.. '`^:'c. ,,;• �q ' . .:r�•(�ik���D - _ . {y,4 ��,}�r: , _
<br /> '{f`(�b v� n�k3
<br /> � . .. v ����{tt . � �+,��,��kc�y������f. • . � - '� Q vk —
<br /> —,.. ._.._........y—._-_.� _._'__""'._..._""._ti_._._. _. .._.- _—.—. .�_.._..�....�_.�_ m � �_>IL�..—=..._..:_... ..._ _ -� -"
<br /> �__ ' -- � �.�."�'� _ � -'_ �_
<br /> _-:.J �� d�.Dtl2��l� � _ ' __-—--'
<br /> � 'Procesds')in connecHan with condamnation or other taldng of the Proµerty or Rart thereof,or for conveyanoe in lieu of condemnation. x'; ��'•• . ����.
<br /> Lsnder shall be entiUed at its optian to oommance,appear in and prosecute in its own name any action or prooeedngs,and sha11 also ' . ', ' -
<br /> � be entittad t�make any oompromise or settlsment in cflnnection wiih such tatdng or damage.In ths event any portion of the Property is ,- • • - _-
<br /> so taken or damagad, Lender shaii have the op�on in its sole and absotute discreSon,to appty all such procseds. afier destucting •- � , _ -
<br /> therefrom all oosts and ezpenses incurred by it in oonr►ecton with such Procesds,upon any indebtedness�ecured hereby and in such � , r
<br /> ocder as Lentler may detertnine,or ta app(y al surfi Procec�,after such deductions,to the restor�rion of the Property upon such oon- '�
<br /> �_
<br /> diUons as Lender may tfetermine.My apptic�tion of Proceeds to in�ebtedness sAalt not extend or postpone b`�e due date of any pay- � , • ,' � �
<br /> ments und8r the Note,or cure any detault thsreundec ar her�eunder.My unapptied tunds shall tre paid to Trus�or. _ . � � 4�
<br /> 8.Rariormaaes 4y i.ender.Upon the occurren�e of an Event of Oetautt hereundar,or if any act is tafcen or tegal proceading . � . • -
<br /> cammenced which materially af(acts Lenders interest in the Prope►ty,Lender may in Rs own dscration,but tivithout obligation to do so, , '_ �
<br /> and vrithout notice to or d�mand upon Trustor and without reisasing Trustor from any obtigation,do any aci which Tnisior has agreed • �
<br /> - but tailrA to dc sr�d msy aiso ttfl eny athsr act it desms ner,assary to pratect the security hereot. Tnutor shall, immediaLely upon ` �----- _ _-� -
<br /> ;,,::i. demand thereicr by Lender,pay to LendBr sU costs and expens�s inaurted and sums expended by Lender in oonnsc?ion v�3th tha exer- ""•-, ,�`- , �• _;_
<br />- dsa by Lendsr ot the toregoing dghts,together with interest thera3n a:the defiauft rate provided in the i1lais,whish sirall be a8ded to • • .
<br /> � the indebiednes3 seCUred hereby.Lender shall not incur arty liabil'Cy�causa of anyihing it may do or omit to do heceundsr. � y;.
<br /> ' 9.F6azardous lIIaUNala Trustor ahall keep the Property in aampt'ianae wiit�ait appticabla laws,ordinances and regulations � .. _
<br /> retatirtg to lndusMal hygfene or en�ironmental protectIon(ooltectivety rai`arec9 to herain as`Environmsntai La;nrs").Tnisiar shall[ceap , �� - �
<br /> the PropeRy iree irom a!ll substanoes deemad to be hazardous or toxtc undez any Enviranmenia!Laws(coY,ectively refe�red to harein • . : .::-•
<br /> as"Hazardous Maledals�.Trustor hereby wartanis and represents to Lender Lhai there are no Hazardous Materials on or under tha . •
<br /> � Property.Trustar hereby agress to indemnify and hoid harmless Lender,its dirac�ors.officers.emptoyees and age�,and any sufloes- .j�,'"�� :.,:�
<br /> � sars to Lertders(nterest,trom and against any and a0 claims,damages,losses and I�abit�es arising in oonnection with the presence. � - -�-;;,a.;
<br /> ' use,disposal or transport of any Haza�ous Matedals on,under,irom or ebout the�roperty.THE FOREGOING WAfRRAM1fS ASJD �,.µ .r;� : . .`
<br /> 10.Assl nmente af Ret�U.Trustor hereb assi s to LendBr,and 3ants Lendw*a sseu �nterest in,alt pr�ant,Euhue and .�`��'M°=
<br /> . 9 Y 9� 9 �� �'.��-'���=
<br /> • �ter aristng rents,issues and ptofiis ot the PropeRy:provfded that Trustor shall,untit tha os�currence of an Event ot Daianit,hereandar.
<br /> have the dght W cotlect and retaln such ronts,Issues and profits as thsy becor,�s due and payabte.Upon the aa;urren�of�n Evan4 of , =��.
<br /> � Oefault,Lender may,e[ther in person or by agen�with or withouf brirtging zny a,.-6or►or pmceetting,or by a receiver appointed by a � " ""'y_,r��
<br /> caurt and vdthout regard to the adequacy of fts security,enier upon and teice�a�sgss:on ot tha Property,or any part tfierieof,in its o�vn - --�-----���=-.�.—
<br /> �� name or in the name o!the Trusteo,and do any acts which it deems ne��y a:d..si*abla tb preseroe the value,marketabiifty ar , ��i�,-�'
<br /> ty p rty,or any part thereof or interest the�ein,or to irtcrr33ase Yna income theretrom or protect the secu hereai ant4, • �'''"•'�•-'`-
<br />• rentabili oi the Pro e crr dty ,�.�.:. .�.. ..;;�.� .:
<br /> with or without taking possesston of the Property,sue for or otheiwtse cqflect tt�e rerds,issues and proftis thereoi,includiag those pas3 ..T��i. ,
<br /> � due and unpaid,by nottfying tenants to malce paymenta to Lender.Lender may appty rar�s,issues and profds,less costs and expens- --
<br /> es of operaUon and coltecUon inctuding attomey's 4ees,to any tndebiedness seeure0 hereby,a3i in such order as LerMer rtaay detar- � , ��-
<br /> mine.Tha entedn upon and takln ossession oi the Pro e the collecUon of suoh rents,issues and roftts,and the f:aatian ��
<br /> 9 8 p D rtI►. P a0P .: ;:;�,` ,� _
<br /> • thereof as aforesaid shall nat cure ot wa{ve any default or noUce of default herenndar or invalidate any act done in respa�ss to suah _ � ; .. _
<br /> - detaul4 or pursuant to surfi nottce of deisult and,natw(Mstanding tha cantinuance in possession ot the property or Me oollscUan. ♦ �I�:'yY � �.'>� 1 '�•"�
<br /> . =-`! receipi and appfication ot rents,issues or profita,TruBtee a�d Lender shall be enUtled to exerGse every right provided for m any of ths ,'����+4�_- ^..^".�� : .
<br /> � Loan lnstruments or by law upon occurrence a!any Event of Defau�.inctuding wittiout Iimitatlon the dght to exercise the powar of sais. ' • t��' , _:.a
<br /> �.,:�
<br /> . Further,Lendera rfghts and remedies under thls paragraph sha�l be cumulative with,and in no way a Iimitation on,Lenci�fs righLS and :����^�•��; ,_,
<br /> ' remedies under any assignmant flf leases and rents rer,orded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee and the receiver s1L,'.1�e liable in •�,.�; r,;; j i��
<br /> � accaurtoNytorthoserentsactuallyreceived. =' '�°` '' •�-
<br /> ��'..���',{. L�_'
<br /> _ ' 11.Eveats o!DePault.The foltowing sha11 constltute an Event o1 Qetault under this Deed of Trus� ���: � �'�,'-;�:�,,�,,.,:_, �,^�
<br /> ' P Y Y 5.���'-� ...��p.�c.:.:
<br /> (a)F ffi ture ta pay any in s t a l tmen t o f �I n c ip a l or in teres t o f an o t her sum secure�here b w he n du e; �.r:�r.. •.- , ...�,,, r_
<br /> �' t (b)A breach of or default under any provlsian oontalned in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan inswments,or any �t�'�`,'�s,:.� ' f�,' .�'
<br /> . ��" ,,�„�'.-�.
<br /> affier lien or encumbrance upon the Properiy; J� ���
<br />' ; (c)A wrft of execuUon or attachment or any simitar pra:esa shsil be eotered against Trustor whlch shall beoome a Ifen on ""'*""`��. �
<br /> �
<br /> � �:.� the Properly or any porUon thereoi or interest therein; _.. -`-
<br /> • (d)There sha8 be fited by or ageinat TNStor or Bonower an acUon under any present or tuture fedaral,state or other statute, ,.r_'�f�"''�..--
<br /> � taw or regutaUon retating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reftef for debtors;ar thero shai!be appointed any trustea,reoe[var or � ��•'.°:__
<br /> � . Y liquidator of Trustor or Borrowet ot ot al!or any part oi the Property,or the rents,iss�s or proflts thereof,or Trustor or 8orrower ��;��+__,��.•-�.�_
<br />: � � shail make any genaral a�.signment tor the benefit of creditors; _ _ --_
<br /> ��� ����'. .
<br /> � � . , (o)TTre sale,transfer,fease,asslgnment,conveyance or fuRher encumbra�rce ot all or any part of or any interes4 in the - - _ ____:
<br /> ,, ,`; Properiy,either vaiurt�sdty or involuntadty without tho express wr(tten consent af Ler,Cer,provlded that Trustor shall be permft- �-w.__;..��_•
<br /> ted to execute e lease oi the Property that does not contain an opUon to purchase and the terr.�of which does net oxceed one ��ti�:''•'`--��•+e-
<br /> " �� yeBJ: �,, 3�,.t,�.,,�.. ---
<br /> `; (�Abandonment ot the Property;or ,__
<br /> ����.��--�
<br /> _ ► (g)If Trustor ia noi an Indivldual,the issuance,sele,t►anster,assignment,conveyance or e:u�a�brance of rt;oro than(it a --_°�-�:�.-___ —
<br /> . oorporaUon)a totai ot peraent o}ite issued and outstanding stxk,or pf a partnarshtp)a tofal of per- `.�^ • ' � —
<br /> cent af partnershlp interests,or p}a limited IiabDfty company)e totel of perr.�nt e�.'the limifed i"�b3!'�iy cempa- ��' �' ,�� t�
<br />, ,: r. ,;'',,. ,�,.';i�__-
<br /> ny interests or�oUng dghts dudng the pedod thls Deed o1 TNSt romelns a lien on the property. ,F;�.�" ,,,~:hl;'`f;;:y�,,•:,,�.,
<br /> 12 Remedtes;Acceferatloo Upon D�tauit,In the event o}any Event o1 I?etauit Lender may,wlYhout rr�boe excspt as reAulred � ��-.-.--,L_,....--
<br /> , by law,decfare atl indebtedness secured hereby W be due and payabie and the same shall thereupon beaa�ne due and payaf�te with- ,;`;;�,� �.,� •• � .�'�.
<br /> out any presentrnenL demand,pmtest or noilce of any klnd.Tharoafter Lcrnder may: -"'� �" �"�'�=
<br /> �:. j�,��
<br />- , (a)Oemand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF 8/LLE granted heretn.and Trusiee shall tho��ftEr r.suse Tnrsiora)nter- '. ,<<,r�:. ' _
<br /> � .�,,:.„ :... �.,r..i.,�,�t..
<br /> est in the Properiy to be sotd and the proceeds to be distributed,all In tha manner provided In U:e t�a�rska Trust Deeds Ack , .,�f�,,;:};;i,:..,;.•� . • �
<br />' (b) Exercise sny and all dghts provided for in any o!the Loan Instrumenis or by Iaw upan c�rr�nce o4 any Evant ot ;.�,����,�;,,��,� �
<br /> Detaulh,and . � *;� �'� �'�'"°' •�'
<br /> . (c)Commence an ection to foreclose thts Oeed of Trust as a moRgepe,appoint a recetvar,or spEC,�',�f,y oniarce ar►y ot the � ,,,,,Y�,;,,s;,��;+,,,;.,„:
<br /> covananbheroof. ::",:. .�., ,,.:,.:
<br /> No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to TrustRe or Lender ls Intende0 to be exciusive of any other co:n�dy he:g�,in ths Loan ,��;:;� `c:�•�, #`.=---
<br /> Inatruments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulaUve,shall be in addiUon to evary othor re^efy g;r3n n�reunder. ���:��;�`�-�' _
<br /> �,:�,.:,:.,•:.{..
<br /> in the Loan InsUuments or now or hereafter exlating at law or In equlty or by statute,and may be exercised urnr��.r,�'r�.ind�p�ndenUy 4 ��_. -�;��.�,• .
<br /> or sur.cesiv8ty. `�,, ,:,�' • .. ..
<br /> . 13.Trustee.The Trustee may resign at any Ume wlthout cause,and Lander may at any tlme and witha��i c2�a��ppoint a suc- •
<br /> cessor or subsUtute Trustee.Trustee shall no!be Iiabte to any party,including without iimitation Lender,Barrowar,'�tistor or any pur- •
<br /> chaser of the Property,for any loss or damage untess due to recktess or wllifut misconduct,and sltall not be requiro8 4o take any acUon ,
<br /> in connecUon with the entorcement of this peed o}Trust uniess indemnHied,in wAUng,tor ail costs,compensatton or oxpensea which �;:•:';:•..:., ; - ..
<br /> may be assoclated therewith.In addiUon,Trus2ea may become a purchaser at any anis of the Property�ud.cial ar un4pr the pawer of � • • : �•�� �r
<br /> - sale granted horein);postpone the sale of al!or any portion of the Property,as provided by iaw;or se11 the Property as a whole,or in • � •
<br /> . separate parcefs or iots at Trustee's discreUon. ' , •.�,��"
<br /> 14.Fees and Expen�es.In the evant Trusteo sella the Proparty by exerclse ot pQwor of srile,Trustee shall be enMled to apply . ����:
<br /> • . any sale proceads flrst to payment of all costs and expenses ot exercising pawer o1 sale,Including ail T�ustee's fees,and Lenders and , ����•�'
<br /> Trustee's attomey's fees, ac[ually incurred to extent pertnitted by eppllcable law.In the event Borrovrer or Tr�stor exercises any dght " � �
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Detauit,Lender shatl be entitled to recove►from Trustor all costs and enpenses actuaity Incurred as • � � : ,r.--
<br /> a resutt of Trustors delauit,Inciuding wtthout limitation all Trustee's and attorrtey's fees,to the extent permitted by appitcabie Iaw. ' � �
<br /> -_:`"� 15.Fuiuie iiGv8flCee.l3Goi�idqu83i ui 80ticminr, 'utiiutlr niny.ni iis upiiun.mahv a�niiiivrini er��i iuiuie eGvanC88 and read- - ---_—..___�.._
<br />. � ;� vances to�orro:•rer.Such advances and readvances,v�ith interest thereon,�hatl ba secured by thls Deed of Trust.At no time shalt the • ,
<br /> _ ' . . �:�.-.
<br /> -�—••--�—•--��.___._..��___,��____..--,•-----'•--...,_...._.__. ..___,.t-•----------r�----^-�--�--r—�----- � .' '
<br /> . .-. . .. . . --�f{. • - �,
<br /> . _ . - � Ll;' .\ -`-t'�].
<br /> . — _ . ---•-+....-.:•...�-..-._.— ' �,.—.— , __•__� �•.-.-..-..-�—_..+-•--�—�----�.__.�.._.-.......��-.. ....y� .• � �F��ii . P •"t'.. ' t . .
<br /> . _. . -�_ - - - • . . p. - • ` . ,a � #t .1 � '�
<br />- . . . .. . .. , . . . � , .yc .z .. ' � . .r . , �- "';. , • . . . , r .. _. . . �. .t}.::�Sir{..�t�;+. . , . . . . , .
<br />