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<br /> _ . �+oCr.�riff.rt vm'�t aif li�i�p�a�remeat��o+r ar I�e�eafler a�ec�oa as the,pcap�;►.�a al�a�aoms.�p�a�rs: -
<br /> -. �
<br /> �
<br /> f��aow a baeafler s pifta�tbe .�a�pl�ty� All e�t�aad abiitia�s ahail aL�o be�e3 6y ti�is Sea�itY .
<br /> -- L�. �a�t�f�ts���as�ttsSe�ssutyl�sass�es�th'ptape�tY-"--- --- - ------ -- - ------.-- —
<br /> BORROwFR�UVa�MTt�s tY�Batv�s is tai�tiiliy�dsod at me�6�►wav,�y�sa�na nas�e ci�he to gant
<br /> � �� �d oonvry 1Lz Ptiopaty�od�Idt tltopdt�r is�aaic�mbeted.except fair eea+mbranoes of i+ecad. BaQa�et�r�taots and `
<br /> � wili detead�a�esaii�r tbe t,tle b�e�iropesiy�t dl olaims and ddn�C.s�bja�w aey�atteen[d. . —
<br /> - 'Et11S SECIlR[!Y Q�S1RtJMFNT ooiebines�mitam ooven�nts iar n�tiooal u9e and�op�aomtt witb .
<br /> - lim�ed vaciations by juci�dion to aomtitwe s uoifa�m seaQity���P�'�Y � -. ' .
<br /> UNll�RM QOVF[VAN'i'S. 8o�tm�uand IandercoYaw�t�nd a�e�as fdlows:
<br /> l. lJ�j�e�t�tlti�elA1 aM 6Me�N,lr�J�c�1 a�i 1.tt�Cl�r�s Bo�tewer sLall promgtiy pay��due tbe
<br />-_ - p�incipaldad'mtaestaad�debtevid�dbythelrio�eandanYpre�ymentsodiaLectwr�dc�cr.QcrtbeN�ea. -. . . --
<br /> _ i I�Y�i�e'6�eF aM I�Irta�ea Subject to aPP�ieabb!aw oroo a w�ittn�v�iva Dy l+tader.Bortuveer sMtl pay tQ
<br /> -- tucs�od asse�ts wbicfi ioay atlain priatiRy ova t6is Sec�ity tostrw�t s a aa .
<br />== p ar gcouod�oc oa tbc Ropeity.if aoy: tc}yp�fy htz�ed ar Qmpeety iesu�ao�e praniams:(d)Y�Y � -- -
<br /> _� 4�svr��oc�e pamlms.if aay:to)Y�Y�B���if any:and(f!�y�P�l�6S►��m �_
<br />�::; I.eader.in scoord�noe wHh the ptavLSions af pvr�pb 8.in iiat of d�p�ymeet ot matgage insura�e p�miums. 'I1�es� �-_�_----
<br /> nems a�e dka"Fsc�oa►todn�. tenaler may:at sry►dma.aollea aoa tala Rmds in an amouoe me w euceoa me ma��mum = .
<br /> <<_. a�iot a leatitd fuc a fedar�lly celared aao�e ta�may ioqaut for Raro�rer's esciow acsount wtder t6e federat Ral � �_
<br />`��' � Esvfe SeltkmeuR Ro�u�Act of 1974 as�oeadW t�um mae totime.l2 Q.S.0�Z6ti1 et stq.('RESP�A').onless wntt�er +� ';r` _=
<br /> r�"- , ia�r t6at�tb:tbe i i i i a d s a�ts a lesser amd�mt. It so.Lende�mry.at any time.cdket ad huW fvnds ur aa amow�t noi to -„F�_=�;,;.;.._ --
<br /> n
<br />- ' exaed�k.ss�r ianouat. lrader mry�tbe-amoaot d Fiends dut at tl�e h�sis of cwrcnt data aad�easa�able ::�`t:- -
<br />_ �;:� -
<br /> '_�:i:: e.�mta of c of fitWC FsC[ow iizms oratLa�ri�c in acaOEd�tloc�rub appl�ica6iC law `�----
<br /> ��• 71ie F�beld iu an imiiou�xhose deposits ue ins�aed bSr a fcderai agiency.�itY.or eruiiY �'��:�_
<br /> ", — � fmclo�i,eqi�if:if i.ea�er is such an u�o�o)ur ia aay F�ede�at Ho�ac i.oa�Baok. I.rnder sl�ll spply t�F'imds tn pa�r :" . r
<br />_ -- - • �Esc�o�r i� Iruda no� Bon�,xr fac a.ad . ' ��
<br /> "`"- — msY �: � �t6e Twds.anowlaG.spceiFxin6 tbe�.. •'��.;.
<br /> " �cx�oo�a.or verifyiag tbe Fsa+ow Itar�s.a�kss[.ts�dec pc�ys Barmii�a`interat on�e I'tids a i d l.a r p Q G�i e:li.rc ' '_' �r. =
<br /> ,A ,
<br /> rti,�—- - :. 1,�er to m�ice sach a dwt�.;�iaweva.Lada map-reqairr Bamowa w pay a anatime cla�5e far an:�ti� -_
<br /> `+�,`�" ., " ';:es�te tax tepo�ting semoe�-tiY Leada ia onnnection aith this lo�e.unkss applic�Me law pmvi�s��• -.
<br /> �; - -.�i,�'`,�r, u made a icab[�iaw mtacest to fie L.eader slndl not be m�uired topap�8�octowa3ay'iaten�st or=- . ,�
<br /> s��, 2;w �aS�o�na�t� �PP1' �S� P� �, ,:•
<br /> e�nings at lhe Cvnds. BaaoF!�er�d l�ender maY agne in writing.however.Qat iateiai sha116cp1�ti8 nn the Fvnds. l.endcr ,
<br />-- �� �:'-� - :-��sixil give to Borfiwet WiR�oo�d�a►$�an aatual accaunntg of the£vnds.show'tag etodi[s ud deblcs W the fimids and IM . ••'<�'+':: —
<br /> .«4..:;:;.;;.- _ '�t�ose fur which r�ch debit 6s tde Funds was made. '�'6e Ii�nds aae ptedged�adct6.ana1 seruriry for alt su�as sei.�ed by . `�` �.r,
<br /> ,�,` _ . `.tttis Securicy Iasttumai� I�:,...',.
<br /> �«,�;� � -� �� '�?`'�'�'�,, ��:s,� If tlfe�s heW by [.ender eaceed thc amamts pe�mit[ed to be hetd by applicaMe law,l.ender shali a�mut ta . `"-,�•<� ,:
<br /> �''� ' . ��a.�s,w $o��i6�:��cess Fw�ds in accord�nce witH ti�e roqa�mnrnts�€a�ppfic�ble laW. If the amaunt al'tde Fvi�ds tieW �f�'�-`
<br />_•lR�;;`.• _ " . '.�,�''{..'�`_'. _ ��. '�' � �" �. . . � ., --
<br /> . �1v --� �.« 1��,`��� ;�as�i�fs�a�.iimz���s na sufficie�nt w pay the Fscraw Icems when dn�Exader uwY so naify Boaower in wciting.and.i�'. ' `
<br /> _ ��• _ - ',•'�', '::a�:`'�;�t;4�'c,,�r�r�SstE.i��:to I.ender the amount nocess�vy to make up tfie�cie�y. Bamwer sdatt_��p the _ _-
<br /> ;,�` ,. .�ciiaxy in ia mone t��x�[ve monthlY PaYmrnts.at i�o d e r�s so le d iscirtion. �� � ''�` -.
<br /> =�ri,:-,�_=<�� - . .. UPa►PaY,uent iri( 'vt'r�:i swns secured by this Sracvdry tassnimear.Les�de!;si�prompllY refand to f3vi►vwer any *� �.. `=
<br />_ R � '�i'vnds held 6y Lender. i iand�P�S�Ph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Flupeety.Lender.piior to the'�raqiiisidan or � . ..�
<br />. a' ; . ' sak of the Ptoperty.aha�3g�7y any Fvnds held 6y l.erder at the time of xquise6on or sale ac a cFetit against tUe sums �� . =
<br /> - `�`x:~. . � '" 4fi_.. SCC���]I 1�115�O�'llt�ty TO.riTlili17C111. � . `-c
<br /> � .� �; ";�; 3 A tbn d��tats. Unless appiicabfe law provides athawise,all paynxnts ieceived by Lendet undec � . _ • �
<br /> "�+.:_- . � paragaphs 1�ard 2 sfall t+�.a�e�fus�,to anY PrePaYment chazges due under the Note:second.to amaunu payabte under '�,�;;;, �.
<br /> -. �"`' ' p�ragrapb 2:thmd,to in�im,at�uue:faurth.to principal du�and last.to any tate charges Aue under�he Nae. �`�.. - �.
<br />�"f• �";»x�, ! � �. Ci�p.��t.,.�l�ortower shall pay all taxes.assessrt�encs.charges.fines and impositions um'bufabk to the ; ,;�"bf�"�, ,;`F,
<br /> `�� � :`��;- Ptopetty widCh ii�ajR��k�a�}?i'�ritS�ovei this 5ecnaty Instrmnen�and leasehoid PaYmen Stound � "'��'�Y� s �.1`
<br /> ts or neats.if uty. Bomower . �'�a�'tiK��.:'i:�:-�:;:�:..,
<br /> �:�'� ' �� - ' 'bt,;,;..rs;.,
<br /> t�,,., n -;�� ,.I�e maiu�er wided in 2.or if not �d in that manner.Borrower shall pay them va � '�,4 s,
<br /> �.,, . .. ,,y.�; shall pay t�u�i3�sV�,s,�_m�a. Pr D�S�Ph Pa , �� 3�
<br /> � ' '`j� '��.• '��:':� d' � �• �sdi:� a nt. Borrower shaU m 1 fumisb to Lender all notices af amounts to be psdd nnder •>` _ f�:`.���;�y,�;'��;�"`.
<br />'�r��' =„<<' ;;,:.ti ���•r� ; time �roet�1`g�"����? P Y� P@ P�Y . ' - _-
<br /> . .'(Q,- 'F�h�gt�,`��{L�,hj�r •;` �;�duis�xgraph. fif f�xi�ceruirices these paymen�s dimctly.Barmwer shaU prampily fumish to Lender receipt��r`dencinS � :�j���,;�;!���l�4.��. -
<br /> "��,' �,[`��t'l��h'��'� i:i. •�7"'y�'n�$. � .. ..��` , ':'. .•, ��.: � F'i! i�r>� t�c ���.
<br /> ::�� � ��f ;i�t�, �• ` Borrowet shaSf�grr,wc�dtiYChazge any lien which f�as priority over this Ser�tj�iS�trumen�uqless Borro�:<a)a8rces �{��:r�e� r ,�[3`
<br />;. .� ° ����'������' 3n writingtothe payrUe��u�4i�:c,►bHgation.seatued by tde lien ia a mart��ra�ce�t�?3��ia�i�:ender Eb}u�ryr�sts in good faitb the .`''. ,r�';,_
<br />�' � i�� 11:+y . .
<br /> �;d.���,k,,� 1�by�ndef'efathe 1'i��+a.����', ::'�tt�ririi:tfte ho�lder o�f th�en an��aa���s�id��e��,�i�i+,it�ape�a►tb so�vent the , 'r'�e�--
<br /> ,� . " ��r��is�a�3ta� .�ai��a:.n the lien ,
<br /> ,, . .,
<br /> },,: '. to this Savricy/nsriml�stt :i�''I,�fr�'�lkifaorines ihat any part of tl��'h��`'y�is�.raa+-¢s��e�,w�'az�i•a�i^�'sit�i.L�priority �r`�F�Fit r � - '
<br /> • '`�` '. ''+ OYCf 1�f�S.�iCt �OR�['(��I��JI�Pn���+�R.��ve Bortower a not�ce i�r�S�t?:.,�r���'.l 44�CA3?vn�i�W"9�s.�c�"..'S2FY��}I�C11.'fl dt i�CC �f �,�}f�l,"'j y�sj��'t
<br /> ,.
<br /> ..�`• � one or mae of t!{br�ciJ�s�'_�a�t'�'s�b���crtiain 10�a s af the rvi a�;:,�w�i.�.. �� _: 4 �'.• • ' �`' �:' ' � ;,c t,' r :
<br /> � - �'b Y S' ►�,
<br /> ,��3�t ',�;:']i°��'.y,,. S. H�l�di� , . , �li�sY� Bortowershal1keepChe��Rr;�i�l���,,;•�xx�����s:i.�t`t�af4�ck�t�tdontt� ' ` # 6t�� -
<br /> . ` .;}`k c �.��;,
<br /> ,r�',; .:°.:Fr....,.' propeAy i�a�s�iit;�i���.�;i�i fire hazatds included within the t�m''Ft�q��i�3�+�aF�r"i�.-�n`�J��3U74,�f�erba�r,F��zctuding., �f.sr.,,, y��,•
<br />- ' �=;•'.��c „ f t o o d s o r fi o a�s,�:��r.��cr�'�.encter r e quires insurance. This in�i:�:c;taii P�ad�r.���:��`�e am�am1:tcir the `'�f),���<j�r '
<br /> •�� 1���� . " ' , . � � : � . � . 7y4�t�.s. . '�� ..
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