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7� <br /> D � ED R � CORD <br /> I�Iuffman Foryn�No. io3�/2 Contaircing qt�i Printed Words. <br />' No. 196-27717—The Augustine Co., Grand 7sland, NeLr. <br /> Fred W.Qulzow andrwife, STATF. OF NF,BRASKA 1 <br /> County of Hcl.�.l. j ss. F'.ntered in Nwnericnl badex und filed for recorc�in <br /> theRegister of Deeds'�ffi�e of Sa=d Cotmty <br /> TO fhe 2� cluy o f Jul y t c�� at 3 0' oeFz nncIl Fj tes P� M. <br /> eTe,Il188 B.Kellogg and Emelia T.Kellogg u'�� recorded in Book 9Q pa,ye 79 of lleeds " <br /> OI' SuY'V�VOI'. Register of Dee s. <br /> By Deputy. <br /> �'1 <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE YRFSF.NTS, Th�� F'Y'ed W.Gulzow and C arolyn K.Gulzow, hu�band and wi f e, <br /> ��� �ons�cleratior� oF One Dollar a,I1C� other eonsideration - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - — DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain,sell, convey and confirm unto Jaxnes B.Ke1.lOgg and Emelia T.Kellogg, husband SriC� wif e, <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following describec� real estate, situafedin the County of j��ll, and <br /> State of Nebraska , to-wit: , <br /> Beginning at a point on the northerly highway right of way line, which paint is 375.0 feet east <br /> and �-6.1 feet north of the southwest corner of �ection 27, Township lI North,Range 9 West oP 6th <br /> P. M. , running thence north, parallel to the west line of said section, 60�.7 feet, to the north line <br /> oP th-e south half of southwest quarter of- s-outhwest quarter of said section; running thence west, <br /> along the north line of the south halj of southwest quarter of southwest qua.rter of section, <br /> 342.0 feet, to the easterly highway right o�' way lin_e; running thence south, along the highway <br /> right of way line being 33.0 feet east of, and parallel to the west line of said seetion, 16�.3 <br /> feet, more or less, ta a point of curvature; curving thence to the left on a e�rcular curve of <br /> �F66.1 feet radius, and running along the hi�hway ri�ht of �aay line, to the point of beginn�.ng; <br /> containing 3.93 acres, more or less. <br /> t�1.65 I.R.stamps ) <br /> (Cancelled ) <br /> together with aII the tenements, �iereditaments, and appurtenances to the sume I�elonging, and uII the estate, trtle, clower, right of homestead. claim or demuncl whatsoever of <br /> the said grantor 8 , of, iri or to the same, or any part t�iereof;7�r2�z�e�tcK <br /> IT BEING THE INT$NTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVEN'1' OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITL$ TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND 1'O HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto tTie said grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and nol us lenants in commorL, <br /> and to their ussiyns, or to the heirs und assigns of the suruiuor of tTiem, fore�er, ancl W8� the �rantor$ named herein for L13 <br /> artd OUY+ heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant witlt tj�e granfees numed herein und with their assic�ns and witli the jieirs nric� nssiy�is of the <br /> sur�ivor of them, t�iat �g are lawfully seizecl of saicl premises; that they are free from incumbrance except as stafed herein, and that W@� <br /> the saicl grantor a h�re �ood rigl�t and lawful authority to sell the same, and that wL' will and OU2' heirs,executors <br /> und culministrutors s�all warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named �erein anc� unto their assiyns unc� unto the heirs und ussiyns of the sururvor of them. �oreuer, <br /> agninst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions namecl lierein. <br /> IN WITNESS WH$REOF W2 hnUe hereunto set O�' hund s this 1S`�+h day <br /> of July . A. n. �945. <br /> In Uresence of Fred W.Gulzow <br /> Wm. �uhr Carolyn K.GulZOw <br /> sTATE oFNebraska � On this 1�th day of July, �. n. 19�+5 , tiefore me, a Notary Pciblic in and for suid <br /> County o( H�,�1 SS County,personally came tlie aboUe namec� Fr.ed W.V"rLt�.ZOW and C;,axolyn K.aulZOw,! hushand a.riC� <br /> wife <br /> who are personally known to me to be the iclentical person g whose name s are affixed to the above <br /> instrument as grantor S , and acknowledged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> � SEAL� WITIVESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last af oresaid. Wm. sLt�1I' <br /> tary Pulilic. <br /> - My commission expires on the 1'7�h day of February A n 19-��Y <br />