<br />(� "Commnnity Association Dpes, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments anfl otlie.r charges
<br />that are imposed on Bori`ower or the Property by a eondominiunn association, homeowners association or similar
<br />organization.
<br />(i� "Electr+�nic k�ands Transfer" means any transfer of f�nds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft,
<br />oz sinnilar paper i�str�sment, �tvhich is initiated thro�gh an electronic terminal, telephonic instz�en� computer, or
<br />magnetic tape so as to ord.e.r, insiruct, or a�orize a financial instibution to debit or credit an account. Such terna
<br />includes, but is not �imited to, poirit-of-sate lransfers, automatec� teller machine transactions, transfers initiated by
<br />tel�phone, wi�re transfers, and a�toma:ted clearii�ghouse transfers.
<br />(L} "Escrow Items" meaas those items tha�t are descn'bed in Section 3.
<br />(M) '2YGscellaneons Proceeds" means any compensation, setklement, award of da�mages, or proceeds paid by any
<br />third pazty (other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Seclion S� for: (i) damage to, or
<br />destrucfien o� the Properts; (u� condemnarion or other taking qf arI or any part of the Property; (ui) conveyance in
<br />lieu of condemnation; or (iv) misrepresentarions of, or bmissions as to, the valne ari�/or condition of the Property.
<br />(1� "Mortgage Insarance" means insurance protzcting Lender against the noro�payment of, or default qn, the Loan.
<br />(0) "Periodic Pay�e�ut" means the regiilarly s�heduled �moun't due for (i) puncipal and interest under the Note,
<br />plus (n'� any amounts under Sectaou 3 of this Security Instrument
<br />{I') "RESPA" means the Rea1 Estate Settlemeut Proced�es Act (12 U_S.C. §2601 et seq.) aud its impleme%ting
<br />regulation, ReguTafion X(24 C.F.R Part 3500}, as they might be amended fram time to time, or 2ny additional dr
<br />successor legisiation ox regulation that governs the same subject matter. A.s used in this Security In�lrument,
<br />"R�SFA" refers ta all reqixirements ancT restri.ctions that aze imposed in regazd to a"federally related mortgage loan"
<br />even if the Loan does not qualify as a"federally related ffiortgage loan" under RESPA
<br />(Q� "Snccessor iu �nterest af Borrower" means any party tbat haS taken title to 13ze 1�i'oPerh', �a'hether ar not that
<br />Party bas assumed Bonower's obligations under the Note and/or this Security Instnu�enfi.
<br />This Security Instrumerxt geciaes tt� Lender; {i� the repayment of the Loar�, and all renewal�, extensions and
<br />modifications of the Note; and (ri) t'�e performance of Borrower's covenants and agr�menis under this $ecurity
<br />Instntment atid tlie Note. Foz t1�is purpose, Boxrower ir�evacably grauts and c�nveys to Trustee, in trust, �vith power
<br />of sa1e, the foTlowing descrtbed properry located in. the
<br />COUNTSt af Hal1 -
<br />[Type af Record'mg 7urisdietion] [IQame of Itecording 7iaisdicCion]
<br />T�#G 'It�.y-ci� (2i) �r] '1�n�.y-� (�) , Fi�Zn � �, I�Z7-1 �.s�,.Y, 1�
<br />APN. : 4(l(�J55..559
<br />wluch currenfly has the addr�s of 413 0 Liberty L,ane
<br />[Street]
<br />Grarid I s 1 and , Nebraslta & 8 8 0 3 ("Px'operty Address"):
<br />[��l [L;P �I
<br />TOGETHER WI1�I all the improvements now or here�fter erected on the propeny, and all easements,
<br />appurtenances, and �ures noY�v or li�reafter a part of the property, AII repIacements a».d additions shall aLso kre
<br />covered by t1�is Security InsCrumenk All of Yhe foregoir�g is referred. �o in this Security Instrument as the "Property."
<br />�ORRO'4VER COVENANTS that Bonower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br />to grant aud convey the Progerty and th�.t the Property is unencumbered, except foz encumbrances of recoxd.
<br />Borrower wazrants and wi11 def;end generally the tifile to the Property ?a inct all claims and demancls, subject to any
<br />encumbrances of record
<br />THIS SE�'URITY INSTR'UMENT combroes �£orm covenan`�s for national use and non-uniform cavenants with
<br />lnniteri variations by jurisdiclion to constitute a uniform security instrau�ent covering real properry.
<br />UNIFOI�IA COV�VANTS. Borro�ver and Lender covznant and agree as foIlosss:
<br />1. Payment of Pri�acipal, Interest, Escr��v Items, �'repayment Charges, and Late Charg�. Borrower sha11
<br />pay when due the principal of, and interest o�a, the debt evzdenced by the Note and any prepayment charges and late
<br />charges due rmder the Note, Borxower sha11 also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3. Payments due
<br />under the Nore and this Security I�asttiament shall be made in U.S. c�urency. Howevez, if any eheck or other
<br />instrument received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security In �*n�t is retumed �o Lender wapaid,
<br />Lenfler m�y require that �ny pr a11 subsequent pa�►nents due unrler the Note and tbis Security Tnstrument be made in4
<br />N�RASKA—Single Family—Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM WSTRUMHVT D�nd�'ag/c�
<br />Form 3028 1lD1 Paga 2 of 91 i,vww,doanagic.rom
<br />