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7 <br /> D � E�D R � CORD <br /> HuFftnan Form No, to��/a Contuining qt t Printec�Words. <br /> No. 136-27717—The Auguatine Co., Grand Islan3, Neba <br /> FROM STAT'E OF NF.BRASKA� <br /> Robert (�.I�Iills 8c Wf' County of HA,1]. SS� F,ntered in Nc�rnerical Index und filed for record in <br /> ' the Kegister of Deede°ffice of saicl County <br /> - TO the ],� daY o f June �q � ut 11 o'clock und �jQ m' �,,1�7. <br /> � and recorded in Book �Q page � o}�Deecl, " <br /> �'�.OyC�.� �.�$�121 $G Reyister of Dee �. <br /> Florice Bahn � RY D�puty. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THE ' PRES NTS, Thut Robert C.�Iilla and El eanore B.l�Ii11 s,kzusband and w�f e each <br /> in his or her own rig�� an� 8$ $ppuse oP the other <br /> in consideration c�f pne dollar and other consideration DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain,sell, convey and confirm unto �'Z.O�C� H.B&�121 and Floriee B8�1ri �1U8�:3a11C� A21CZ wif e <br /> � ]OINT TENANTS, ana not as tenants in common; tTie fvl�owinc� descri�ed renl estate, situate in tTie County of H�.Z and <br /> stafe o) Nebraska , to-w�c: <br /> Lot Eight (�) in Block nine (�) in 1�aZlichs � Addition to the City of Grand Island,Nebr. <br /> (��F.95 I.R.staznps----� <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> together with all tho tenements, hereclitaments, and appurtenances to t�e same belonging, anc� ull the esiate, title, dower, ri�ht of homestead, clairn or demund whatsoever of <br /> t�tie saicl grantor g, of, in or to the same,or any part t�ereof; subject fo NO exeeptions <br /> 1T BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EV�NT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTE�S THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLB TITLE TO THE REAL ESTAT� DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAV$ AND TO HOLD the aboue described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said �rantees as JOINT TENANTS, arid not «s terem�ts in comrnori, <br /> an� ta their assiyns, or tu the heirs uncl assigns of the survivor of t{iem, foreuer, ancl WQ the grantor 8 nnmed FLerein for ourselves <br /> und OUI' heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenunt witji the yrantees nnmed hereiri and with their assigns and with tjie lieirs arid assi,yris of the <br /> suruivor of tTiem, that qy e gr� law f ully seized o f said premises; that they are f ree f rom incumbrance except as statecI herein,and that W e <br /> the saic� gruntor g ha ve 9ood right and lawful authority to sell tl�e same, and that �1�' will and OUI' heirs,executors <br /> und administrators shall wurrant arid defend the same unto the �rantees named herein and rlrafo their ussigns und r�r�to !he heirs und ussi�ns of the surviuor oF them, {orever, <br /> against tlie Iawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions numed herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHERF,OF �1G haVe hereunto set ��' hand S this 12 clay <br /> ot June , a. D. 19�5 <br /> In presence of <br /> Hobert C.�Iills <br /> Vernon Rice Eleanore B.Adills <br /> STATE OF Nebraska �n this 1`�ti�l clay of June .�, n. 1��+5 , before me, a Notary Public in and for said <br /> Count y o f j��,], }ss. Count y,personally came tTie above named Hobert C.�'�j.118 and Eleanore B.�`i�.�.ZB�husband <br /> and wiPe, eac�� in hia and her own right,and as apc�use oP the otk�er <br /> who Sr'@ personally known to me iFie identicul pe,rson 8 whose, nunie S 8r'@ nf�ixecl io tjie above <br /> instrument as grantor 8 , and t+�e� acknowledged said instrument to be tlz�ir <br /> �s�'�iL� voluntary act and deed. <br /> �/ITN�SS my hand and Notarial Seal tTie date Last aforesatid. vernon Riee <br /> Notury Publ��. <br /> My commission expires on tTie 1.� day of October A. D. ].9�'7 <br />