;F ��_ �1-` •��J- .'•A�ifnlF 1 a � i . _ .' _. _ ` _ _ ..._.` .. . � .. . �. . �� ,
<br /> . �n . _'_S _ _ _—_ ._ '_..��_.-.. .-_-�_� .. __ '.. .. - -' - . .
<br /> ' J._�.�� , " .
<br /> - -�.� -- � -:..� _ ; _ � _ , _ . . � _ i���_;....: :_�- .- , . ..
<br /> . .. . . 92 _::....
<br /> 'l�0(3�IFR WI'ii�all the impoYanaus mw a ir�Rer aected ae thc p�operty.ind ali easenients.yppurta�nces.
<br /> . �od fi:wtrs eow or l�er a p�t of the pmpacy. I�II reptacaneetF�nd additi�cas st�ll atso bc covercd by tl�s Sa�ori�r
<br /> 'tmaWastnt. All of d►e fa�ain�ts oefemad tu io tNs 5eauiry IastrumerN asthe'Plnoparty.' .. �
<br /> - _ . --=.. . - . -----
<br /> 801tROwFR covEFtArrfS th�t-eddaw+er is vi�rtry se"�sea�or et�e est�te aereby ca�vE}ea 3aa�tus ti�e ii�x co g�ni._
<br /> ' �rd oDarey t6e Piapecty�nd tl�t die i'tnpeety is ueeacutn6e�l.exoept fa�s of croor�l. ti�irtov►;�t.K�ttaiirs�a�1� _ . .
<br /> wAi defaMt�tnenlyr the titk w tlre Atopeicy a�iosc�tl cl�ia►s�ud den�s.sobject w any a►cum6�oes of necard. �
<br /> _- 1'NiS SECURITY INSIRLIMF.NT cnmfines unifam coven�n[s�ar natiarut use and non-uniform�covcn�nts with _
<br /> - � titaited viiri�tion+by j�aisdiction to canstitute a un[fom�secarity iactrurt�ent covering real pmperty. �
<br /> °���
<br /> � � UNRaORM COVENAPP!'S. Batower and i.ender cavet�nt and ag�e�as fdbws:
<br /> .�
<br /> ° ` • 1. l��e ot Prbctp�Y s�d i.�e�;P�7�e�t�id Lttt C6�es eorrawer shaU proroPUY PnY wAen due th�
<br /> ,A , —
<br /> - �° -.--. pnrtcipal of and inte��est m the dtMevidencM by the Note and ar1Y_P�P�Y�at and l�te cfiarges due widettee Nou. ---- '--
<br />._::;:-.
<br /> 2. Etiit tot7t�ses a�i Iaw��ta Subject co applicab�e iarir ot to a wnuen waiver6y LcaMet.Foaowet slalt pay to --
<br />-� = l.ender m tUe day modhly psya�ents�[e due wtder the Naw.uatil tho Note�s paid ia fut1.a swr�("rwads).for:(a)Y�Y ---
<br /> �� taxes aud auess�neMs whieh may attain p�iotiry over tbis Seca�ity taurcune�u as a liea on t6e Pcopetty:tb3 yeaciY[�hofd
<br /> �H piy1�CIYS Of g[011�d tCOLS A1 d1E PCOQOitjl. if 2ny:(cj yp[�y hi7�[d O[p[OpC[iy irtona�vv���(�Y�j�/ Qppd —
<br />=_�:�_ 111SYt�tICO QIC�1tWIL4.tf R6ji;{e�yC8f�j1 iROR$8gG I1IS�tICC p(CtI1IWLS+lf 3IIjI;3tf���316�F 51tIIlS Qa1f�IC�BO[IOWCI t0 _
<br /> "'�^ l.EJIdCf.jt1�L�ACdAJ1CC{N!$1 t�iC(1CaViSfOtLS O� ----
<br /> �h�.. � p�ag�aph 8.in lieu of the Qayment o��moctgage iosma�ce P�mi'�.:'T6ese
<br /> �,�. itea�s xt ca11cQ"Lscraar Itea�,4.T I�edar may.�t a�time.coliect aad tivid Fmids in m amouat not to exceed the� : . , �
<br /> < �•, R� amount��a�der for a fedeiaifg celated mottgage toaa may tequi�e for�onower�esccaxc aocount u�er-tve federal R�xt �. . �,. ---
<br /> Y «;— e e a ;;
<br /> �}� E�e S�em�Ptoc�ues Aci of l9l4 u s�r�d fran time io ti�e.:�$�3.5.���'6U1 et s�q.[`BESPA"),uutess a���; � � �...
<br /> holitlimdsina� au�:��-�;;?; T
<br /> ,-, L. ' ,,, Iawd�aEappliestntheFiudssetsatcsser�mii�,:� 9A.���uta� ��:iat�qdi�s�:ar�d � , 4 "' --
<br /> i '1 �� i�^� . . lI�COOd tfiC IE55e[8fIf0110L I.COdCt m�}1;��1�.3.'1�k.'."�.�3f'.�L�'�7Rt:��of COJIGIt d�2i1E�.fiE�Vc�Riii��2^,� � f�"'""
<br /> ��• �!t', l�IAitCS Of C%QCOdtdl[�S of ftiORC�SCfQ�71i!'�t['1.�,''4�T 1��L'�Js.�.���.'��i�V. ` .< < � '' r t 1, � 4� "`
<br /> ,����. �• r����+��,� t,�t,�t,a _ ..�� � ` �..���p�'�s'Ay�.�..ca .�c 1�' 1SICl! �..G� �T
<br /> . illri`„f'i11l1fD��V`��G�IS IA���F�. ��`'�`,RP?�l�1'. ...'M�� 3`��w �1��O�(��nwjt . .t`r¢- _
<br /> �f�1i (�tIC�UdtO$�.CEN�Cf.1f�.CI1dC(lSSUC11aIly���j�k3��Q:WJ(�'�$�.'�1,'JBCC��VTI�i..�a'�A�y�twag�p, 1}�tIICFQIldSt0�1 r�';� � -
<br /> "`;ti� the Esctuw�Itans. I.eneter may not���.�;�` x�awer fac tia �;Si.�i r ��'�ua�t�: '�°�1Y�8���+;.'. ��`` �
<br /> � i,,�,�,.� �p1i,i�.,,,,�� :�"�,'!!�i'� ,�? ,' :�'' r-
<br />__r�� +S� '�.0�1�1�Q!{f�I�IQg�.�I���'l^r a.�,114s C'�p�ws.a'4Ai��.'��vn�?�:i,.�..�,� -.`sr�la�plicabte taw,permi�s 1,�;~, � �L�.-t•,=n=-,
<br /> ''r f 9 � Lender w make such a chatge. Kowever.�Lender may se�uuce Barc���r tci,-g�;'r��,;;�e ei�e for an.indep�3ext[real �f �'��'� :-
<br /> s}: ' ;ST-� . est�te tax neponing servioe usdd'C�g I.erider ia conncepat�vith this tat%;-:��pW��le iaw p;o�es otfie�wisi� i�.atess�a.� � • r ' ;�_:_
<br /> `, ,�.,� <;`,����'.. : a�t is�ade a applica6[�F�x t�intercst to�e pai4 LeitBe?c•�+"not be required to p�3r IBa�nwer i�z��est c� '; . �d�a � 31 �
<br /> �-�t ,� : :.�r�.�'��, ,` .. eamiagson�he Funds. Bormwei±a�����ay agree in writing.laratg�:that interest shalt�e .';�?s�r.F�s �c�er��`�,, t�'' �°'`��_
<br /> "+ ' �' �' ;�:�.� shall give to$arower. �'� �n�pdNral accountittg of t6e F�uii�s.showing Ccedits aitd q��.���w'�e�+7�i:s;aa¢s�ie � - fr� ��n��f --�`_
<br /> wttUo�, sar� Eu P,
<br /> rqt�,tt�; �:S".i�;F�`�.E" p�{u�t,,pco�se.far w��h�iyc�h��ea�c6 defaK���d�'��nar�,.�+ua�snade. �13mds are pledged as additional sec'�r1�'��z�4�sz�.�`i�w.�ed��y • �• ,�r�� �.�
<br /> ;1i J� ���i �il��r� . 4WJRY�1�41YW11Gf�L� .::�`\...�. i . - ' "-i..�.. ,. '��t.,• 1.. �, . . : ;..;�:.r.' ' Jld ,
<br /> t ! ',1' f
<br /> `��r• z . '�;' .... :, If the I�ads t�e1d by!��er�dt��•�aa��oa�itted to.b�e hetd 6};;s�)t� �`�e�:u� �c���:sm�F.e,:�»mu co 'F =_
<br /> , , : `s ,, �k f' �'`� Bortower for tha exass Funds'in acco�:�,��:�'s the requirements ax"�:1e,''��k �a�z��en1:.c�:;�ie�sas�t�e1d by .' ,� ,
<br /> ,�a; # ,�— ' . � �
<br /> .��a, � n:, , ,`�,, t.ender at any tima is uot su�eient ta pa�•!6�+r..scrow Itea�s when duE6�r r:ti�s,:�.�m��.���zc in writiag,and.in :'�:—_
<br />_ ._��, °'�A- :�.r; sucti case Bar�+ower sAaU pay to Lender the amount rtecessary tb m�e'iip thc��xr:�,.y. Barnfwcr shaU maka up the .�.;�t;_
<br /> . ��."..� '� L
<br /> '"�."•,�. : ;''�. �`i Y•`" defic3ern.y in no mote than twetve monthlY PaYraents.at Lender s sole discreaoo. :<.�1��.-._:��_
<br /> ,1,�f,�. �;': �j�rj. �.��.��—
<br /> Upon payalent�n fup af atl sums secund by this 5ecurity Insuument,L.ender shalf pramptly�fund to Bc�rtower any � • =_
<br /> -- " i'; : Fvnds held by Lender. If,under paragraPh Zt.LenQer shatt acquire or scli the Property.L,erxlet prior to the acqnisition or --��-
<br /> f .�r':'';.t '' " i _
<br /> � '-� sak of the Roperty.shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time af acquisition or sate as a cnedit against the sums ' '�`�,�
<br /> -- =>,:��•.,��::.
<br /> ' •,_ '� � secured by this Seeurity Inspumenf. ;''�'�a
<br /> ! ' " ` '���� ��� `" 3 Application dP�ymeats. Unless applipble lawprovides otherwise.all payments ceceived try l.cndcr undcr -• ' • '" r.
<br /> - .'"`''`°:, �;�: '"`"~*-: 1 and 2 shall be a lled:ftrs�to an � �,�,�
<br /> :: ; •;s,-�:-'::.,:,.;_ D�S�P� PP Y P�Yment c�harges due under the Nae:xecon�1.[a amoun�s paya61e under
<br /> �fl�: '.:��,3, u . • ; ; pacagraph 2:MitQ.ta interest du�:fourth.w psincipal due:and last,ta any late charges due under the Note. � "
<br /> s 4. Cbatges; Lkas. Bortower s6a1f pay aU taxe.c,a�.sessmenGs. charges. �nes and impositiot�s attributabie to Ihe . � '
<br /> :x,t.:,-, •'�;;:��:: ,.. � •;°'i; ' - Praperty whicfi may attain priarity over thi�9ecurity lnsttumen�and lcasehotd payment�or ground rents.ii any. Barrdwer .. . - .,;,.:,.
<br /> :,.x�'::�j'. shall these obli aHans in tha manner�r�+i;#x d in ara h 2.or iti a.at i d in t h at manner.B orrowcr s h a 1 1 a t hem an ; __
<br /> f r, ..,,.� :: ;.':�.,r: .' PaY S P S�P Pa P Y �: t.:,.. -,•::
<br /> ,, � • time directly ta the person awed paymeree.�Tf�r.s+awer shall pramptly Fuac�.;,tt ta Lender aU notices of amounts to be paid under Y _
<br /> -. �"; `* • �` ' this Ii Borrower makes the�s���:-try`ants d'uaetf Bosro�t�:`si�ui� r�m €um+sh to L�nder recei evidencin ;. ' : _
<br /> � ParaBraPh• j Y• . P PuY p� 8
<br /> , iba�i�`��,��t1 � �' �f 1 . - � . ,��� • •• . ``.: ,t .':. . • ;,-,. . , '{r��...
<br /> , ; ��6S�;�F ,{ ; the payments. , � �s � � , -
<br /> �� �;���V�i�`r�,��p..f1? Sorrower shall p�ompt[�r�fiy.tittat��.�c �e:c,tVln[cf��Cr«�'s gc'sotiiy�ts�'�r�tCes���o;ueiy Crrqrit�tten4 Gu�Gess Borrower:(a)a�nees .� - ,:_'�ri L i }�����.�,,�'x `
<br /> �• ,�, � j�"� .,,,� in writing to the payment of���7t5,�-�axr�h�ia�b y i�e�z�en�n a�aru��r�;ce;x+sah?i:r�.�.ti�dr.r:tb}at�ru:ests jn good faith the �1r,., �:;��r �'�,�:
<br /> ,ru��f�°j.�,� �� ''!
<br /> ii. Fi ���{ ��;, j���.1 �
<br /> , ' � �:��f; " ,,� lien by.a defends against�r�zurt��:��r:n�,t ics,�e�,i�focee�►¢�� �{t h in r."���sr g "cq~^ra'�"e�.�perate to�revent the - - , �;r'Tr�;�;�'2��,�'�i�4�`;:.;•',
<br /> � �'� ` 's^��F � . � enforcrman af the liem or��,t s.aweit�K�.ii��:•its�.1�t.e vE rlae lien aa�r€�,ent sa:�.�t'.�:r:�rY�o l�r�suhordinat�g the 1'sen ', ;, �,
<br /> ��f�;i „`� ��s;�'• � . to thjs Security Instrumeat ,L��:�na��c ci�::rm:�:es t�r:c any pari af tare�:��erfy is s;c�j�a to a lien w�sich may�rrai,�prioriry �•� � 'r��,������;, ';����r#'��."F�',,��
<br /> '' . ' fi..}. ' '�•: uver thls Secunty insmme�ii;:�::�r��,.�'''�'',,=$orro�►e�a notice ide�GJ�'S;: dl�e li�. ��nawer sPoall satisf t14�e 9�or take � '. ' � ,,� �•
<br /> � ,�iA, ,*....;. .`� , g . � • � ,. . t �- �� �{�,�ti�
<br /> t,k��,. ��� ,•• one or more of the xtions seul�:f,i�aat�;;������;10 days of the givi�����rraiice. : .„ . , ,.- , , j ,,,,. .;
<br /> ���'" opertp�w�a�;�ower shall keep�f�e.i�r�+� ng. •: � . �.� ,<•
<br /> ;jl y , �:�, ' ,,�-� . � 5. Ha�rd or Pr �vsenls now existi oir6ea:�trer e�' ted an the - � . ,:.�.
<br /> �� ,. , Ptopertyinsurrzdagainstlos��u�r2.?�a�rtk;:rrrc?udedwit�i;�i���,eein�`E���*„3:dc4�!�e"anQaay.ot�i�:saz�rds.lncluding�,:=�.... {. .
<br /> �sz;, �t;`;i;�',�,{c/�`,a,l�,'•� � flaods or flooding.for whrd�:IL�sr�xit�q��zr�.�'i�st,r�:�a::.��t�:�s��tr�caam:;�'s;k��6►a� �,�aar„�n.ed^��+�:�.-e.atmks��E for the - ,( t;. ,
<br /> � �' r%i :g'_�+�,.;f ' I ;`. !� • ..' , - ' _ ;' � ' . - - 1;�(� t� .
<br /> 4�t+rii � �i����fiijaS':rl�l. '`. i .� •: ,� ; ..,. . • A�%�c��r,fP• .
<br /> ; . ., i r t, I , Pas�o.JiIPA 9J�A I u�.o b es� ,.r • ,
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