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� <br /> DE � D R � CORD <br /> IluFfman Porm No. tog�/2 Coniaining qtt PrintecI Words. <br /> No. 136-27717—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> FROM STAT� OF NEBRASKA� <br /> Olen Co��ill & �N�' County of HAll SS� Entered in Numerical Index and fi[ed for record in <br /> th�egister o�' �Deeds of fice of saicl�.'ounty <br /> TO the 1� day o f JLiT16 i9�� at 3 o ck and 30 s p.M. <br /> � ie�hoPf and recorded in Book 9� puge � of Deecls ��4�;��d <br /> � Au st & Hul da �' Re tster����. <br /> � g f <br /> � ]3y Deputy. <br /> KNOW ALL MF.N BY THESE PRESENTS, That Olen Cov�gill and Gertrude Cowgill,husband and wife, each in <br /> his and her own right <br /> in consideration of One Dollar 811C�. ott�er conslderation, DOI.LARS <br /> in hand paid, do hereby flrant, bargain,sell, convey and confirm unto AUgust _EieYLk10�'f' and Hulda Eic�;.ho�f,k�uaband BriCZ wife <br /> � JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following describecl renl estate, situnte in tTtie County of j�A,],]. and <br /> state of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> T�.e Southeast Quarter o� 5ection 5even �7) Tnwnahip Ten (10) North,Ran�e Eleven (11) Hall <br /> County,Nebraska. <br /> (�7.5.�0 I.R.Sta.mpa� � <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> together witTi all the tenements, herec�itaments, and appurtenances lo the same �elonginc�, und all the estate, title, dower, right c�f homesteud, claim or clemand whatsoei�er of <br /> the said grantor g of, in or to the same,or any part t�ereof; su�ject fo <br /> IT B$ING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SII�IPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HER�IN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAV$ AND TO HOLD the abo�e described premises, wit� the appurtenances, unto the saic� grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> arad to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the sur�ivor of them, forever, and VP@ the flrantor g named herein for Selves <br /> and �Ur heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grantees named �ierein and with their assigns and with tlie j�eirs ancl assi�ris of the <br /> survivor of them, that we �g lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein,and that Wg <br /> the said grantor$ ha ve good right and Iaw f uI aut/iority to sell the same, and tT�at �e will and p�j,+ 1�eirs, executors <br /> and administrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and ussigns of the survivor of them, .{orever, <br /> against the lawful claims of uIl persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WH$REOF We , have hereunto set ,;OLiY`, hand8 this 12th day <br /> of June,19�+5, . A. D. <br /> In presence of �len CiOW�'j].].'. <br /> E C Huxtable Gertrude Coweil�. . <br /> . . <br /> STATE OF Nebra9lia l On this �.�t+Y1 day of June, �. D. 1��+5� before me, a Notary Public in und for said <br /> County of HAll f Ss� County, personally came the above numed Olen �'iOW��l.l and Gertrude Cowgill.,:husband and <br /> wif e, <br /> who a,].'e personnlly F�noum to rne to be lTie identical person g whose rLameB affixed to the abot�e <br /> instrument as grantor$ , and t.hey aclznowledged said instrunient to be their <br /> � '�`�� voluntary act and deed. <br /> � WITN$SS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. Ft+.C+.Huxtabl e <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My r.ommission expires on the 3� day of June, A. D. �..g�5 <br />