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<br /> executed for the purpose of en;ating,securing ar guarantying the Secured Debt. A good faith belief by L.ender that � ` � x;,a,��
<br /> � Lender at any time is insecure with respect to any person or endty obiigated on the 5ecured Dcht or that the prospect ". � ' -
<br /> . '� of any payment or the value of the Propem•ic impaired shall also constitute an event of defauit. , '`� ��
<br /> , . 15. REMEDIES ON DEF�lULT.In somc instancz5.federai and state law wi11 require Lcnder to provide Grantor�vith " r='---�
<br /> notice of the right to cure or other notices and may establish tune schedules for foreclwure acti�m�.Subject to these � • --...
<br /> ' limitauons,if any. Lender may accelerate the Secured Debt and foreclase this Security lnstrument in a manner � , „ • ;
<br /> provided by law if Grantor is in default. ?
<br /> At the option of Lender,all or any part of the agreed fees and charges,accrued interest and principal shall becomc ,'. . ".
<br />:�� : iinmediately due and payable,after giving notice if reyuired by taw•, upon the «ecurrencr uf a�lcfnult or anytime ____.___ _ -
<br /> J'r� thereaher.In addition.[..�ader shall be enUtted to aq the remedies proeided by law•,the tC(I175 Of[�1C SCCU[c�I Dt111, � • -
<br /> th�s Security lnstrument and any related dacuments,including uithout limitatiun,the po.ver to srU the Praperty. ' .. �' .'•�.f?`_,;,,� �; �
<br /> [f Yhere is a defaut�.Trustee shall,in addition to any other permitted n-m:=��•.at the rcyurst uf Ihr Lender,advertise ', _ .±�;�:�:�f�$`"::,:,:�
<br /> � and sell the Pro}+erty as a whole vr in scparatc parcrls at public aucuan ta the highest bidder fur rash and convey � �`j " - �
<br /> ` absolute title free ar►d clear of all right, title and interest of Grantor at such time and placc as Trustee designates. i?;y;: . - �.R_�
<br /> Trustee shall gi�e nouce of sale including the time,terms and place ot sai:and a descriptiun of thc property to be sold . � 7
<br /> �;:;:,, �..
<br /> . as reqwred by the applicable la�}in effect at the time of the proposed sal�. .'*,;:����
<br /> Upon sale of the property and to th�eztent not prohibited fiy law.Trustee shall make and deliver a de�d to the Property , .
<br /> ."�' . —
<br /> ...�� sold wdich conveys absolute title to the purchaser,and after f rst payiag a!1 tces,charges and costs,shnU pay to Lender all _ �._��= "`
<br /> • moneys advanced for repairs,taxes,insurance,lieas,a�sessments and ptior cncumbrances and inten.nt therean,and the _ � -`�
<br /> ' principal and interest on the Secured Debt,paying the surplus,if any,to Grantor. [.a:nder may purcfiase the Property. -- '`� -
<br /> The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein_ "�`"�" -
<br /> - AU remedies are distinct.cumulative and not exclusive,and the Lender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or , _ —�
<br /> . e��i;ty,whether or not expressly set forth.The acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment ar partial payment on the '� .�.,.-._.,,:�_
<br /> Secc�ed Debt after the balance is due or is accelerated or a.`ter foreclosure proceedings are filed shall not consutute a .�_�.�..�.:�_�s}--`'"
<br /> waiver of Leac�'s right to require complete cwe ot any existing default By aot exercising any temedy on Grantor s ---�=-=���I''
<br /> ' default,Lender does not waive Lender's right to later considec the event a default if it continues or happens again. x.: .--- '`
<br /> P �V''�'" .� "_.
<br /> pse�3ited by law,Grantor agees to pay all of Lender s expenses if Grantor breaches any covenant in this Security 'r� �
<br />. � . Instrument Grantor will also pay nn demand any amount incurred by I.ender for insuring,inspecting,preserving or �`�``r�r, ,.�J,.'!� t''`
<br /> othenvise protecting the Property and Lender's secvrity interest.These expenses will bear incemst from the date of - ,`-' " �. �
<br /> the payment �as,�� paid in full at the highest interest rate in effect as provided in the terms�E the Secured Debt. ;''�� •'����-�='
<br /> F�::
<br />• Cr��...s:tor agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by Lender in collecting,enforcing or prote�ing I.ender s righu � `�':`'.�:%-���;
<br /> a��::..medies under this Security Instntment.'this amaunt inay include,but is not fimited to,attorrreys' fees,court _ , ,a���',_r'��'"':
<br /> a:��-s and other legal expenses.This Security lnstrum�cr�all remain in effect until rcleased.Grantor agrees to pay
<br /> Fcl��)rewrdation costs of such release. �`
<br /> � 17. ElY�7R0:�1�t�ltiTAL LAWS AND�IAZARDOUS 52r35'T.A1�iC'��.As used in this section,(1)Environmental Law ,,�,,f'1' '��',�.'
<br /> x ,�{ _•
<br /> means,withec::i�mitation,the Comprehensive Environmental Resporls.°.,Compensation and Liability Act(CERCL.A, -�,�� ,,;yp�,.
<br /> ��� 42 U.S.C.96U2 et seq.).and all other federal,state and local laws,regulations, ordinances,court orders,attomey �t , ,.�,.
<br />--�'•�� gezeral opinions ar interpretive letters concerning the public health,safety,wei�afe,environment or a hazardous � �=-
<br /><_ , saL-siance;and(2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazard-:�us material,waste,pollutant or �,
<br /> contaminant which has characteristics whieh render the substancx dangerous or poteutially��rous to the publie . _E� �;T•---
<br /> • - �1+.�+�.. -.'��. ��
<br /> . health,safety,welfare or environment The term includes,without limitation,any substances��:�-_ned as"hazardous _- '��__�:•
<br /> � . rna��rial,""toxic substances."'•hazardous was:e"or"hazardous substance"under any Environmental Law. .,�
<br /> ' ��:or represents.warrants and agrees that: `` :� 'y':' T��__�,
<br /> ' _� FJCCept as previously disclosed and acknowleda:��writing to Lender,no Hazardous Substance is o:.���l be � ,
<br /> :ocated.stored or released on or in the Prop��t-�. T6is r�uiction does not apply to small quanti��:rs af �[— _ _ __
<br /> ' ifi�za..���:as Substances that are generally recogni�ed to be app:opriate for the normal use and mainter�:.e of '?�'?'� _
<br />