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, , � , ... <br /> ��r $O� E • , . . (a•. <br /> � ; . ,�, <br /> 'POGETI-�R Wl'I'H ail the improvemeAts now or hereafter erected on the property,and all easeisients,aPPnrtenauces.and ;� . :;�-- <br /> � fucwres aow or hereafter a part of the property.All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Seciuity Instivmen�. ' �: . � <br /> .� All of the foregoing is referred w in this Secmcity Instrument as the..Property.. -. .`� � <br /> . B�RROWEIZ COVENAId'I'S that Botrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right w grant and ' � : • __ <br /> convey the Froperty and tbat the P�nperty is uaencumbeaed,eaccept for encumbrances of record. Borrower waaants and will . — <br />. defend geneaally the titZe ro the Property against all claims and demands,svbjea to any encumbrances of record. �. . . ` �`� <br /> -.� TEIIS SECiJR1TY INSTRUMENT combines uniform cova�uets for national use and non-uniform wvenants with limited ' - -" ` — <br /> m + <br /> . variations by jurisdic�on w constitute a uniform security insuument covering real property. . . . � . - <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bormwea and Lender covenant aad agree as follows: � ; __.� <br /> 1.Puyment at Prindpnl and Inter�Prepuyment aad Late Ciiarges. Boirower shall P�mPUY PaY wheu dae the � . . <br /> printipal of and'nuQrest on the debt evidenced by the 1�Iote and any prepaynunt zad late charges d�e undea the Note. • ', " �•� ._ <br /> 2.Funds tor Te�ces aud tnsmanoe. 5ubject to applic�ble law or�o a timtien waiver by L.emder, Bonower shall pay to '' . � , � "'��_` <br /> I.euder on the day monihly pa}anents are due nnde,r the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds'�for.(a)yearly taxes ,•3•�s°-�� <br /> and assessments which may auaum priority over this Secauity Iasnumer►t as a lien on tha Propaty;(b)Year1Y leas�hold payments f •, --�:- =_ :; <br /> � or ground rents on the ProP�Y,��Y.(�)Yearly hazard or gmperty u�s�uance premium�(d)Year1Y flood ins�uance premiumv,if •• ' .�`.=,_- <br /> , a n Y'(e)Y e a r ty mo rt g a ge i n s�ce premi u m s,i f a nY;a a d(�anY s u u u P aY a b l e by B o r r ow e x t o L e u d e a,i n a s x o r d a nce w i t h t he � . `':•�::�-::?. <br /> provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage msurance premiums. T]iese items are calted "Fscrow Items." ,. . ��� <br /> ' Lender any mne,collect and hold Funds in an zmae��not ro exceed the maxim�n amouni a lender for a fede�ally related ' , ' <br /> mQrtgage loan may requffe for Bomnwer's escrow acca�:ender the fede�al Real Fstate Seuleanen2 Proced�es Act of 1974 as � � .� � � " #._ <br /> ��;! amended from time to t�e,12 U.S.G Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA'�,anless aicothea 1aw that applies to the F�nds sets a lessear ` #`-�." <br /> -�•�-•; <br />;;;� amount If so,I�d� any time,oe�ect and hold Fands in ��noant not to exceed dte less�r amouat Leade.�may . . ;�,::, -_.�_ " <br /> estimate ihe a��act of Funds due an the basis of aurent dara and reasona3le esumates of enpendinaes of fuuue Fscrow Items or '��' <br /> �,�: .-f�.. <br /> ..��; OtI1CiWLSC iD 2CCOT$2I1CC VIl1tL 2�liC8b10 Z3W. ., . � '`'�p:•-,.�v <br /> 'Ihe Fnnds shall be 6eld in an institution whose deposits are insiue4 by a federal�cy,iasorunaentality.or entity(includmg ' <br />,. �' Lendea,if L.ender is sucb an instimtion)or in any Fedeaal Hame Loan Bank L.end��all apply the Funds to pay the F.scmw ; '� <br /> Items.L.ender,�-not char e Horrower for hold'ui and a I ' the Funds.annaalI anat the escrow account,or v ��i �-�� � <br /> � 8 8 PP Ym� Y Y�g �p►S - r , •,. <br /> the Fscrow Ite�s an�ess Lender pays Bmmwer interest on the Funds and applicable law pearnits I.end�w make suc6 a chzrge. . � .. �.•�`�' ,;��i ::L� <br /> However,Le�c.�may require Boaowea tn pay a on�time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting savice used by •.. ��" <br /> ,, i�;: <br /> Leadea um connection wiih this loan,un2ess applicable law provides otherwise.Unless an agreement is made or agplicable 1aw �_;;a • '`� '� <br /> teqt�irees inteaest to be paid,L�der shall not be requaed tn�ay BoJrower any inteaesi or evrnings an the Funds.Bonaw�and �.�r- ° :�:.',�' .-- <br /> I.e n d e a m a y 2�a e I n v a I t i�a g,&o w e v e r,t h a t i n t e r e s t s h a l l b e p a i d o n t h e P c�d s.I.e u d e r.^.h a ll g i v e ro II r.._.—n w e r.w i t h o u t c h a r g e.a n , , ` .` ' , •,.t t:: � <br /> ;;' , 8 8 P►uPose for a-�*�.�:.h debit to ihe Funds aa� p�,.��'� <br /> annual accounun of the Funds.showin axdias acd debits w the F��3 the � '%� , � <br /> �:�. :, � ,..� �: <br />,�.'�, m a d e.'i he F a n d s are p l e dg e d as a d d i t i o n a i s e r�v i t y for a ll sums secta e d t;; a�-.-'.s Secauity L�s t r u ment „; •�'- '. '; . •— <br /> � <br /> If the Funds held by I.endea exceed the amounts peamiued w be held bY aFP1i�L*i-a i:�;�.I.enda shall accouni to Bormwea foz „�,,: .� <.t�; -: <br /> ��':�:.. _�.. <br /> the excess Funds�accordance witb the reqasements of applicable taw.If the amo��Y the Funds hetd by Lende�at any time is � ..;;�;,; • . ;�, �. <br /> not suffcient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.Lendea may so no6fy Borrower in ariting,and,in such case Bmrowee shall pay ,_ , �. <br /> w I.ea�dea the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Barrower shall make up the def�ieacy in ao more tt�w twelve ��'°�== -- <br /> monthly payments,at I.ender's sole discretion. . ��� <br /> ^[,�,. . ."�_ <br /> Upan payment in full of all sums sec�red by thi4 Se�rity Insavmeait,I.endea shall pmmptly refund to Borrower any Fnnds .,;;.:._..;_���•-�- -� .. <br /> ,�=�' <br /> held b Lender.If,under paragraph 21.Lendea shall peaty.Lender,prior w the acquisition or sale of the """"'^"� <br /> y ac��e or sell the Pro <br /> ..:��� � ---- <br /> A�operry,sLall appty any Funds held by Lender at the tune of acquisiaan or sate ag a credic against the sums secured by thi,c '.. .;- .- .,,,: �. <br /> `;y�-� Seaaity Iasirameat � � .,,-,- <br /> ^:i' 3.Applkation of�yaseut9. Unless appticable tsw rovides! a ents receive8� Lendea undea ara .,. �° <br /> 7 D P �'n► Y P �1� ...':*a��,���� <br /> i and 2 shall be applied:fiast,to any prepayme�t charge9 due under the Note;seca�d,sn amounts paya6le unde�paragraph 2; �°-��-_=°_---" -- <br /> third.w intcaest due:fo�uth.ce�pm:eipal due:and 1as14 tn any lare charges dae under d:e tv.vte. - ��" � <br />. 4.Chuges;Lieas. BmrroR�zr shall pay all taxes, assessnents.charges.fines and impositions amYbutab2e to the ProP�Y ::��..— <br /> whi�b ma auaia ori ovea this Sec�ri Instrumen�and leasehold ' `` ��- <br /> Y � LY iS pa}+ments or gronnd rents,if any.Borrower shall pay these °�';� <br /> obligations ui the rnanner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid a�that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time directty to the � .: -,....,�;�.�,:.. . t :. <br /> peason owed paymea�t Bnrrower shall pmmpfly fwmish w L.ender all notices of amounts w be paid�nnder this paragraph.If -';�.;;";�.s <br /> Bwm��er malces these paymes�d'uectly,Boimwea shall prompdy fr�ish w Lender receipis evidencing the yay�e�s. �: �:� ,.�_ — <br /> Borrower shall prompdy discharge any li�which has priority o�;er�his Security Instrumeait un2ess Borrow�:(a)agrees�. '� .� '� <br /> writin t0 the ��">• !_ <br /> 8 payment o f t he o b ligation secured by the lien in a m�„^�r acceptable to Lender;(b)a�.:,.:sts in good faith the G:� . .:,!•;:;i:,., �s=-' <br /> by. or defen�s a�ainst enforcement of tha tien in, legal procecdings�:hich in the Lend�'s opinion op�ate oo prevent t�e � ' � .�.''.���"� •��=- - <br /> enfoncement of the lien;or c)seaues from the hoider of the liea�an ,�,' ,: .''':�'#`.` ' ___ <br /> ( a,�reement sadsfactory w Lende,r subordinating the lien to .�•. . . <br /> this Security Insuument If I.ender detrrmines that any part of the Property is subj�t w a lien which may at�priority over this . ` • , --_ <br /> ' Securi Insvument,Lender ma ve Bomaw�a noticce iden' �:�;'�; :. . . — <br /> ty y gi e nfying the lien.Borroa+�sfiall satisfy the lien or take one or more �'� �..' <br />•�;� of the acdons ssu fanh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. • � ,„'t.;;. . ___. <br /> Foim 8028 9:n7', '':4'..r r-- — <br /> • �-SRIWE)te2+2).0+ vaye2oie imua:.: ' . . .... . ' <br /> 4.... <br /> � • . , I . �,. <br /> "__` • - 1 ' . . . _ ' _ . �� <br /> . . ( ' . ' . - . . - ���:.: <br /> , . . . . . ' . . � .. �`•'. <br /> .. . . . . - - . ' ' '� . . i . . <br /> •, " ' ' �r1 • � �+Wrw��r��.��, �-.�.�L.��.r—.�� r.rrr •.� " .� ._l � •. <br /> -.-_ ___—:`� _I � �. � � .. . ' . :' : `t %.J . . . ' l.:.' - ,. . ,, .,/ ' ' <br /> _ ` ' • _ . . <br /> . ' ' . � . �� . . .� . �'�� .n�:. . .� �e . . . ' i . ' •. ' . . � . . , • - . •. . • .{� . _. . _ _ . . _ . .. . ... . � _ <br />