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� . i�. <br /> .,:,by,n �. . , _ . <br /> , . . � •+- -� ..__' <br /> , < • � .,..'tt.-. <br /> .� . �«N''w"Y:. <br /> , !_ <br /> ' .. . . �7.�. — <br /> . ' . .. � �ii'. <br /> .. ,.��;i:.. <br /> { � .. .. <br /> I . " <br /> � 9�" �.�1a.�.�8'� i ., <br /> 'POCETNER WITH ull thc improvcmenti now an c�rcuftcr crcc;tcd on thc properry,und all cu.ticmcnGti,uppurtcnunccs, :►nd � - <br /> � fixtures now nn c�rcuftcr u purt Uf thc propcny.AU repluccmcn��und additions shall also bo covcrcd by this Scc:urity Insuumcnt. � <br /> /�Il ol'thc forc�oin�;is rcicrrul W in this Scc:urity Instrumcnt us thc"Property: `' <br /> '' SORROW6R COV�NANTS Utut liarrawcr is lawtully scisul c�f Il�e�sutw hcrcby convcyul:►nd ha�thc right tn grnm and i « <br /> _,fi camcy thc Praperry und that thc Properry is uncncumhcred, cxccpt far cncumbrunccs of rcc:ord. Burrawcr wurran4v und will ,. - <br /> •,� dcicnd gcncrully thc uUc tc�thc Praperry u�ainst ull cluims und dcmunds,subj�:c:t to any cncumbrunccs a(rc;c:ord. __ <br /> � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambincs uniform cavenants I'or naaonul usc und non-unifarm covcnun4s with limitcci l ' <br /> vuriauans by jurisdicdon ta consututc a unifarm sccurity insuumcnt cavcring rcul propcny. <br /> UN[FORM COVENANTS.Borrawcr und l.cndcr cavcnant und ugrcc as fallows: <br /> 1.Payment aP Principal and Interest;Prepuyment und Lute CI►arges. I3orrowcr shall promptly pay whcn duc thc i <br /> principal of und interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and uny prepayment und lute charges due under the Note. I <br /> • 2.Funds Por'Caxes�nd dnsurunce. Subjcct to upplicublc luw or to A wrilten w�iver by Lcndcr, Borrower shall pay t� <br /> Lendcr on thc dny m�nthly puymcnts urc duc undcr thc Notc, until thc Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for: (u)ycurly uixcs <br /> und s�sscssmcnts which muy ut.tuin priority avcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt uc u licn on thc Property;(b)ycarly lcaschold puy�ncnu • <br /> or ground rents on thc Praperty.if uny:(c)ycarly huzard or properry insurancc prcmiums;(d)ycsuly Ilood insuruncc prcmiums,iC ._� � <br /> uny;(c) ycnrly mortgagc insurtmcc prcmiums, if uny:and(p uny sums puyablc by Bonowcr ta uccordancc with thc ,.� <br /> � provisions of pAragruph 8, in licu ol thc puymcnt of mortgagc insuruncc prcmiums. 'fhcsc itcros urc cullul "Escrow itcros." =;�,,,. <br /> C.cndcr may,ut uny timc,collu:t und hold Funds in un umount not to cxccui thc maximum amount a Icndcr for u fcdcrully rclutcd <br /> mortgagc loan may rcyuirc for Borrowcr's cscrow s�ccount undcr thc 1'cdcrul Rcul Estutc SctUcmcnt Proccdures Act of 1974 us <br /> � sunendcd from timc to timc,12 U.S.C.Scction 26U1 ei seq. ("R6SPA"),unless unothcr luw that upplics to Ihc Funds scu u tcsscr _ <br /> ' amounG If sa, Lender muy, ut uny time, collect und hc�ld Funds in an umount not to exceed the Iesser umount. Lender may _ <br /> esamate the umount of Funds due on the basis of currcnt daw und reasonable esamates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or <br /> �• athcrwisc in accardancc with upplicublc ktw. <br /> Thc Funds shull bc hcld in an institupon whosc dcposils urc insured by u fcdcral agcncy,ins�rurncntality,or cnuty (including <br /> Lcndcr, if l.cndcc is such�n institudon)or in uny Fcdcrul Homc Loan Bunk.Lcndcr shull apply thc Funds to pay lhc Escrow <br /> Itcros.Lcndcr may not churgc Borrowcr fnr holding und applying thc Funds,annually annlyzing thc cscrow accoun�,or vcrifying :,— , - <br /> � ihe Fscrow Itcros,unlass l.cndcr pays Borrowc�intcrest on thc Funds und upplicablc law permits L.cndcr to make such u chsuga :�,Y��___ <br /> � Howcvcr,Lcndcr may rcquirc Bonowcr to pay u anc-timc churbc lor an indcpcndcn�rc:ai c�ta�: iiN retr�rtin& �cR icc u�i�� .-e---_ <br /> Lcndcr in connccuon with this loxn, unlcss applicablc luw providcs olhcrwisc.Unless an abrccmcnt is madc or upplicablc luw '`c � i� <br /> rcquires intcrest to bc puid,Lcndcr shall not bc rcquircd to puy Borrowcr any intcrest or carnings on tlic Funds.Bonowcr and •-;��u.__ <br /> :� L.ender muy agrec in wriUng,howevcr,that intcrest shult bc puid on thc Funds.Lcndcr shall bivc to Bonowcr,without chargc,an ; ,�� <br /> '} annual accounang of the Funds,showing crcdits and debits to�he Funds and the purpose for which ench debit to the Funds wus ;�; ':"�- <br /> madc.The Funds arc pledgcd as addiuonal security for ull sums securcd by this Sccurity Instrument. ����:. <br /> If thc Funds hcld by Lcndcr cxcced thc nmounts perm�ucd to bc hcld by upplicublc luw,Lcndcr shall account to Bonowcr for ,r�-� <br /> �� �1 = <br /> the excess Fuiids in accordanee witl�the requirements of applicuble luw.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any ume is I <br /> � not sul�cicnt to pay the Escrow Items whcn duc,Lcndcr muy so notify Borrowcr in wriung,und,in such cs+sc Boaowcr shall puy - <br /> * to Lcndcr thc amount ncccssary to mukc up thc dcficicncy. Borrowcr shall miilcc up thc dcficicncy in no morc than twclvc <br /> monthly paymcnts,ut Lc:ndcr's salc discrcuon. f nd to Borrowcr any Funds ��, <br /> Upon paymcnt in full of all sums sccurcd by this Sccurity lnsvumcnt,Lcndcr shall prompdy rc u H, <br /> held by Lender. lf,undcr parAgraph 21,l.cnder shall acquirc or sell thc Property,l.cndcr,prior to the ucquisition or sulc of thc �, <br /> Propcny,shall npply anY Funds hcld by Lcndcr ut thc �imc ul ucyuisiuon or sulc us u crcdit ug:�inst the sums sccurcd by this [�.�.-�-• <br /> '�• Sccurity Instrumcnl. <br /> � �_„-.r_.�.. <br /> 3.,s.ppl[catiun uf Paymentg. Unlcss upplicuble law provides othcnvisc,�ill paymcnGs reccivcd by l.cndcr under parugruphs � _ <br /> ',�',.' 1 and 2 shall bc applicd; first,to nny prcpuymcnt churgcs duc undcr thc Notc; sccond,to umounts puyublc undcr puragraph 2; _� _ <br /> ^ thud,to intcrest duc;fourU�,to principul duc:and lust,to�ny latc chargcs duc undcr thc Notc. ':_- = <br /> .;; 4.Charfies;Ltens. Bonowcr shxll puy all wxes, acscssmcnts, ch�uges, fincs und imposiuons utuibuu►blc to thc Property _�;'^�__ <br /> - which may attain priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt,and lc�.�chold paymcn�s or ground rernti,if uny.Borrowcr shall pay tttcsc � --- ;�� <br /> obliguuons in thc manncr provided in pnragraph 2,or if not paid in that munncr, Borrawcr shall puy thcm on umc d'uccdy to chc �;_,�. r .� <br /> • person owcd payment. Borrowcr shuU prompQy fumish to Lcndcr all nouccs of amounts to bc paid undcr this ptuagraph. If ��',.'��:,�,' :a.,.. .• <br /> ��ti.;a•'��:,,,_ <br /> Borrowcr makcs thesc paymcn�i dirccUy,Borrowcr shull prnmptly furnish�o Lcndcr rcecipGti evidcncing thc puymcn�ti. .ta_ ,.y,K;,�s�� <br /> Borrowcr shall promptly dischargc�ny licn which hati priority ovcr this Sccurity Insuurncnt unlcss Boaowcr. (a)agrces in . •• ��-;�-r����,.r�� <br /> writing to thc pAymcnt ol thc obliguuon sccurcci by�hc licn in a manncr acccpWblc to Lcndcr;(b)contcsls in gooci faith thc licn . •�",���• . <br /> hy, or dcfcnds aguinst cnl'orccmcnt of thc licn in, lcgal proc:ccdings which in thc Lcndcr's opinion operatc to prevcnl thc �. .. . :�.y:.:; <br /> cnlorccmcnt o! thc licn;or (c:) sccures from thc holdcr uf thc licn an agrocmcnt st�usCuctory to Lcndcr subordinating Ihc licn to <br /> this Sccuriry Instrumcnt.!f Lcndcr dctcrmincs that any part ol'thc Prc�perry is subjcc:t to a licn which may uttain priority ovcr this , <br /> Sccurity [nstrumcnt,i.cndcr may grvc Borrowcr a noticc idcntifying th�lic.n.$orrowcr shall wtisl'y lhc licn or takc onc or morc <br /> of thc acuons sct forth abovc within t0 duys of thc giving oI nuticc. I <br /> Form3028 9/90 � <br /> �•8R(NE)�sz�2�o� PapoPOi6 �n��'���. . . <br /> P) 1 <br /> � _ <br /> � _- --.-.:-_ - <br /> � _ _ _ _— _ <br />