br /> � sl�all not cure ar waive any default or i�►validate any othea right or remedy of Lertder.Ths assignment of Reait4 of � ' �°�.,_.
<br /> ' tt�e Pcoper�y shaU terminaie when all the sams sec�ued 6y the Sec�airy Inswmeut are paid in full. .. ;�_ �- _ -
<br /> �,: •..�
<br />, • LCBUS3-DEFAULTPROVISION. Borrower's default or breach nnder any notc or agee��►t in ;...y . °=:,::_-. -.-"�:. .
<br /> � which Ie�der has an�aest shaU be a breach under the Secuciry Inst�ument and Lenda may a�voke any ca�'d:e :,,�,; ....�;•p •
<br /> remedtes pelmivcd by t�Sec�ity In4trumeat � '�YW---- ---
<br /> BY 5L�1V�iG BEIAW,Boirower aocepts and agrees w the teams and provisions contaiaed in this 1-4 Fartu7y ::;��.�� -
<br /> Ri�. '��1� :�.;_: : >..•J�.,.
<br /> (� ���
<br />. ; :..�;k,':r�f� ..a -_ -. .
<br /> � ; • (Se� 1� vl. Sea]) ___ . - -_
<br /> r COAD J MI -Bortower II�1 P DOETSCH -��,er ,,,;�' rr'��'--
<br /> ,.. _ ,..�c" _—�.+�e.�SM+rct��,.
<br /> ' � . ($Cdl� �$Qa]� '°�j��4����
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<br /> "j+I�a�R, .�
<br /> �.�f:�,r�n+r.�__-'"a„�;��':
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