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'�:��y�_ <br /> . � .���i <br /> 1. r_�_.«' .. <br /> . • .i�r Zrif '�.i. <br /> ���.i-. <br /> Any emounts disbursed by Lender under thls Paragraph shall become en addAlonal debt of Borrower and be secured by " �'� ' <br /> I , .F <br /> thls Socurity Instrument.These emounts shell bear Interest trom the date of dlsbursement at the Note rate,and at the optlon of <br /> I Lender,ShAll be Unmedlately due and payable. <br /> � Borrpwer shnq promptly discharde any Ilen whbh has prlority over thls Securlty Instrumont unless Borrower: (a) agrees In � <br /> I wrlting to the peyment of the oblpatlon seCUred by the Ilen In a manner acceptable lo Lender;(b)contests In good faRh Ihe Ilen � <br /> 1 by, or defends �gainst enlarcement of the lien h, bgal proceedings wh�h in the lender's opinlon operate to prevent the <br /> 1 enlorcement of the Ilen; or (c) securfis from the holder of the Ilen an egreement selisfactory to Lender subordlnating the Ilen ta � <br /> � 1 this SecurNy Instrument.If LendAr determines that any part of the PropBRy is subJeCl to a Iien whiCh may attaln prlority aver this u <br /> � Security �nstrument, Lender may give Borrower e not�A Identilying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the Ilen or take one or more ot I� <br /> ,: t the actbns set forth ubOVe wilh(n 10 deys of the pNing of not�e. � <br /> ,„,,;�..w � 8. Feea. Lender may collect feas and charpes authorized by the Secretary. � _ <br /> ' �� . 9. Grounds ior Aoaoleratlon of Debt. ,, <br /> (A) DC1lIUlt.Lender may, except as IlmRed by reguladons issued by the Secretary In the case af payment defaults, .,s. <br /> , � �,Y <br /> requlre fmmedlate peyment In full of all sums secured by thls Security Instrument il: <br /> • , � (i) Borrower delaults by faYing to poy In fuli any monthly payment requved by thls Socurlty Inscrument prlor to or on ' •a�___ <br /> ; � the due date ot the next monthly payment, or <br /> ; (iq Borrower defaults by fellinp,for a perlod oi thirty days,to peAorm any other obllgatbns contained In thls Security _-- <br /> t Instrument. <br /> , � (b) 5ale Without Credtt Approval. Lender sh811, if permftted by applicable iflw (InCluding secllon 341(d) Of the �=��- <br /> Ciam•St (3ermaln Deposftory Institutlons Ar,t of 1982,12 U.S.C. 1701j•3(d)) and wqh the prior epproval of the Secretary. <br /> : � requlre immedlate peyment in fuil ot all the sums secured by this Security Inetrurnent if: <br /> (i) AN or part of the Property, or a benefblal hterest In a trust owning all or pert of the Properly, is so�d or <br /> f• � otherwise transferred(other than by devise or descent),and <br /> (il) The Property Is not occupled by the purchaser or grantee as his or her principal resldence, or the purchaser or <br /> � � grantee daes so occupy the Property, but hls or her credit has not been approved In accordance with the <br /> requirements of Ihe Secretary. <br /> (C) NO W8(VCI'. If clrcumstances occur that woukl permit Lender to require Immediate payment in iull, but Lender <br /> ' �; does not requUe such payments, Lender does not weNe its rights with respect to subsequent events. _ <br /> (d) Regulations of HUD Secretery. in many circumstances ro�,�acans issued by the secrecary wm umic =__ <br /> Lender's rights, in the case of payment defaults, to requke Immedlate payment In lull and foreciose if not paid. Thls ° <br /> �� Security Instrument does not authorirs acceleratlon or(oreclosure If not permittad by regulations of the Secretery. ___ <br /> � (e) Mort�ege Nat Insured. Borrower agrees thet it thls Security InsWment and the P!ote are not determinFd to _ __ <br />_ <br /> __ <br /> ,� be ellgibie for Insurence under the Nationai nousing ncc within 3(3 �"aXb iru��� tha data hereaf, Ler sr _ <br /> �� � may,at ks optbn requtre Vnmediate payment In luit of ail sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, A written statAment <br /> r, <br /> � oi any authorixed egent of the Secretary dated subsequent to 9_0 difyS from the date hereof, decltning — <br /> {� to insure thls Securfty Instrument and the Note, shal be deemed conclusNe proof of such Ineliglbility. Notwithstanding _ , <br /> �W the forogoing,thts optlon may not be exercised by Lenaer when the unavaYabiitty ot insurence Is solely due to Lenders <br /> " fallure to remit a mortgage hsurance premlum to the Secretary. <br /> 10. Reinatetement. Borrower hes a right to be relnslated if Lender has required Immedlate payment In fuli because of � <br /> iBorcower's fnllure to pay an amaunt due under the Nota or this Security Instrument. Thls rqht applies even aker foreolosure <br /> ' proceedings are Instituted. To relnstate the Security Instrument, 6orrower shall tender In a h,mp sum all amounts requfred to <br /> � bring Borrower's account current Including, to the extent they are obllgatlons of Borrower under this SecurRy InsUument, <br /> foreclosure costs and reasonable and customary attorney's fees and expenses properiy associated wfth the foreCiasure <br /> 'R' proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this SecurRy Instrument and the obligalions that a socures shall remaln In eMect as <br /> � it Lender had not requked immodlete payment in Iuli. However, Lender is not requked to permk relnstatement ff: (I) Lender has _ <br /> � accepted relnstatement afler the commencement of toreclosure proceedings wahin two years Immedlately preceding the =_ _ <br /> commencement ol a current forecbsure proceeding, (II) relnstatement will preclude laeclosure on dlNerent grounds In the future, <br /> � or(ill)relnstatement will adversely attect the prlority of the Ilen created by this Security Instrument. � <br /> 11. Borrower Not Reteas�d; Forbearance By Lender Not a Weiver. Extenslon ot the time oi payment or _-_ <br /> � modif�catlon of amortizadon of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In interest of W _ <br /> , Borrower shell not operate to relesse the Ilabillty of the orig(nel Borrower or Bo►rowers successor In IMerest. Lender shall not be �'�'°°�`°- <br /> L rs.r��- <br /> requfred to commence proceedings against any successor In interest or refuse to ext9nd time for payment or otherwise modHy :�;����_-_ <br /> amorti�tlon of the sums secured by this SecurRy Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orlginai Borrower or ��" <br /> Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shell not be a waiver of or �.��ia� --- • <br /> ��=_ 'r n� <br /> preclude the exercise o�any right or remedy. .�' - ' � <br /> ....� :.... <br /> 12. Successars and Assigns Bound; Joint and Severai Liabillty; Co-signers. The covenancs nnd Y;:w•,�-�..�: <br /> agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender Rnd Borrower,subJeCt to the • �� <br /> provisbns of Paragraph 9(bl. Borrower's covenants and agreements shell be jolnt and several. Any Borrower who co•slgns thls <br /> Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is Co-s�gning thls SoCUrity Inslrument only to mortgage,grant and convey <br /> that Borrower's interest in Ihe Property under the terms of this Securfty Instrumenl; (b) Is not personally obllgated to pay the <br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees thet Lencler and any other Borrower may agree to extend, moaily, , <br /> (orbear or make eny accommodatbns with regard to the term of thiS SeCUrity InSlNment or the Note without that BoROwer's <br /> consent. <br /> 13. Notices. My noti�e to Borrower provided fo�in this Security Instrument Shall be gNen by delivering it or by mafiing It <br /> ' by first class mail unless appi�cable law requres use or anotner metnoa. ihe not�ce snan De orectea co tne rroperty Aaaress or -------- <br /> - any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shnll be gNen by first class mail to 6ender'S �. <br />- address stated herem or any addross Lender designatos by notice to Sorrowec Any notice provided for in this Security <br /> =. Instrument shall be deemed la have been given to Borrower ar Lender when given as provided in thfs paragraph. � <br /> 14. Governing Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by F�deral law and the law of the � <br /> i � <br />-� j junsdictfon in which the PrOp9rty �S IoCated. In lhe 9v6nt thpt 8ny prOvi5i0n Or c�3uS6 Of th5 Secunty InSt�UmBnt Or the NOtB : <br /> 1 � <br /> i <br /> I <br />�-� 1 S��d 1 H�l Iv�+r� Pago �ol 5 <br /> u�;el <br /> I_— _-__ __. ... <br />