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� . . . ,..�. _ <br /> , _..,,,-- <br /> � � - <br /> ` 4 . . <br /> . .. . _ . . . - . . � � ,'.. <br /> . . c <br />. • � � 9�� �Q��i� LOAN NO. i s 5 9 z a o �e i , � � • . <br /> If Lender exerdses thfs oQtion,lender shall gfve Borrornrer notice o}acceleratlon.The notEce shali provtde a period t�� <br /> • of not less than 30 days ftom the date the notice is delivered or mailed wfthtn whfch 8orrower must pay all sums secured <br /> by thfs Security Instrument If BoROwer fails to Pay these sums prlor to the expiratlon of this pertod,Lender may fnvoke . �— <br />` any remedies permitted by this Secur(ty Instrumant w[thout further notice or demand on Borrower. � � <br /> 18.�o�eower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions,Borrowar shall have the righi to have ; . �, �. <br /> enforcemem of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time p�ior to the eartier of:(a)5 days(or such othar period � - <br /> as appticabte lauv may spec'rfy for reinsiatement)before sale of the Property pursuarrt to any power of sale contained in � �' <br /> this Securitylnstrumsnt or(b)eniry of a judgmer�entorcing th(s Securiry Instrument Those conditions are th2�t � <br /> Barrower. (e)paxs Lender alt sums whtch then would be due under this Security Instrumeni and the Note as'rf no I <br /> � acceleratfon had oecurred;(b)cures any default of any other cavenants or agreemerrts;(c)pays alf expenses incurred f• , • <br /> fn enforc(ng tAts Security Instrument,Incfuding,hut not Iimited to,reasonable attomsys'fees;and(d)takes such aciion � • • <br /> as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the Ilan of thts Securfty instrumerri,Lender's rights in the Proparty and . . <br /> ` 8orrower's obligattan to pay Yhe sums se�ured 6y tftis Securiiy Instrument shall continue unchanged.Upon • ' `�"''°'- <br /> � reinstatement by Borrower,thts Security instrumeM and the obligations secured hereby shali remain fully etfective as tf . ` . _`'� <br /> no acxeleration had occurred.Hovuever,this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceteration under : <br /> `- paragraph 17. � "��*""� <br /> i 19.Sale of Note;Change of Loan Servic�r. The Note or a partlal[nterest in the Noie(together with this Security E , �;,�,.,; .� <br />'1 Inscrument)may be sofd one or more tlmes withouc prior notice to Borrower.A sale may resutt in a change in the entity . - <br /> � (Imown as the°Loan Servicet'j that collects mamhty paym�snts due under the Note anti this Security Instrumeni.There • : '.t , , .: , <br />,�y also may be one or more changas of ti�e Loan Service�unrelated to a sate of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan ,YE�� <br /> Servfcer,Borrow�r will be given written nntice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. � �. -:�,.—_ <br />°'� The nottce w81 state tha name and address of the new Loan Senricer and the address to which payments sfioutd be , " ,- -:-��s:" <br /> made. The noUce wiil also contain any other irtformaiion required by appliqble law. . �.-"l " <br /> ; ,.: �..��- <br /> Z0.Hazardous Sub�tances. BoROwer shail rtai cause ar permit the presence,use,dtspo�al,storage,or release of . _ <br />:�• any Hazardous Substanc�s on or in the Property.BaTrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affec�ng �� <br /> the Properry tt�at is In vEolatfon of any Env(ronmental Law.The preceding two sentences shali not apply to the presertce, '��" g <br /> use,or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generalty recognized to ba . � � _. �._.•: <br /> approprlate to rtormal restdential uses and to mai�enance of the Property. � �� __ , �� <br /> BoROwer shall prorae@�tiy give Lender written notice of any investigation,ctaim,demand,lawsuii or Qiher ac2ion by �.t ti. s, � <br /> any govemmer�tal or r�g�elatory agency or private party imolving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or . � � - � _. <br /> Environmer�al Law of ivhich Borrawer itas actual knowledge.If Borrower teams,ar is notifted by any govemmental ar , �",•. r.�;::�, • � <br /> regutatory au4hority,thaY any remava��x other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the PropeRy ts � <br /> necessary,Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Ernrironmesitai Law. • . � �y` '� ` <br /> As used in this paragraph 20,°Hazardous Subs�a�nces°are those substances deflned as t�xic or hazardous ' � <br /> substances by Envfronrva2r�ta1 Law and tha foilowing substances:gasotine,kerosene,other flammab9�ar toxic - �:�4� <br /> tal �::';� <br /> petroteum products,toxfc pesticides and herbicides,volatle solvents,matedals containing asbestos or formaidehyde, � , � <br /> and radioactive materials.As used in this paragraph 20,'Environmental LavV'means federal laws and la�us af the . . ' � �� �_. <br /> jurisdicUon where the Property is located that relate to heafth,safety or ernironmental protectfon. �. ,•- - <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVIENANTS.BoROwer and Lender further coverrant and agree as tollows: �� <br /> 21.Acceleratton;Remedtes.Lender shatt g6�a notice to Borrower prtor to acceleration toltowing BorrowePs :. .. ` l` �' <br /> ,�;r... . �� <br /> breach o4 any covenar�t or agreemeM in this Se��rity Instrument(but not prlor to acceferanoa under paragreph ,- ��'J" <br /> 17 unless applicabie law providea mzEnerwise).Tha notice shali specity:(a)tha deteult;(b)the acYlon required to i � .�,,���- <br />. cure the d�lautt;(c)a date�noi less�'nan 30 days trom the date tbe notice is gi�n to afiich the ,,::�'� ��!. <br />`'y detauR e*.a�l be cured;and(d)tha¢it��.9bre to cure the detault on or betore the date specifled in the ns4ice may �' : ,�:��-r��� �-:.. <br /> i res�tt ieo�e�eferation mf tD�e suma secured!ay��s Security Ir�strumer�t and sale of the Properiy.The rtotice shaii . �.�,� <br /> 1 4�er intonm BoROVS�r�a14he right to retnsta4�e�:`�er ncceleratlon and the right to bring a couR aa�on to asseR {"'i ' •r;�,,��_� <br /> � �e non�s°.ence oT a�efauft or any o3her de9N� �of Borrower to acceleration and sate.l4 the dcfiautt is not : ,� � ��.� � � � <br /> cured ow�a�store the date specifted in the not�u3,Lender at its optton may require Imrr�edia2s�a;�aaer�t in full of ��`�;t'��,-�� <br /> all sums�ured by this Securidy Instrumeni wilJ�out tur�her demand and may invoke��te pow�r�,�sale aRd acc�y . �°��--- <br /> ather remedies parmitted by applicabYe taw.Lems��r sha�l�s�a�titled to colioct all ex�2a��e�ir�r��.�in pws.�.crr� ',�, <br /> the remedies provided Fn thls paragraph 21,i��7�u�ing,la�a au�t Umited to,reasonabte asiar�eys'�a�andl coats of � . ��-� <br /> title svidence. ksr. .. <br /> If the power of sate la irnoked,4vans3ea�7^�a0�record e�ea3bce of detault in each ca�rriy in wt�it5 any p�d^ F .� <br /> the Property ia tocated and shall arta��pfie�af such notice in the manrter prescri�ccm d�apalicable law to f � �'.;:;,{"� �"� <br /> Borrower and to the other persor���osc�ibed by eppficable taw. After the time re�qv�irc-�by applicabte Isw� •. � � • � � <br /> Trustee shsU give pubitc notice o4�ale to the ryearsons and in the manner prescNbed by applicabie law. Trustee� ,�. . � � „16�= <br /> wiffiout demand on Borrower,shatl sell the Rroperry at public auction to the hlgheat bidder at Ec��time and place 1�,� � ��f�� <br /> end anderthe terms deaignated in the rtotico o!ssle in one or more parcets and in any order��:�e determines. `f�` •. __° <br /> Truatee msy post one sate o!all or any parcel ot the Property by pubitc Announcement at the ti.��and ptaco of <br /> any previoualy sc�eduted sate. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any saie. � � . . � . � <br /> Upon receipt of payrt�ent of the prlce b�d,Tru�tee sQ�ail deliver tv the purcha3er Trustee's�e2=i conveycr� . � <br /> the Property. The recitafs in the Trustee's deed shatl be prima tacie evidertce of tho tMh ot ttfio s3atemeMS made � <br /> therein. Truatee shall appfy the proceeds of tho sale In the tollowing order:(a)to ail c�sls ar¢d�xpenses of �,�- <br /> NEBRASKA-SIHGLE FAMILY-PNMA/FHU7;C UNIFOAM I�iSTRUMEl7T . �� FOAM 3028 9/90 <br /> ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(9-90)•L PACiE50F8 ' r-•% � . '. �"'�" <br /> -------- • . •. _ --. . . . . ...... .-. -- ---..__.. _ _._ . ._._- ._. • .__ - •- . •. �:� <br /> � _.� _„��...--_- . �1f <br /> . . • _ - . .. .. ���� - „ . . ' • <br /> . . , • . . � . . . . : � • - .,� . �,' • _ . .- • . . - �i, . _. . _ .:1,-�.. . <br /> . � . � ..� . , . . ... ' .. . • . � . . ./r . . � _ . _ .� - . . 'r � . . , . <br />