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<br /> � _�'���
<br /> DE �D RECORD
<br /> 27718—The Auguatine Co„ Grand Ssland, Nebr.
<br /> ss.
<br />' H8,a,1 County, Entered in Numerical Index
<br /> 9�.c�iey Beckler & w�'.
<br />' and filed for record in the Register of Deed's office of said County,
<br /> Warranty
<br /> TO Deed the �1 day of geptember 19 1� ,ac 2
<br /> Ax'ID�t12` H8� & FSt'd C�IDp811y o'clock and �jp minutea� P.M,
<br />�� ����'�%�''Q'� Register of Deeds,
<br />, By ��J Deputy.
<br /> ��C�t��u ,��� ,��e� br ���e�� �x��e���t��:
<br /> �
<br /> That Sidneq Heekler and Hlanche Heekler, husband and wife, .
<br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> �ne Dollar and exchange of property Qnd other valuable consideration �3��L
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto AI'nlOtir' Hay & Feed Company, a ecpa�tnerahip
<br /> . �f the County of H8,11 , and State of Nebraska ,the following described real estate situated
<br /> in i�'�al�. County and State of Nebraaka , to-wit:
<br /> A parQel of land located in the Northeaet Quarter (NE�) of 3ecti�n Thir'�y-one (31), in
<br /> Township Twelve (12) , North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., mvre par�icularly deserib�d
<br /> as �oiloxs: Measuring east from the Northwest eornex of the aforesaid Nor'Chesat Quarter (NH3})
<br /> along the north Iine o� eaid seation, 252.0 feet to the sou�herly rallway right-ot-v►ay line oP
<br /> the C. B. & Q. Raliroad; thence, at an angle oP 16°14� to the right, and alon�; the Southerly
<br /> railway line oP eaid Railroad, 307.� feet to the Nor�heast corner of a traat conveyed to
<br /> Lumb�r and arain Company, reco�ded ia Hc�ok 5�, of Deeda on Page 417, in the records oP the
<br /> Rsgister of �De�ds ofPiae oP Hall Cc�nty, Nebraska, suah point being the place o2' beginning;
<br /> rurin3ng the�ce eoutherlq along 'Ghe eas�erly line of the last mentioned tract, 130.0 feet, �o
<br /> the southeasterly oorner of aaid traot; runn3.ng thence eas�, parallel to the Nvrth line oP said
<br /> seetion, 465.0 feet to �he southerly railway right-of-xay I3ne of$aid railroad� running thenae
<br /> northwest�rly along the aou�herly rialway right-of-way line of said Railroad, �F6.� feet to
<br /> the plaQe of beginnln�, containing-:b�'j acsrea, more or 1eas.
<br /> ( •,, . . amps}
<br /> ( Cancelled )
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Heraditaments and Appurtenances thereunto be�
<br /> longing, unto the said �ZgOUP Hay & P'eed Company, a, a4-partnersh3p,
<br /> and to �te heirs and assigns, forever
<br /> And Wg do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with j,'�g heirs and assigns, that
<br /> S�� a,2�� lawfully seized of said premises,that they are free from encumbrance btl� SLib�eGit t0 &I1 @868 em�Tl� TOP
<br /> eleotria lines to the Consumera Publi� Power D3etr3.ot ot' reeordj
<br /> that i�t@ have good right and lawful authority to sell the same, and WS do hereby covenant
<br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever
<br /> And the said Sidney Beekler &rid B18.I1aB Beckler BBah hereby relinquishes all
<br /> homestead right, �1'�1� and inter�s�' �P 8P6I`y nature in and to the above described premises.
<br /> Signed this �1'i]�, day of cjt11J� , A. D., 19 �$�
<br /> In �DCpresence of �
<br /> - A. J. Luebe Sidney Beokler
<br /> Blanche Heckler
<br /> State of 1�L+'H�$ZCA On this 9�r1 day of cTL1],y A. D., 19��
<br /> H811 County, } ss. before me the undersigned, A. �T. Luebe
<br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came
<br /> Sidney Heckler and Hlanche Beckler, Musband and w�.fe,
<br /> to me known to be the identical person 8 whose name S gY`@ affixed to the foregoing instru•
<br /> inent as Grantor S , and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �sEAIa� Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> My commission expires the E1�1 day of July 19 �'jl
<br /> A. J. Luebe
<br /> Notary Public
<br />