<br /> ��� f� ��
<br /> _J' `i.I�?. .
<br /> D � E-D RECORD
<br />,_ 27718—The Auguatine Co., Qrand Island, Nebr.
<br /> , ss.
<br /> �'ja,l,l County, Entered in Numerical Index
<br /> NICHOLA3 LUEH3 et ai�
<br /> and filed for record in the Register of Deed's office of said County, '
<br /> . � � ,�,� Warranty the 21 day of September 19 4F�` ,at 3
<br /> Deed
<br /> o'clock and 30 minuteQ, P.1vI.
<br /> ALHERT E. LUEB3 � D � -
<br /> � �i���«-C�� Register of Deeds,
<br /> By �� �%��,/ Deputy.
<br /> ,�;:�
<br /> � � � � ��t��r .��� ���t � � �,��e ��e��e�t�,�:
<br /> � � �
<br /> That Nicho3as Luebs, aingle, and August Luebs and Raahael �.uebs, huaband and wife
<br /> oP the Cor�ntq of Oklahoma an8 State of Oklahoma and
<br /> of the County of L&I1C88'G8Y' , and State of 1$ebraska reapec�ively , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> �ne Dollar and other good and suffioien'� Qonsideration �c
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Alber� E. LU8b8
<br /> � �f the County of Ha11 ,and State of Nebraeka , the following described real estate situated
<br /> in j�jg],� County and State of Nebraeka , tawit:
<br /> Lots Seven (7) , Eight (8� , Nine (9), Ten (1�), Eleven (11 , Twelve (l2) and Thirteen (13�
<br /> and the Northeaat Quar�er oi the Southeast Quarter(NP�3E�� o� Section Thirty—one (31),
<br /> Tovin�hip Ter� (10), North Range Ten (10), We s t o t' the bth. P.M.
<br /> . . � �ps)
<br /> (�ancelled )
<br /> . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Heraditaments and Appurtenances thereunto be-
<br /> longing, unto the said A],b@2`t E. Luebe
<br /> . ' and to Y1�,8 heirs and assigns,forever
<br /> And WL do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with his heir3 and assigns, that
<br /> W@ eII'@ lawfully seized of said premises,that they are free from encumbrance j
<br /> that N8 have good right and law£ul authority to sell the same, and W@ do hereby covenant
<br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever
<br /> , �.
<br /> And the said gra.ntors @q,Ch hereby relinquishes all
<br /> homeatead righte, tj.tl@ and intereet Or every 11&tU2`@ in and ta the abave described premises.
<br /> Signed this 7th , day of Februa�ry , A. D., 19�5`.
<br /> � • In 7� presence of
<br /> R. Baegl Niaholas Lueb�
<br /> As to August Lueba & Racshel Luebs August L�ebe
<br /> ` Rachel Luebs
<br /> �
<br /> 5tate of �KLAHOMA On this 7th day of February A. D,, 19 1�.�
<br /> OIt1.&�1�1l181 County, } ss. before me the undersigned, A.�T.T81��i�
<br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came
<br /> �icholas Luebe, single,
<br /> to me known to be the identical person whose name 18 affixed to the foregoing instru-
<br /> rnent as Grantor , and acknowledged the same to be �118 voluntary act and deed.
<br /> (s�AL,� Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> . My commission expires the 9'�Yl day of Novemb�r, 19�"9•
<br /> . A. J. TaPt.
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> )ss. �n this 13 day of l�ebruary, A.D. 19�g, bePore �ae, the undersigned
<br /> Lanoaster County ) Augu�ta Baegl a Notary Publie, dulq aonimissioned and qualilied for
<br /> and rssidin� in eaid county, personallq aame August Lueba and Raohael Luebe, his wife, to me
<br /> known to be the identieal persons whoae t�amea are affixed tv the o egoing instrua�ent �s grantore
<br /> and aeknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> W1tn�aa my hand and Notarial Seal �he day and year laet above written
<br /> (SEAL) �A=u�us�a=Ba� �eg1
<br /> I�y CommissSon expires the 1� day oP Dat, 195� Notia�"Y Yunlic
<br />