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, . . � < . . � . .. . . .. . ' . c'i. . . . . � . • ... - � � � -�. . ' -� <br /> �. . _._...'... - __._'_ _ _'. ' .. . .. . ' � .. . � .."...___ ___— ..' ..__'_' ` _ . . . . . _...—_— . . t <br /> Q �r ����� <br /> BonowBr'S escrow account undet the federsl Re3t Estate Sattksment Procedures Act ot 1974 as ertEOnd��m ttrre to Um�, 12 U.S.C. , , •. . . <br /> � ?.SUt ot saq.('t�ESPA'),unless enother taw that aApiss to the Funds sets n tssset amounG If so,Lsnder may,at any time,coL'QCt end , � ; <br /> hotd Funds in an amaunt not to eueetl the�esser amount Lender may esttrnate the amaun!of funds due on tne basts ot current data . � ' <br /> end masoneb�i ostlmatas of emenditures of turi:re Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance wttA apPlicebla law. ; — <br />' The Funds shaA be hefd �n an I�stRutlon whese deposits are insurad by a federel agency, inswrr�entalityr, or entity (irta4�ding � � ° - <br /> . . . �-�¢`' <br /> LertdSr, 'e' Lender is such en institution) or o� any Fed¢rfli Hom9 Losn Bank_ Lendet shF1U tippty tho FunAS t0 piiy the Escrow Item�- ,' <br /> ,� lender may not charge Borrovrar tor Aotd�g and apprying the Funds,ennuatry anatystng the es.^.row 8ccount,or veritytng tha Escrow �� ' ' � <br /> . items,unies9 Lender peys 9arrowar�terest on the Wnds and appikab4�bw perm�9 Lertder to matce such a charge. Howsver,Lsnoter " <br /> , may rEquire Borrower to pay a one�time eharg9 for an tndependent rnal esffits tau reparting 6CnviCe ussd Cy Lend�r in connection tiv(th • � , ��� _, <br /> this loan. unlass appticable lavr provtdes othenr�ise. Untsss an ag��¢amant is made or applic�sbb taw requ(res�terast to ba paid,Lender , • ' • • <br /> sha0 not be requ6ad to pay Borrovrer any interest or eamirtgs on the Funds. Borrowor and Lendar may agree in writ�g, however,that - - <br /> --�-i fiterest shau ha paid on the Funds. Lendsr siTati give to Berrower, wRhout char�a, an annual auouMing of !ha Wnds, shat,[zg ,---- .- -_:-- - . <br /> credds and deb�s to the Funds and the purpose for which each dabft to the Wnds vras mada. Ths Fonds are pledged as add�lonal <br /> F' security for afi sums secured by this&ecurfty fnstrument . ' -. <br /> :I Ii the Funds held by Lender e�xeed the emounts pertndted to be hetd 6y appGcabfe law,Lender shall account to Borrow6r(or the `; -- <br /> w�cess Funds in accordance w�A the requicements of applkabt� taw. If the amount of the Funds Reld by Lender at any time is not <br /> '� sufficient to pay the Escmw Items vfien due,Londer may so notdy Borrower fn vrriting,and,in such csse 8orrower shall pay to Lender . •. _,�;.,x. <br /> � • tha amaunt necessery to rrtake up the deficiancy. Borrovret shall meke up the detic(ency a�no more than hvelve monthry paym2nts,at + . , . ,`.�'�E' <br /> : L.enders sole discretlon. , <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this 3ecurrty InstruR.ent,Lender shaU promptty reTUnd to Borrower any Funds he!d by • ' . `� '��' <br />_'y<:: � .. . .-�n�. <br />=;i$��� Lender. If,under paregraph 21,Lender shaU acquire or sell the Propsrty, Lender, prbr to the ecquisifion or sala of the Property,shali • _ <br /> apply ar�y Wnds heid by l8nder at the ttme ot acqulsition or sa�as a cred�t agafnst the sums secured by this Securiry Instrumont '� <br /> �Y�, 3. Application ot Paymenta Untass appt�aDte law prov'd3s othenvtss,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs �, . � �.-- <br /> 1 and 2 sheil be epp� anY prepayment charges due wder the Note;second, ta amounts payabie under paragraph�th�d � �"""� <br /> . �i�'= <br /> .. to�isrest du�taurth.���apa!due;and tast,W any tate charges due under the Nota - -- - -------- <br /> 4. Ch&TC�S;L.1�+fS► Barrower s`s� pay aU taxos. assessments. charges, fines and impos�tons atlnbutable ta the Propsrty • ' �''°� <br /> which rt[ay�n pr(oriry over this Se�..--L� ►�strument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, d any. Borrower shaU pay these --- ��' �� <br /> oGtigat[ons��`�s manner provtded in para��h 2,or+t��t patd m that manner,Bortower shall pay them on�rna d'uectly to ths person ..'`���� � ".;"5� <br /> � owed paym�:. 8orro�ver shaU promptty fumish to L��ail notices of amounts to be paid undet thts paragraph. If Bortov�er mekes • ,'��"� `� <br /> :�".: <br /> � these paym:r�s d'QC�ctty,Borrower sha11 prompttyr fumish io Lender receipts evidencing the payments. _ _ <br /> Borr�.Er shell prompty discharge eny i'�en vrhfch has priority over tnts Secur�7y Instrument unless 8ortower.(a)agcaes 8n wriUng to �-°�-�-• <br /> the pay►n�-t a�the obligation secured by the I'�en in a manner acceptebta to Lender, (b) coMests tn good fafth the Oann by,or detends ��4r�"- <br /> :.:'!p� �_ �.��. <br /> aga6ist entaraement of the tien in,legal proceedings which in the Lenders opinWn operate to prevent the eniorcemont of the IEen;or(c) <br /> . r• ��°. . : <br /> secures from the hotC�o' the tien an agreement sa��ctory to Lender subordinaUng the lien to this Security Insbrument If Lender = <br /> �- determines that any p�o'the Property is subject tce a lien whfch may aUs(n pricc�j over this Securriy Instrument,Lender may gNe F '� ; ,.�,i'' <br /> Bortower e notke lder.`yy��the Uen. Bortower shall sa'.lsiy the lien or take one or of the a.,^tiaris set torth ebove wfthtn 10 days h . <br /> ot the givtng of notice. '�� ''�� ` <br /> � <br /> .�'�� $. Hamrd or Property Ins�arease. Borrovrer shall keep the [mprovements nOw e�dst�g ot he�ee}ter eteCted On tfie ' ' ���� •_ <br /> �t'""'..��*� ��: : <br /> �. . P ro p e R y i n s u r e d a g a i n s t l o s s b y f f[�e,h a�r d s inctude�w7hin the term 'e�Qended coverage"end any other harards,mc[ud(ng ftoods or "!�'"" � +E , <br /> f , <br />� flaodhg, tor which Lender requ�es tr►surance. Thts ivsurance shall be matntafned in the amounts and for the pertods that Lender � <br /> -� reQ�Ues_ rna msurance carrier provid'v�g ine u�i�a;�� s:�YO VIIVOOI� �� °.�.^ae:��s:sb,�t ts Lendef: s;�ro��!whh!!.°.R:�.^.ot � ' ." <br /> es � <br /> ' unress�.�d!y withhetd. If Borrower taiLs to malntafi coverage desc�ad above,Lender Lender's optton,obtain cav��to �-_ <br /> °�-:, <br /> � proteCt i2�Ee►'s rigfits(n the Property in sccordanCe w�1h paragruph 7. ��� .'' �,,:��rr _ <br /> AL icssurance pol�cies and renewals shail be aceeptbl�to lender and shaU mclude a standard mortgage ctause. Lender shax f ave ;,���•�__-.- <br /> a <br /> ' the�fgl� to hold the po?c3es and renewats. If Lend�requires, Borrowet shaU prc�np�j give to Lender ail rece�ts ot patd pren'urns ;�•''�`��� <br /> �� and�rtewal notices. M the event of toss.8orrower shal give prompt notice to the c:5uranCe canier and Lender. Lsnder may r.�<0 ,.��?�"��"`. <br /> i:f <br /> . �1�� ,�� z-- <br />' pmof of lcss N not made prcmpUy Dy Bormvrer. •t••.`��.- <br /> � Untass I.Qnder end Borrower othenvtse agree h w�ding,insurance proceedc sha0 be appHed to restoration or repat of the PrcpeRY - - -_. <br /> !' damaged,B th�restoratbn or repa+r ts economk:aity 9�s�le and Lenders securly�no!tessened. Ii the restoration or repaV b no1 R.••:•• <br /> • � economlcaity feas�le or Lenders securiry wouid be bsbened, the �sura.�aa C�a�=ds shaU be applqd to the sums socured by this �J'"�"'�,�••.�:•.+�:�•�.�•__ <br /> ti %' :.: <br /> gecurny tnsWmont, whether or not then due, wRh urry mocess pald to "?�rrower. I} Borcower abandons the ProQerty, or daes not _ _ `•"•`• ��F�•� <br /> ,'�d� answer wtJih 30 days a noUce itom Lender that the insurance c:a�rier has oNered to settie a c(alm. then Lender may collect th9 �..,,.� , -�.,�:;� <br /> � .� Insurence proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repaU or rgstore the FMoperiy or to pay sums secured by th(s Securily "•" <br /> . �.�-o�;- <br /> InsWment,whether or not then due. Tha 30�d21 I�+�d�++(il bsgin when the noNce is given. �' '- ,r,�, <br /> UnIB59 Lender asd P.oTOVrer otherv�Lse agres ir,wr8ln9•�Y aPP��tion of prot�s to princtpal sht111 not e�dend or postpone the �"'"'�'`v <br /> _ ��- ��-.. . <br />� � due date o}the monih'j payments re�rred to tn peray►ephs 1 and 2 or change t�s e.�ount of the payments. If under paraQraDh 21 =��; ` ^-�°*^-- <br /> •,�w�,._ <br /> the Proaerty is aequired by Lende,Ba'ro�ners right to any insurence polfcies end proceeds resu@Ing ifom dama9e to the PropeRy prbr � -_• <br /> to tha ee��isiUon shal pas9 to Lersder to the �ctent of the sums secured by tfiLs Securiry tnsWment Immedtatety prtot to the .�' �� '� <br /> �''�s <br /> acQuisition. '�.3 �. ._:.. '��.i�y� �', <br /> 6. Occupancy, PreaerveIIton, Mairrtenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan �•-��, ,-.t. <br /> u.:.���;.:r; <br /> AppliCatlon; LQaEEhOlda. Bortov�er shail ocecAY. estabnsh,and use the Property es Bortowers princ��.f casidence wRhin sbQy ��ry+-»r,��'�?. <br /> ...... <br /> days afcer the ewecution o!this Securit�InsYrument end shali contmue to accupy the Property as Bortowers principai residente tot et r ; •" • • <br /> tpast one ysar aRer the date of accq�.;.n:y, unESS LenQer othenvtse agrees in writir:g, whkh con5ent shall not be unr-�s:nebty '. ,;i�F';;.;: � � . <br /> wkhheld.or uniess extenuathp circumstar•ces�s:w�hich ere 6eyond Bortowera conuol. Bonower sha0 not destroy,damage o�i:npatr . . : <br /> the Propetty,allovi the Prop�tty to deteriorate, or r+este on the Pro{serty. Bortower shall be in detauR if any foAaiture flcUon or . �� � :'. _ <br />�• proceeding,wAether civ0 or crhn�al,ls bsgun that tn Lenders good fafth Judgment coutd resuti in forfedure oi tha Property or Otherwise � ' • . _ <br /> materlally tnpatr the Iten croated by thv Security Instrument or Lenders security tnteres4 Bortower may cure such a defauft and . • <br />