. __�r_,— '�,.,—��._—_. .. .., _.'_'_' __"� __"_' ____.� . . . ... . - r.- • • .-
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<br /> • (� . , _ , e - . . � . � � . . - ' � .. . " - � . ' � - - - .. ,•_ � j�"��-�.
<br /> ' * , , � ' , ' � < � , . . � �. . ,4 ' •� ` , ' • � ,r • + , .. �'3 ~ � `p
<br />. , .. ' . � , ' - . . . . . - ' . .. . . ' . . a� + ' •-a' .• '
<br /> .t .... -=5., ._, ...� 1 .._�_...... -._.��. _�' .. . ���1.-
<br /> _ , � � .. ` . . � .�::
<br /> ,. �������� .. _ .. . _ ,
<br /> � in ane ar mare parceL�and i� any order T�i�e deter�►is�r�. 'Tr�astee mvy Postpone sale of all or any parced of the , i : , _
<br /> proyerty bp pnblic anno�cement at tge ttme�nd plaoe o!aay Qrev[nnslp sshedWed sa�e.Leader or its �esiguee m�y . . • �.....
<br /> � purshase the Properiq at any safe. • : � � .�.-., "
<br /> �Jpoa receipt ot payment o!!he price bid, Trustee shall de�ver to the purchaser Trastee's deed conveyiu� the - ., �•'•
<br /> �operty.T6e reciiaLs[n the R�ee's deed shal!be prin�fad�evidease of t$e tru4�a�th2 stutsaaent� meds thernin. ' �. ;'... ; ��`�-- �
<br /> . • • Trustee shall aPP�Y the psaceeds o!the saie in ti�e foII+owing order.(ra)to a11 wsts and expenses ot exeacising the pawe�oQ , :_
<br /> � sate,a�d the sat�,iadading the payucent af the 7Yos3ee's[ees actaaUy incu�rred.aot to e�c�d 3.o 0 0 �o ; . ���
<br /> nf�e prindpal amo�t m!the nate aE tA�time oi tiie dec�ratFan of d��i,and rea�aaSiie sitoraeys'€c���-s��_s���!!!aaa��',,,,aa dtt�f by - , _ -
<br /> + " t�w:Eb)to all sams aec�rPd by t6is Secmrity Yn.gtTUmeat;aad(c)any eaces�to the�ersott or p�as[2�sQy�to i� • . � :.�-
<br /> ?2.Reoonvty�ce. Uponpaym c�►t af all snms seaued by tbis Se�rity 1n�umeat, Lender sba�l mquest Trustee to . , _ , "
<br /> • recanv t�ce Pmpercy and shall stnendea tbis Sec�uityr Ia.s�ume,at aad all nooes evidenr.ing debt s� by this Securcty - _ <�. . " �'.
<br /> � ', -�. -•
<br /> Instrum�eat w Truste�ltustee shail�convey the Pmpeity without w�ranty an d w i t hout c�ge w t t c e pesson or T�sons I e g a IlY •, . ^
<br /> e
<br />. e�titfed w i3.Such pasan oz peasons shall pay aay reoordanion oo�ts. ;. ti:*...�"'"�s��-;
<br /> � ?3.Sabstttn3e Trostee. L�der,at�s aption,may f r om time t n time maarne'i i r u s t e e a n dapgo'm t a s u c c e s s o r u u s t e e m s s n y . --
<br /> 'Trustte sppointed he�e.ander�y aa ins�t r�in the connry in wftich tflis Seraurity Inst�umeat is recorded. Wuhout . �;�_��,;� .�-�,�<�.:�
<br /> conveyaace of the Pmpeity,ths snccessar uustee shaU suoceed to all the mle.Power aad daties canfeaed upon Trastee 6eiem aud ,-,'•r._.___ _ _
<br /> bY ePPlicable taw. ; y`i�_'�"'-_---- ". .�
<br /> %•j 7A.Reqaest tor Notion. Baimwer requests thai oopiss of the no3ices of defavIi an�sa2e be sent tn Bnaowea's add�.s ':°;: �. . .__-
<br />� a which is the Address. -�,.�-"'—
<br /> ?S.Biders o �'•.�>�; --- —
<br /> ��S Sec�itp Instrument If one or more riders ace executed by Bormwer and recorded wgeth�r with this = ._���y_.:_ ",="`
<br /> Sewrity Tns�rumeab the onva�ts and agceetnents of eac�such tidez shaII be incospoiated'mtn and s6all amend and ,�.�spl�e�►t :. �-:'_,�'
<br />� the cave�ants aud agee�neut�of this Seuuity Iast�ument as if the rider(s)weae a part of this Sesaniry Inswmeat :��,`�� _ _ -- -� _
<br /> t�"i,'�zv��..
<br /> ' [Q1CC�C 5�1�1Cd��t'i�PE(CSJJ ;"37 .- -._-.. -
<br /> Condominium Rider � �y Y.•a•�_
<br /> • . ❑Adjastabie Rate Rida [� 1-4 F Ridea � Y-�`_'"�.`��•.� ",.
<br /> +�++�,—
<br /> p�adosu�a paymenc Rid�r O prannea unu ne.►eaopmwi Rid� 0 siw�kly Payme�t a;aea , � ,:.�,
<br /> osue .�,..,� — �`."
<br /> ,�. 0 Balloon Ridt�r 0 Rate Impmvem�tRider �Second Home Ridea �Y;: � ;. ; ���
<br /> , .. Q VA RIdCt �Othea(s)[sp�Yl�atqnmente of Reat �.c �2' , � � -
<br /> w� . /��JJ
<br />--.- • f� ..L.._
<br /> � .��� .. f� '.��
<br /> BY SIG1VIIJG LELAW.Bmrowea accept��s!agrees to the teams and coveaan ntamed in this Security Insuumeat aad in �•�''�
<br />- �Y�(SI exc��3►Bormwer estd r��erith it � t °
<br /> ., , ':��.�:..
<br /> ' � COAD J M �B`or ow�e�r ..!�' �,._
<br /> .. , :"
<br /> �. �� \ 1/bi�l� (S� i „�:..T-
<br /> MARTINA P DOSTSCfi -Bormwer ��''�'
<br /> . ' ' 4 ,r�ar .
<br />� _�[r;._ ..
<br /> ..i' _.
<br /> � �$C� ' �S� �._ _
<br /> -Hortovvi.•r -Bottower .
<br /> � �i�...:±r-�...:.�j .,.
<br /> St�te of Nebrasiw, t�1wL Coanty sa: �"`--�-__.
<br /> �•.. 1 Zhe fore oin u�strament was aclmow2�befoie me this 3 d� da of J��x 199T �-�--____
<br /> g g' y , . �.-��,.�:�ti:�-;.---
<br /> � �..� by coxn a buas.sx nxn w�xTU�►8 no�r�w. �trsHarm nrm s�as ��'°°�°'''°�`.*"�f�"�'. °`
<br /> Wimess my 6and end notadal seal ai '�1N� ISr�nND. x�► m ' C�ty,the date aforesaid. ..,;�:_,•�.�._...�_.
<br /> ' My�nmis.,^ion Facph�es: � ���: ��?'— -
<br /> Noury PLDlic v '�+
<br /> � �L�ARYr�lilRlh7ib ��.,r,r•
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<br /> _ .�a.y�nj.y}.._"..��
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