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20110�770 <br />TOGETHER WTTH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easeme�ts, <br />appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and addi�ioas also be <br />covezeci by this Security Tnshvment. AI� of the foregoing is referred to in this Se�urity Inst�ument as the "Property." <br />Barrower unQerstands and agr�s ttfat MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by Borrower in this Security <br />Iustrument, but, if n�essary ta comply with law ar custom, MERS {as nomin� for L,ender and Lender's successors <br />and assigns) Y�as the right: to exexcise any or all of those interests, inclnding, but nat limited to, the rig�r.t to foreclose <br />and seIl the Property; and to take any action re�uired of L�nder including, but not limited to, releasing and canceling <br />this Security Instrumeut. <br />BQRROWER COVENANTS that Borrower zs lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed xad has the right <br />to grant and co�ey the Progerty and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encrunbrances of record. <br />Borro�ver warrants and wi11 defend �enerally the title to the Property against alI claims and demands, subject to anp <br />encumbrances af recozd. <br />THTS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines anifarm covenaats fornarional use and non-uniform cavenants with <br />limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform se�urity instrument coverin.g real property. <br />UNIF�RM COVENANTS. Borrower an@ Lendez� coveA.ant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Prindpal, Interest, Escxow Iteaaots, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charg�. Barrower svall <br />pay when due the principai of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any grepayment charges and iate <br />charges due under tlte Note. Borrower shall also pay fimds for Escrovv Items pursuant to Section 3. Paymen#s due <br />imder the Note and this Security Instrument s1�aII be naade in iT.5. c�urency. However, if any check or other <br />iustcvment received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Securi#y Instn�ment is rehuned to I.e�der nnpaid, <br />T.e�ader may require that any or aI1 subsequent payments due under the Note and fhis Security Tnstmm�ent be made in <br />one or more of the forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b} money order; (c) certified ch�k, bank check, <br />treasurer's check or cashier's ch�k, provided any such claeck is drawn npon au insiitution whase deposits are insured <br />by a fedexal agency, inst�umentality, or ernity; or {d) Electronic Punds Transfer. <br />Payments are deemed receive�i by Lender when receivexl at the location designat� in the Note or at such other <br />lacalion as may be designated by I.ender in accordance with Ehe notice provisions in Section 15. Lender may retum <br />any payment or partial payme� if the payment or partial payments are ins�ufficient to bring the Loan current. I.ender <br />may accept any payment or partial payment insuf�icient to hring the Loan curreat, without waiver of any rights <br />hereunder or prejudice to i#s rights to refuse such payment or partial payments in the future, but I�ender is not <br />obligated to apply such payments ai the time such payments are accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applie@ as of <br />its scheduled due date, then Lender naed not pay interest on unapplied fands. Lender may hold such unapplied funds <br />wo�iiJ. Bozxower makes payment to bring the I.oan current. If Barrower doe.s not do so wit�un a reasonable period af <br />time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. Tf not applied earlier, snch funds wiil be <br />applied to the outstanding pzincipal balance under the Note immediately prior w foreclosure. No offset or claim <br />wl�ich Borrower might h,ave now or in the future against L.ender shall relieve Borrower from malang payments due <br />under the Note and this Security Instnmment or performing the covenants and agreements secured by this Se�urity <br />Tnstrument. <br />Z. AppI'rcation of Payments or Proceeds. Except as atherwise desczi�bed in this Section. 2, alI payments <br />acc�pted and applied by Lender shall be applied. in the following order of priority: (a) interest due under tlze Note; <br />(b} principal due under th.e Note; (c) amotants due uader Secrion 3. Such paymemts sT�all be applied to each Periaiic <br />Payment in the order in which it became due. Any �aining amounts shall be applied first to la.te chatges, second <br />to any other amounts due under this 5e�urity Instiument, and then to rednce the principal balance of the Note. <br />� Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a c3elinquent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient <br />alnount to pay any late charge due, tlie paym.e�at �azay be applied to the delinquent payment and the Iate charge. Tf <br />more thau one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender maq apply any payment received from Borrower to tlie <br />repayment of tha Periaiic Payments if, aud to tlze extemt that, each payment can be paid ia full. To the exient that <br />azry excess exisrs after the payment is applied to the full. payment of one or more Periodic Payments, such excess may <br />be applied to any Iate charges due. Voiuntary pzepaynaents shall be applied first ta any prepayment criarges and then <br />as descx7bed °z�¢ the Note. <br />Any application of payments, insuranc� proc.eeds, ar Miscellaneaus Proc�eds to principal due under the Note <br />shall not extend or pasrpone the due date, or change the amount, af the Periodic Payments_ <br />3. Ibnds for Escrow ItGm�s. Borrowex shall pay to I.ender on tl�e day Periodic Payments are due under the <br />Note, urnil the Note is paid in fuZl, a sum {�Ixe "Fuuds") to provide for payment of amounts due for: (a) taxes and <br />assessnnents and other iterns which can attain priority over this Sect�rity Ynstrume�t as a lien or encumhrance an the <br />Property; (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Propezty, if any; (c) premiums for any and all insu�rance <br />required by Lender under Section 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurauce premiums, if any, oz any sums payable by Borrower <br />to Lender in lieu of the paynaemt of Mortgage Insurance premiums in accordance with the provisions of Section 10. <br />These items are called "Fscrow Items. " At origiaation ar at any time during the term of tl�e Loan, Lender may require <br />iY1Zt COrnrmmi ty,�sociation Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any, be escrawed bq Bozrower, and such dues, fe�.s and <br />assess�memts shall be an Escrow Item_ Barrower shaU. promptly furnish to Lender all notices of a�nounts to be paid <br />under this Section. Borrower shall pay T.ender the kun.ds for Fserow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's <br />obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items. Lender rnay waive Borrower' s obligation to pay ta Lender <br />Funds for any ar a1l Fscrow Items at any time. Any such vvaiver ma.y only be in w�i.ting. Tn the event of such waiver, <br />Borrower shall pay directly, when. and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items for which payme� of <br />fimds has be�n waived by I.enrler and, if Lender zequires, shall fumish to Lender r�eipts evidencing such pay�aaent <br />within such time period as I,ender may require. Borrower's obligation to make such payments and to provide xeceipts <br />e <br />NEBRASKA—Single Famiiy—Fannie MaeJFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMERff - MERS p� � <br />Form 3028 1/01 Page 3 of 11 wwav.da� <br />M.r�=.�a:ar,rrsi <br />