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<br /> � .
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<br /> 1-4 �A1VI�L� P.II�EI� ��� �.���58 � � ., -�.:: �� �: -�., `
<br /> Asstgnme�t of Rents � � �. « _
<br /> �� •
<br /> TI�IIS 1-•4 FAII�IILY RIDER iS II7t�dB IhiB 27TH d8y Of JAN[TARY � 1997 and iS t• } . ,_::.�r .r�
<br /> lement the Mortgage,Beed af Tn�st or S�urity Deed(the � .s..' ..R�". :,
<br /> ��rated inm and shall be tieemeA tn amend an�supp �.��='.�•=.,
<br /> "Seciuity Instzument")of the same date given by ttte undessigned(the"Borrower")to secure Borrower's Note to i `.,V �. :`��.'__-_-
<br /> i . � ._,
<br /> (the"I.endd') . • .
<br />� :,.,��.,n, _.
<br />� of the same date and coveaing the Finperty descn'bed in the Securiry Instrumsnt and loCated at
<br />; . ? _
<br />� 1714 ALLSN CT , `
<br />� GgAND IgLAND, NgBRASRA 68803-1525
<br />;i [pioperty Address� L ,��'�"`-�"'y'
<br />; eAtS T[12dC iIl ih8 SeCUlity�StItlillCA�, '.. ' �� �
<br /> fi 1-A FAMII.Y COVENANTS. In addition to the rAVez�ants and agreem _ i�-.: ,
<br /> j Bu�awer and I.ender fiuther oovenant and agree as follows: ',' ' �:
<br /> � A.ADDITIONAL PROPER'i'9l SUBJ�T TO THE SECUR1T1l INSTRUII�N'lf. In addition w the ' * :•;,��.��.,
<br /> � propaty desrn'bed in the Secxuity Instrament,the foltowing it,ems are added ro the Property descripiion,and sha11 '.""',:;:.,_ i ,�. �.
<br /> - also coasdmte the Properry cavered by the Security Insuumeux bu�ding materiels,aPPtaances and goods of every . ..�. . : � •.
<br /> � na�ue whaLsoever now ar h�loca.ted in,on,or osed,or intended w be used in cannectioo with dte Yropeaty. t. ��P�,,�` ,: � ;,�i . .;
<br /> incinding,but not limited to,those for the piuposes of supplying or disirbuting heating,coaling.electricity.Sas. ..�"���,�•
<br /> s.
<br /> araws s�ecur[ty aud acoass control a�pataw.s,ptumbing, . •�� �
<br /> water,air and ligh�fire Prevention and extinguishm8 aPP , . .., .�. . � ' -
<br /> bath mbs,water heateas,wate�closets.sinks.ranges.stoves,refrigetawts,disi�washe�s,disPosals.washers.dry+ers, •• � ;. ..
<br /> awn�gs�staim w�,..dows,stnrm doors.screens.blinds,shades,curtains ans�cartain rods,�tuached murois,cabinets, . r;�
<br /> ' paneltiug and attacbe,� fluor caveabigs r�nw or hereaftes atmched tm 9�°. PrapeRy. aU of whl�h., including . ,
<br /> cep]acements aad additions thaeto,shall be deemed oo be�d ranain a�3 of the PropertY coveced�y r�Security �;z'};; _-
<br />.� � tv ether with the Riopelty described'ai the Security Insmiment�or the leasehold -?�''_' �.. w -
<br /> T n s 7 u m e n t A ll of the fote g o� S .^ ��� ,�„� w��� r.. j� thy 1-4 Fami Bv Ri t le,r �n d t h e� S O C I II i I y ..:�-= �'
<br /> esTate i f tl t e �ec�nty l n s u��i s u v � �%••�•� .�� W�� � � .
<br /> �` �:a.�_��•t'',:�=
<br /> Instrument as the"Propeny." .
<br /> � B.USE OF FROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. �ormac� slfall noi seelc. agee to or ma�e a 'ss���.; _
<br /> ct�ange in the ase of the Pcoperty or ita zoning classification,onles�Lender has agreed in writing to tt►e change. _�`.' -. "
<br /> Bo�aer shall comply witt� a}I Iawa. ordin�nces. re8utatiflns and requireme,�is e� zny govemmental body ..,..:,:
<br /> .��
<br /> apptiaable to the Prope�ty. r.'. ..��" :':
<br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. Sxoept as pe:miVed by fed�al law,IIarrower shaU not allow any lien infetios � �,,. �
<br /> . tn dte SecuYity Lz�r.unent w be perfected against!he Prope�ty without I�u�'s prior written Pe�mis��
<br /> D.[tENP 4.t(3SS DVSURANCB. Bozrawex shall maintain insurance against rea►t loss in additia��the other --
<br /> � h.�.a"3s for�vhich�s�uauce ns m�uued by Unifaam Cove�:5. 'J .__4�-
<br /> uau �'�'�"_
<br /> E,"gORROWEI3'S��ly'd'TO RE[NS'f'ATE°I�Fd.ETED. Uruform Covenant 18 is deleted. ,.• . • _ �
<br /> F.BORROWEIt'S OCC�11'ANCY. Unless I.ender and Boirower otherwisc agree in writing, the fiist � ••^.���,+��r;:���'}^'?��•:Y=
<br /> � r.�:-_.�...�,�;.,
<br /> sentence in 1Jnifcutn Cov�^.t 6 conc�� Borrower's occupancy of the Propeaty is deteted. AU remaining -:�.�-_ �-
<br /> covenants and agreements s:a ff�;th in Uniforr,s Covenant 6 shall remain in effect . � ' . ' :
<br /> •.��; � .
<br />• Foim 8170 8l�9 � z-+t'
<br /> �IULTI9TATE 1-�FAMILY RIDEA-iannt�YadFn6dls�7s�a Untform Instrum�nt -.���!,� '�'�. —
<br /> .'y� L..,_ -
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