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201107770 <br />specifies a procedure £or reporting Borrower's ch�nge of address, then Bonower sba11 anly report a change of address <br />thraugh tba# speci:E"zed pracedure. There may be only one designated notice address under tbis Se�utity Instrunuent <br />at any one time. Any norice to Lender shaii be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class �ail to L�nder's <br />address stated herein unless Lender has desi�naated. another adriress by notice to Borrower. Any notice in connection <br />Wjth t�tjg $eCUFity Tn , shaIl not be deEmed. to have been given to Lender untii actually r�eived by Lender. <br />I£ any notice rec�uirad by this Security Inst�nun.ent is also required undex Applicabie Law, the Applic�lole La.w <br />requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security Instrament. <br />16. Governing Law; Severability; RnTes of Conshvction. fihis Security Instrument shall be gavemed by <br />federal. law and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is 2acated. AIl rights and obligations contained in <br />this Secuxity I�astrument are subject to any requirements and litniitations of Applicable Iaw. Applicable might <br />e7rplicitly or implicitly allow the parties to agree by contract or it might be silent, but snch silence s�all nat be <br />construed as a prohibition against agreement by contract. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security <br />Instrament or the Note confiicts with Applicable Law, such conflict shall not affect othex provisions of this Security <br />Instxvment or the Nate which can be givea effect without the conflicting prorrision. <br />As used in this Security Instrument: (a) words of the masculine gender shall meau and include corresponding <br />neuter �vnords or words of the fem;n;ne gender; (b) words in rhe singuiar shall �xean and. include the plural and vice <br />versa; and {c) the word "may" gives sole rliscrerion without any obligation ta talce any action. <br />i,7. Baz�owex's Capy. �orrawer shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Security Insirument. <br />18. Transfer of the Properly ar a B�eficial Interest in Borrower. As used im this Section 18, °Intezest iva <br />the Property" means any legal az beneficial interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, those beneficial <br />interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installm.ent sales contract or escrow agreement, the inteni <br />of which is the transfer of title by Borrower at a fiiture date to a purchaser. <br />If all or azry part of the Property or any Interest in the Properry is sold or transferr� (or if Borrower is not a <br />nau�ral person and a i�eneficial interest in Borrower is sold or uansferred) without Lender's prior written conse�t, <br />I.ender may zequire iunmediate gay�aaent i.n full of aTl sums secured by tkuis Security Instrument. Howev�r, this option <br />sha11 not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Laav. <br />If Lender exercises this optia�a, Lemdex shall give Bozrowe�r notice of acceleration. The notice shatl pro�vide a <br />period of not less tban. 30 days from tUe date #he notice i�s given in accordance with. Section 15 within which Borrower <br />must pay a11 sums secured by this Security Insmunent. If Borrower €ails to pay these swns prior to the expiration of <br />this periad, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by tt�is Security Tnstivment without further notice or demand <br />on Borrower. <br />19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleraiaon, Tf Borrower meets certain conditioas, Borrovver shaIl <br />have the right to have enforcement of this Security Tnstniment discontinued at any time prior to the earliest of: (a} <br />five days before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sals con#ained in this Security Instrument; (b} such <br />other period as Applicable Law might specify for the termination of Borrower's right to reinstate; or (c) entry of a <br />judgnnaat enfozci.�ag this Secuzity �astcuAaemt. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a} pays Lender aI1 sums cvhich <br />then would be due under this Security Instmment an.d the Note as if nv acceleration occurred; (b} ciu,es any default <br />of any other covenants or agre�ments; {c) pays all expenses incuured in e�forcing this Security Inshiiment, including, <br />but not �ted ta, reasouable attorneys' fees, pzoperty inspection and va�uation fees, and other fee,s incurreal for the <br />Purpose of grotecting Lender's infierest in the Property a�Q,d rights under this S�urity Insiiument; and (d) takes such <br />action as I.ender may reasonably require ta assure that Lender's interest in the Properry and rights under t�iis Seceuity <br />Insm�ment, and Borrower's obTigarion to pay the sums secur� by this Security Ins#n�ent, sb�all co�atinue tmcl�ged. <br />I.ender ma.y require tbat Borrower pay such reinstatement s�s and expenses in one or more of the follawing forms, <br />as selected by Lender: {a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank chee�c, treasuzez`s che�k or cashier`s check, <br />provided any such check is drawn u�on an institution whose deposits are insured b� a federal agency� insCrumentality <br />or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon zeinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrciment and obligataons <br />secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had. occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall <br />not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18. • <br />2�. Sale of Note; Chan�e of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in the Note <br />(together with tYus Securit�y Instrument) can be sold one or rnore � without prior notice to Borrower. A sale might <br />result in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") thax collects Peziodic Payments due under the Note <br />and this Securiry Instrument and perfom�s other mortgage loan servicing obligataons under tbe Nfate, this Security <br />Instrument, and Applicable Law. There also might be one or mare changes of the Loan Servicer uuzelated to a sale <br />of the Note. Tf there is a change of the I.oan Servicer, Borrower will be �ven wri�ten notice of the cb.axage �cvhich will <br />state the name and adc�zess of the new Loan Servic�r, the address to which payznents should be made and any other <br />information RESPA requires in connection with a natice af transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold aad thereafter <br />the Loan is serviced by a T.oan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, ihe mortgage loan serviczng oblig�ious <br />to Borrower will reinain with the Laan Servicez or be t�ansferred to a succ�ssor Loan Servicer and are not assumed <br />by the Nate purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser. <br />Neitt�er Borrawer nor Lender may commence, joira, oz he joined to any judicial aetion (as exther an individual <br />littigant or the member of a class) tliat arises fro�oa tlae other pariy's actians pursuani to this S�urity Instrumient or that <br />aUeges that the othez party has breachefl any pro�vi.sion of, or any duty awed by z�eason of, this Security Insixument, <br />until such Banower or Lender has notif ed the other party {with such notice given in compliance witii �Yre requirements <br />of Section 15} of such alleged breach and affoxded the other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such <br />nofice to take cozrective actian. If Applicable Lavv pravides a time period must elapse before ceztain action <br />can be taken, that time period will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of tlais paragraph. The notice of <br />acc�leration and opporhuaity to cure given to Barrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of accelezation given <br />� <br />�IEBRABKA—Si'ngle Family—Fannie Mae/Freddia Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMEN'F - MERS p�g �� <br />Form 3028 't/01 Page 8 of 11 www.d <br />Ne3028.m�d.xial <br />