<br /> ��� ,
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<br /> �'>; '�° � ,k;
<br /> D � �D RECORD
<br /> 27718—The Augustlne Co., (}rand Isiand, Nebr.
<br /> ss.
<br /> H arry M. Tyl er & Wf. H811 County, Entered in Numerical Index
<br /> Henry F. Tyl er & Wf. and filed for record in the Register of Deed's office of said County,
<br /> TO Warranty the 2l d�.y of 0 Ctober 19 48` ,at 9
<br /> Deed
<br /> Murphy I e e and Re al t y Co mpany �'clock and 45 minutee, A. �vi
<br /> G��;
<br /> ��ister of eds,
<br /> By ��,,, �� Deputy.
<br /> ,-'
<br /> ��C�t�r� ,��� ��e�t br� ���r�� �x�����t��:
<br /> That We, Harry M. Tyler and Lois C. Ty1er, husband and wife, and Henry F. Tyler and Ethelda A.
<br /> Tyler, husband and wiPe,
<br /> of the County of Montgomery , and State of IOWB. , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> One Do11ar and Other Cansideration ��,KXI�C
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Murphy Iee and Realty Company
<br /> �f the County of DOdg6 , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situated
<br /> in Grand I s land iTi HA11 County and State of Nebraska , to•wit:
<br /> an undivided one-half interest in Lots One (1) , Two (2) Three (3) , Eight (�) , Nine (9�
<br /> and Ten (10) , the Easterly one-half (E � of Lot Four (4j , and the Easterly one-half (E )
<br /> of Lot Seven (7� , aIl in Block E1.even �11) , Baker' s Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> ( . . . amps)
<br /> (Cancelled )
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Heraditaments and Appurtenances thereunto be-
<br /> longing, unto the said Murphy Ice and Realty Gompany
<br /> and to 3t8 SUCG@S30Y'$ �nd assigns,forever
<br /> And W e do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with 1 t S 8 U C C@ S S OY'9�and assigns, that
<br /> We aY'@ lawfully seized of said premises, that t�ey are free from encumbrance� '
<br /> that W g have good right and lawful authority to sell the same, and Wg do hereby covenant
<br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> And the said gr�ntors hereby relinquishes all their right, t3'G1e and in'�erest in and �o �he
<br /> above des�r3bed premises. �iarry M. T�3er � �enr� �'. T�ler
<br /> Signed thia 27th day of September, A.D. 19�-�• � I,o1s C. Tyle� Ethelda A. Tyler
<br /> In Presence of
<br /> . . �.� ;E. Cronin � . . .
<br /> J
<br /> STATE OF NEBRA�KA � 'Or� this �'2F�th day of September, A.D. 194�, before me, the underaigned Clinton
<br /> � sa. E. Cronin a Notary Publie, duly commissioned and qual3Pied fvr and residing
<br /> HALL County ) in said county, personally came Harry M. Ty1er, LoiA C. Tyler to me known to
<br /> be the identical persons whose names are a�f3xed to �he foregoin� ins�rument �,s grantors and acknowl-
<br /> edged the same to be their volun�ary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. Clinton E. Cronin
<br /> My commission expires the 29th day of May, �94g (SEAL) o ary u e.
<br /> State of Nebra$ka � On this 2��h day of September A. D., i9t{.�
<br /> Hall County, Ss' before me the undersigned, Clinton E. Cronin
<br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came Henry F.
<br /> Ty1er
<br /> � to me known to be the identical person whose name ig affixed to the foregoing instru-
<br /> ment as Grantor , and acknowledged the same to be Yij,g voluntary act and deed.
<br /> (SEAZ,� �7itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> My commission expires the 29th day of May � 19�9
<br /> Clinton E. Cronin Notary Public
<br /> STATE OF IOWA ) On this 29th day of September, A. D. 19�, before me, t e �� .er��gn�$ a
<br /> )as. Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualiPied �or and residing in said
<br /> MONTGOMERY COUNTY) county, personally came Ethelda A. Tyler to me known to be the identical
<br /> person whose name is €�Pfixed to the foregoing instrument as gra,ntor and acknowledged the eame to be� �
<br /> her voluntary act �,nd deed.
<br /> Witness my hand a.nd No�arial Sea1 the day and year las� above written.
<br /> (SEAT,) xarry F. McGee
<br /> My Commission expirea July 4, 1951. o ary u 1 c.
<br />