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<br /> APPL# 001-51227019 ' �''^� -
<br />� � � °��"i���'�A �,� o00000000o i . � � .� . ,,: .
<br /> E �;:�';�
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<br />. I � . �� '��]�y �` �.
<br /> 1 � ` 'y-c�/n;�. _.
<br /> 'j 1-4 FANdII.Y ItIDER � ,,, , _.- y _
<br /> --� �-���ote��n� - -- ,.-. - --
<br /> 24TH da of JANUARY � i 997 and IS . .'�.. ,�'-"s
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMII..Y RIDER is made fhis Y .:,r=��i;''-v�
<br /> incoiporated into and shall be deemed to amcrid and suppl�nent ihe Mortgage,Dc�cd of Trust or Security Deed(the - ,Y,_-�,-- -
<br /> .'S�tY Instrument")af the same datc given by the undasigaed(the"Borrowec")to secure Boaowei s Note to - _�w�;��l�
<br /> ,���A:----..
<br /> � (the"Leaider') �--••
<br /> �-- -
<br /> � of the.^�am�daie and covering the Property descn'bed in the Security Instrument and tocated a� :� � .,
<br /> , x�.�.
<br /> 1522 H1►NCOCR AVENQE . T
<br /> GYtAND ISLAND. NEBRASRA 68803 . -�'-J'���"'��-�_,�
<br /> I�P�Y AddreasJ a �- -,-----
<br /> ,-� 1-4 FAI�ALY COVENAN'Q'S. In addition w the covenanu and agreemeau made in[h$Sec�uity Inswment, -_'��-�=�--�
<br /> �y. _ ��:�. � .�
<br /> Borrawer and Lender fiuther coveaant aad agree as foltow� .
<br /> � � A.ADDTQ'IQl`iAL PROPERTY SIBJECI'TO THE SEL�JRa'3'X II1�S'fRUN�NT. In addidon to the �:a; ,�_�
<br /> . �� praperty de�xfbed c�the Secariry lnsuumenb the following items are^'�. tn the Property descripdon,and shall . - �.:.,.
<br /> also c�cnsatute th�e Pcogeny covered by the Security Instmmezr��-.�c"�g�a�a1�,aPPliances and goods of every
<br /> nau�rrhatsoever now or hedeafter lacated in,on,or used,or��zd tn be used in connecdon with the Propecry. ; � .
<br /> inctudmg,but not�utEd w.Utose for the pmrposes of suP�1y��oi dis�n'�uting heating,cooling,ele�riciry,Bas. `:.°.j �.•,`+�� .:'"
<br /> water,air and light,fae Prevention and extin8�;shm8 aPP�'�S+Se�it}and access canuol aPP�'�Pliunbing, �:;;r "� :.,r•,s�
<br /> batb tabs. ves.re&i eraWt'a dishwaghers,disposals+w8shets,dT}+els• •�''1;«� ' '�
<br /> water heatecs,v�ater cios�ets,sinks.ranges.sto 8 .:�i, �
<br /> ets, :
<br /> .� aR�.�s.stoim windows,stor¢i doors.saeens.blinds,shades.curtains an�c�utain rads.auached mirrois,cabinets. . ••, -.
<br />"�`` �� a�g and aitached itoor oor•erings now or hereaftea �tached to t3e Praperty, all of which, in�duding ���" -:g, .,�,` ;;� �:+.
<br /> :• P '•:�. �:.: 4
<br />.°Y` replacements and additians th�,shall be deemed to be an3 n�na'sn a gzrt of the Proper�y covered by the Secarity .._ :'.,'. ,3..
<br /> Insuumea�t All of Ihe foregoing tagether with the Pmperqy descrebed 3n the Security Insuument(or the leasehold ,:.,� ' �,'�q��:.
<br /> �+�=..
<br /> . estate if the Sec�.u4ty In�cument is on a teasel�otd) are refem�d w in r,�.is 1� Family Rider and the Sec�riry i• .
<br /> m�
<br /> Instrument as the"Property" "��`s� �"
<br />' g3.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH I.,�W. Borrower st�ali not seek, agree w or make a --T�=
<br /> � .chan�e iu ihe use of the Propetty or its zoning cla�catian,amless I.ender das a�reed in writing w the change. =—,,�:�
<br /> Borrower shall camply with all laws. ordinances. regutations and reyuirements of any govemmental body ': ' �...,�•
<br /> � agplicable w the F,r�y�rty. �f�.:`
<br /> � C.SiJBORD�iVATE LI�NS. Faccepi as peamiued by federal law.Bomnwea shaU aoi allow any lien inferior ��i • �
<br /> w d�e S�r�ity Insmm�t w be�parfe�ted against the Propetty w�thout L a sder's prior vvrimn p e i m i s s ion. •% Y '
<br /> . � I9.RENT L(?SS INSUY��ICE. Borrower shall mai:�.c�im insurance against rent&�in addidon to thc other ,��'-
<br /> t�a7ards for wbic�z^s�uance is required bp Uaiform Covenar►t 5. �.-
<br /> E."BORR�D'�ER'3 RIGHT TO R�INSTATE"DELE'd'ED. Unifarm Covenant 18 is deteted. '�'�'�°�`
<br />.. �•-....-ir.��r�f-�N.�r.-•.:.-
<br /> � F.SORROWER'�OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Baaower otherwise agree in writing. the fust : ,—_-- _.--._- -
<br /> sent� u� Unifam� Covenar.t 6 concerning Bocrower's �cupancy of the propeaty is deleted. All remaining .,����;�;
<br />. cove��ts and agreements set fonh in Uniform Covennnt 6 s2�A1 remain in effec� 'T'�-�-
<br /> �+f'r'�--y"�";
<br /> � Forc,�8170 Sig3 � ', ,`'�• �� - -
<br /> ' MU4TiSTATE t-4 FAMILY RiDER-Fannt�MaNFroddl�ll�c tSnlfotm Instrum�nt ��:�• rz,. ;.�.'� � _. -
<br /> ; Pape�ot 2 �'•, ----�--1 '...:—
<br /> ,�:�:��
<br />'•�,�'i:,,' InItlalc._.... __. '�?E�,t�i'dtF±�.�-`�'_"'..
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<br /> �ki+���Ts .
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