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rw�v <br /> ^�� ' . . <br /> '�`� . " . / i.'.a.::Z. . <br />�.� - _ - ' iv�:•w�J�°' . <br /> ' � /i <br /> �y �{�� .•H1��4 '�� <br /> ' .. •.M���II��°�'.. . .. . . � " , i. • .��»:-. <br /> ., � • ' '=SJ:�."r�� <br /> I -�4.: <br /> , II Bortower falla to perform the aovan8nta snd aqrNmanta ...,e.,,• <br /> •7. Protectton ot Lendere Aiqht� in the Property. ,. .';'�`"����_-. <br /> contalned In this SecurUy Inatrument, or there ►s a lepal proceediny Ihat may afpnNbantly attect Lender's rphts In th� Property(suoh es �,`_ <br /> Q procaedhp in bankruptay,probate,lor condemnatbn or toAeRure or to enforco laws or repulatlons),then Lender may do and pay for h <br /> •�:�. <br /> wh�tever Is necessnry to proteCt the�e�o�t 'oveP hle Securfty�nU�t�r enqhappearhg in court, pay qe�eaeoniable attor ey'e�s8nnd � �• ��� <br /> any aums eecured by t Ilan whbh hao p Y . .° <br /> entertnq on the Property to make repalrs. Aqhough Lender may teko act�on under thls peray�aPh �� Lender doea not huvo to do so. ' .rt. <br /> Any amounts dl5bursed by Lender under ihl5 per9graph 7 shell become addUlonal debt of Borrower seCUred by thls StiCUrfty' ._ <br /> Instrument. Unless 8orrower and Lender aprae to other lerms ot payment, these amounts shall baar interost from the dete of ^ <br /> dlsbureement at the Note rate and shall bo psyBble.with Interest, upon notfce trom Lender to Borrower requesqnq payment. � , _� <br /> , 8. Mortgage InsursnaeQ �omeums requred o�malntal� the mortqaye InauranCe�in eHectfl. t I,toa any reason,ythebmo pey� � , _ <br /> � InsUument, 6orrower shall poy P . __ <br /> y,,; Ineurance coveraye requked by Lender Iapses or ceases to h eNect att a cost substantl�ly quNabnt to the oost to Bonowsr of the � <br /> ' ' � � subStantielty equNalent to the mortgaqe inaurance previouary _ <br /> r � mortqaye Inaurance prevbusly h eBect, from en a4emate mort�nye Insurer approved by Undor. If eubatant4ly squNalent mortqtpe — <br /> i <br /> hsurance coveraqe Is not avallabb�rtowe�when tho InsurAnceeao eraye lapsedtor ceu ed oubeth efteatWemender wlll ecC pt usegand <br /> I fnsurance premlum belny peid by Bo y�surance. Losa reserve peymente may no lonper be required, at the _� <br /> � retaln these paymonts as a bsa reserve in Iieu of moRpape rovided by an hs�rer <br /> optlon ot Lender, if moRyape insurance coveraqe (h the amount and for the period that Lender requkes) p <br /> { approved by Lendsr apaln b IV demasloss�eserven until the8 equlremenrt�oerm rtgagea Insu a ce ends In ecco�rdance awith e�y Wf�ttee - <br /> ; � Insurance In eHect, or to pro <br /> agreement between Bortower and Lentler a appl�ebie law. Lender shall pNe <br /> , 9. Inepection. Lender or fts agent may make reesonable entries upon and inspeations of the Property <br /> # In reasonable cause for the Inspectfon. 'T;�. -. <br /> � Borrower not�e at the tkne of or prior to en inspecllon specdy 9 <br /> 10. COtldemtllftio►t. Thn prnrt of thef Peoperty,o�r for con eyance an Ileusot condemneUon,are hereby assignedt'and shall8be � <br /> ! Condemnatlon or ottie� taking of e Y P __ <br /> } pa�d to Lender. Iied to the suma secured by this Seourity Instrument, — <br /> � In the event of a :otal taking of the P�opertY� the proceeda shail be app <br /> ' whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Bortower. In the event of a pcRlal taking o�the Property h W���h the f8k market <br /> � # value of the Property knmediatey betore the takhq is equal to or preater then the amount of the sumS secufod by thls Security �`- <br /> t Instrument immedlatey before the taking, uniess Borcower and Lender othervvlse ayre9 in wtltMy, the Sums seC�ued by this SeCUrHy �` <br /> instrument shall be reduced by the emount of the proceedc multlplled by the followlnB frsctbn: (a) the total amount of the sums <br /> �- seCUred Immedlateiy before the teking, dHlded by (b) the fak market�alue of the PropeRy Immedletely betore the taking. MY balanee <br /> shall be paid to Borrower. �n the event of 8 partlal taking of the Property h whbh the lak market vaiue of the Property immedk,tety <br /> � before the taking is �ess then I�able iaw othenvlse providesetlhe peoceeds shale be epp�ed lo�the sumsWSeCUr d`bydlh��tSoo��rtY <br /> agree in writing ar unless app <br /> � Instrument whether Or not the Sums are ihe�due• <br /> — ;i iha Propa^.y !: gbgn�lnnad by Borrower,or if,after notbe by Lender to BoROwer thet the condemnor ottera to makd an awar or <br /> T_ settle a claim tor demages, BorroweBrt fasls�to}on pe t er o�estoretlon o 3 epak of the Property tor8to the sums�secu ed by his 3ecure�h' � <br /> `� to collect and appry the prxeeds, P <br /> � Instrument, whether or not then due. <br /> � Unlesa Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrRinq, any appl►�atbn of proceeds to principal shell not eMand or postpone t e _ <br /> i due date of the monthly payments referred to in paraqraphs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of such payment�. <br /> 1 11. Borrower Not Releaaed:Forbearance By Lender Not e Weiver. Extansion or tne c�+e ror peyment or <br /> �i; modNicatlon of amortlzation of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In �nlerest of Borcower <br /> shali not operale to release the Ilability of the orlglnai Borrower or Borrowers successors tn Interest. Lender shall not be raquked to <br /> A! commence prxeedhgs agahst any successor in intsrest or refuse to extend timo for payment or otherwise modify amortliation of the �— <br /> �t., sums secured by thls Security^tlof�nmexeresing any right8o� remedy shelAl notbbeta waNer�ol or�p0eceudort eoa ercise ol any phS or <br /> interest. Any �o�bearanCe by Le <br /> � remedy. <br /> r 12. Successors and Assfgns Bound; Joint and Several Lfability; Co-aignera. The cove�ants e� <br /> agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assiyns of Lender and Borcower, subjeCt to the � <br /> provisbns of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreemonts ShAll be Jalnt and severai. Any Borrower who�o•sand co,n eyc that ____ <br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is Co•signinp this SeCUrky Instrument ony to mortgage, q <br /> , ' � Borrower's hterest in the Property under the tortns of thls Securiry Inatrument; (b)Is not personaity obllyated to pay the sums secured <br /> by this Security Instrument; and (c) aflrees that Lender and any other Bonower may egree to oxtend, modHy, torbear or make eny <br />� p � accommodatlons with regard to terms of this Security Instrument or the Nute wRhout that Bortowers consent. _- <br /> � t 13. Loan Charges. II the loan secured by this Security Instrument Is subJect to a Iaw whfch sets maximum ban charpes. � <br /> � and that iaw Is finally interprdted 5o that the hterest or other IoBn cherges coll0cted or to be colleCted In connectlon with the ban <br /> + exceed the permftted umits, then; (a) any such ban charges shall be reducetl by the amount necessary to raduce the charqe to the �+w��=.- <br /> • permitted limit;and(b;any s f^tlgbegdeduc'u�gte efrp��a�oowed undae thedNOte omby mis ing eiild ectfpay ent tooBoWOwer.enlde�r bt��=—=___—_ <br /> may Choose to meke th�s e y ;==°w;w�-- <br /> , refuntl�educes p��c�pal, the reauction wftl be treaiad es a partial prepayment wfthout any prepayment Cherge under the Note. r�,:.. <br /> � 14. NOtiCCB. My notice to Rorrower provided for in this Securily Instrument shall be gNen by detivering R or by mailing it by <br /> 1 �ti'_,, <br /> �:9e`�... � . <br /> � (irst C�ass ma� unless appl�cable �aw requUes usLender.otAnr notice to Lender�tshall be givenibyt�st c�35s mralptoyLenderssaddress ,v`U .�:`.'{ -. � <br /> ��'Y'a:.• <br /> other address Bo�rower designates by not�e to Y '��: � <br /> stated here� or any other address Lender designates by notke to Borrower. Any not�e provided for in this SecurNy Instrument shall <br /> �� be deemed to have been gNen to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this pnragreph. <br /> � 1b. Governing Law; Severabllity. ThiS Security instrument shall bo governed by federal law and the law ci the <br /> ' jurlsdbtlon In whfCh the Property �S located. In the event thet eny provislon or ciause ot this SeCUtity �nstrurnent or the NOte ConfliCts <br /> � with appifcable law. Such contlict sheu not aHect other provlsionS ot thfs Security Instrument or the Note which can be gNen BHect <br /> i wdhout the conflicting provis�on. To this end the p�ovfsfons o�this SeCUrity Instrument flnd the Note are deClared to be seve�able. <br /> i <br /> � 16. Borrower's Copy. Oorrower shall be gNen one Conformed copy oi the Note and o�this SeCU�ity Inslrument. <br /> .. �___...... .,. •wo e.�nArtv or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. n au or a�y aan ot tne Propenr or any <br /> . .,.,..,,o� .,����, <br />- • ir. tta�w�a.. ... ..... . ._�_ .. �.0: :........_. �__. . 5.�._.-_--.--..--- <br /> � mterest �n �t �s sold or transterred (or if a benetic�al interest n Borrower is sold o� trame�et�inatull of allrtsums secured by thfs Security i <br />� wdhout Lender's pnor wntten consenL Lender may, at ils opt�on,requlre irnmediate paY � <br /> Instrument. However,this oplion shall not be exerC�sed by Lender if exerC�se �S prohibiled by tederfll IaH as of the dato ot lhis SeCUrity i <br /> InstrumenL ; <br /> if Londer exerc�5es th�s option, lender shall give Borrower not�co of acceleration. The nol�ce shall provide a period ot not less I <br /> than 30 days from the date the nolke �s deNvered or melled wRhin wh�h lhe Borrower must pay all sums secured by lh�s 5ecurity <br /> � <br /> InSlrumonl• It Borrower fai15 lo pay lhese sum5 prior t0 the expMatfOn o} this p8rio�].Lender may m�oke any rgmediBS Pe�mo�mdao�eheo � <br /> L SeCUnty Instrumont wi�hout further nolic9 or demend on Borrowo�• , <br /> f'ago 7 0�'� , <br />- I�0791Ma(�9 97) <br /> _1 . _ �._ .. . _ <br />