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201107779 <br /> and has an address of 1000 Technology Drive O'Fallon , MO 63368-2240 <br /> . . Burrower owes Lender lhe principal swn of <br /> Eighty Three Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty <br /> Dollars (U.S. $83,530.00 ). This debt <br /> is evidenced by Borrower's nole dated the same date as this Security Instrument ("No[e"), which provides for <br /> ❑ionthly paymen[s, with the fidl de6[, if no[paid earlier, due and payaUle on November 1, 2041 . This <br />� Security Ins[rumenC secures to Lender. (a) the repayment of the� deb� e�videnceA by the NoLe, wifh interest, mid all <br /> f the Note� b [he a me�t of all olher sums, with Intcrest, advanced <br />� extenslons ��d modifications o , ( ) <br /> renewats, p Y <br /> under paragraph 7 ro pro[ect the seeurity of ihis Securily InsCniment; and (c) thc performance of Sorrower's <br /> covenants and agreemenls under this Security 6�strument and [he Note. For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably <br /> granls a�d conveys ro lhe Tmstee, in trust, with power of sale, lhe following described pro�er�y li�cated in � <br /> Hall County, Nebraska: <br /> 9EE ATTACHED LEGAL <br /> Parcel iD Number: <br /> which has N�e address of 1407 LILLY ST /bYrcet/ <br /> Wood River /Citr/. Nebraska 68883- /7ip C i,dcJ <br /> ("Property Address"); <br /> TOGETHER WITH all �he improvemenls �ow or hereafter erected on lhe propedy, and al] easemenls, <br />� appurtena�ces and fixtures now m• hereafter a part uC the property. All replacemen[s and additions shall also be <br />, covered by t}tis Security InstrumenL AIl of lhe foregoing is referred to in this Secm'ity Instrun�ent as the <br /> "Property." Boxrower underslands and agrees thaf MERS holds only legal title to the interes[s granted by <br /> Borrower in this Security Insfrument; bu[, if necessary to comply with law or custom, MERS, (as nominee� for <br /> Lender and Lender's successors and assigns), has the right lo exercise xny or all of those interests, i�cluding, but <br />. nut limited to, tl�e right Co foreclose and sell the Property: a�d to take any action required of Lender including, <br /> but no� limi[ed lo, reieasing or canceling[his Securlly lnslrumenl. <br />� BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the es[ate hereby cn�veyed and has thc right to <br />� grant and convey the Property xnd that lhe Property is unencumbered. except for encum6rances of record. <br />� Boirower warrants and will defend gecerally the title lo [he Property against all claims and demands, subjecl to <br /> a�y encumbrances of record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenao[s for �atim�al use and non-unifm�m covenants wi[h <br /> limited variations by Jueisdiction to constitafe a uniform security inslrun2en[covering real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Bonower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Rincipal, Interest and Late Charge. Borrower shall pay when due fhe principal of, and <br /> in[erest on, the de6t evidenced by the Note and lale charges due under tlie Note._ <br /> 001 R2668094 Cltibank 32SOAG V2 <br /> GHn Mortgagc WITH MEftSNE Rwisetl i/96 Amentletl]104 <br /> vMP�. vMP�N(NE7 p105).OU <br /> Woltcrs Kluwor Flnancial Servlrns Pzqn 2 of l0 <br />