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� . <br /> .r-� - <br /> , , � , _ <br /> � Page 3 <br /> 0�-28-1998 DEEO OF TRUST <br /> ' �oe� No ssa�sa _ �co�ci�uea� 98— ��)'�990 _ _ _— i = <br /> —. - ,. <br /> ' services rendered a metertal furnished to the Property. Trustorshall malntaln the Property Iree of all Ilens haviny pnority over or equal to Ihe .`� <br /> ! Interest o1 Londer under lhla Deed ol Trusl,except for Ihe nen of taxes end assessmonts nol due,excepl lor Ihe exlstinq Indebtedness referred � , <br /> to below,and exaept u otherwlse provided In tNS Deed olTrust. �r <br /> � Rlpht To ConteYt. Trustor may withhold p�yment ol a�y Uuc,ossessment,or cla�m In connectlon wlth a pood falth dlspute ovor the obllpedon = <br /> � to pay,so lonp as Lender'a Interest In the Prop�Ay Is nol Jeop�rdlzed. If n Ilen arlsos w Is filed as e result ol nonpayment, Trustor shell wlintn _ <br /> � Nttern(tb)daya al1�r 1hs INn arlsas or,If�Ilen b fibd,vvithln AM�en(t6)daya aRSr Trustor ius notke d the AAn9,seaun the dlsolwp�of the ++ <br /> Ilon,or lf roquested by Londer,deposft wilh Lender cash or�suMclent corporate surely bond or othe�sscurity satisf6ctory to Lender In an <br /> 1 amount sufAcl�nt to dkcharps tFw INn plus any casb tnd tttorMys'faos or other chtrpos thd could accrue os 4 rosull ol a forx�osuro or saia i _ <br /> � under the Iien. In any contest,Truata atull dNend�SeM�nd Lender and ehatl aatisfy any advars�Judqment befae enlorcament aynlnst the <br /> I Property. Trustot shatl name Lender as an nddNbnal obllqee under any surety bond furnlshed In the contest proceedinps. I - <br /> � Evidtnc�of P�rylment. Trustor shall upon demand lurnlsh to lender satisfactory eNdence of paymen�of the taxes or assessments and shall • <br /> I aulhorize the approprlate qovernmental ofdcial b deuver to Lender at any time a written staiement of the taxes and assessments apalnst the I <br /> � prppgAy. �"_ <br /> NoUce of Constructlon. Trustor shail notNy Lender at least flfleen(16)days before any work Is aommenCed,any servkes are tumished,or any � <br /> malerials are supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's lien,materialmen's lien,or other Ilen could be aeserted on nccount of the work, <br /> servicss,or materlals.Trustor wlli upon requesl of Lender furnlsh to Lender advance assurances satisfaclory to Lender that Trustor c8n and wiil , <br /> pay the cost of such improvemonts. � <br /> PROPERTY OAMAtiE INSUFiANCE. The(ollowing provisbns relating to Insudng the Property are a pad of thK Deed of Trust. =_=�"'�"�` <br /> MNM�n�nce ot Insunnce. Trustor shall procure end meintein poliCies of flre Insurance wlth standard extanded coverapa endorsements on a �:'�.— <br /> replacement basis for the full insurable value cove►inp au Improvements on the Real Property In an flmount sufflelent to avoid appitcaflon of any ��_ <br /> Itnbflltyr nscu ancesn�sur.h coverage em unts as Lende��eY request witht rustee andtLender�being named as addillonal Insureprds In such I ab�flity • •- _ <br /> insurenco poNCIeS. Additlona�ly,Trustor shall maint�n such other Insurence,Inciutling but not Ifmited lo hezard,buslness Inlartuption,and <br /> bdler insurance,as Lender may reason8bly requlre. Pollcies shail be wrilten In form,emounis,coverages and basis reasonably acceptable to <br /> Lender and tssued by a company a corrpanios reawnably acceptable to Lender. Trustor,upon request of Lender,wiA deilver to Lendet hom _ <br /> time to time the po;icies or certiflcates of Insurence In torm se�sfaclory to Lender,Inciuding stlpul8tions Ihat coverages wlll not be canceiled or ';, <br /> diminished wfthout at least ten(10)days'prlor written no�ce to Lentler. Each Insurance policy also shaa Include an endorsement providlnp ihat <br /> coverage in favor of Lender wui not be Impalred in eny way by any acl,omisslon or defauit of Trustor or any other person. Should the Real �;�,�;_ <br /> Property at any time bacome Iocated In an area desipneled by the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Apency as a spectal flood <br /> polby Hmlts set undee9he Natioal�Flood�lnsuroncl s Peuyrem,loras othenvisef requtred'by L nder�and8o mainta►n s ch nsurance�forehe term of <br /> � tlw loan. : <br /> Applicatlon of Proc�eda.Trustor 8hail promptly notlly Lender of 8ny loss or d4mape to the Propeity. Lender may make proof of loss if Trustor :�._�r_��— <br /> fAlls fo do so withln flllean(16)days of tlw casutity.Whelher cr not l.ender's secudty is impalrod,Lendor may,at Its eieclion,recNve and rataln ,,-�, <br /> ths prxeeda of any Insuance and apply the proceeds to the reductlon of the Indabtedness,payme�t of any Ilen aHeCtlnp tha Ptoperty,a ths �----- -- <br /> restorntlon and repelr of the Property. II Lender atects ta�pply the procaeds to restoratlon and repnir,Trusta shaN ropalr or roplaco tha _ <br /> dtm�ped a d�stroyed Improvements in a rrunner aa{istsaiory io Ler�dw. Lir�QBr stsatl, ;.�aa:atl�lr.c!osy Rro^!ot��Mh ax�ndNur�.paY or °-— — <br /> relmbu►se Trustor hom tho proceeds ta Ihe reasorwble cost of repalr or restoratlon N Truslor Is not in default under ihis DNd of Trust. Any <br /> procoeda whbh have not been disbu►sed withln 180 daya aAer their recelpt and whbh Lender has not commltted to th�repur or r�stontlon of — <br /> tha Properly ehaM bo used first to pay any amount owlnp lo Lender under thls Deed of Trust,lhen to pay aecrued Intorest,and iha r�mafndat,H <br /> any,shall be nppNed to the princlpai balance d lhe Indebtedness. If Lender holds any prxeeds afle�payment In fuil of 1he Ind�btodn�ss,sueh <br /> prxeeds shflll be pald to Trustor es Trus�or's Interesls mey appesr. <br /> Deed ot�Tdrust et a�nycterustee's sa e�or otherlsale held under thefp orvis ons of thlsfiDoed of Tuest o��at any ioreclosuretaab of su�ch Prp�p�ty.y thls <br /> Comptiance with Exlstiny Indebtednep. Oudnq the period In whlch any Exlstiny indebtedness dascdbed below la In effact,compNanc�wlth <br /> the Insurance provlsbns contained In the insvument eNde�cing such Facisting Indebtedness shall constitute compllance with tha insutancs �r+,� <br /> prov+slons under this Deed of Trust,to the exlent compuance with the terms of thls Oeed of Trust would constitute a dupltcation of Insurance _ <br /> requtrement. If any proceeds from the Insurance become payable on loss,the proWstons In this Deed of Trust for divksion of proCeeds shnN <br /> &ppiy only to that porlion of ihe proceeds not payable to Ihe hdder of the Existiny Indnbtedness. __ _ <br /> Tru4tor's Report on Insurance. Upon request of Lender, however not more than once a year,Trustor shall furnlsh to Lender a repat on eaoh �q-- <br /> exlstinq poltcy of InsuranCe showing: (a)ihe name of the insurer; (b)the risks InSUred; (c)ihe amount oi the pdby; (d)the property tnsured, d==-- <br /> the then Curcent replacement vaiue of such properly,end the manner of determininp thel value; and (e)the explratlon date of the poilcy, �;�� <br /> Trustor shall,upon request of Lender,have an Independent appralser satlsfactory to Lender determine the cash value repiacement cost ot the �q���.;__ <br /> Property. = 6 <br /> EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. It Truslor feNS to comply with any provlslon ot this Deed of Trust,Inciuding eny obligadon to malnbin Exlstiny '!}'�":== <br /> `r�`_ <br /> Indebtedness In pood standlnp as requlred below,or If any actfon or proceeding Is commenCed that would matedauy aftect Lender's Interesls In the .,��t_ <br />- Property,Lende�on Truslor's behalf may, but shaM not be requirod to,take eny acdon that Lender d0ems appropdate. Any amount that Lender _ �____ _ <br /> � e�ends in so dolna wlll bear Interest at the rate provided for in ihe Note hom the date incurted or paid by Lender to the dale of repayment by _-�-- <br /> Trustor. All such expenses,at Lender's optlon,wl� (a)be peyable on demand, (b)be added to lhe balance of the Note and be apportioned amonq w r�,u:� <br /> and be payable with any InsteMment peyments to become due durkig either p)the term of any eppllcabie Insurance pol�y w (Iq the remalnlnp term •'.�:�. <br /> of the Note,or (C) bo treated as a balloon payment which wiN be due 8nd payabie at iha Note's matuNy. Thfs Deed of Trusl also wlil secure ' n q�•a�a <br />- payment of these amounts. The rights provlded fa In this pe�agreph shail be In addiHon to any olher dghts a any remedles to which Lender may be . c C,.,��'7 <br />- entitled on account of the defeult. Any such action by Lender shall not be construed as curing the detautt so as 10 bar Lender hom any remedy that � ,,� <br />' It otherwise would heve had. <br />- WARRANTY;OEFENSE OF TITLE. The followinq provislons relaung to ownership of the Properry are a part ot this Deed of Trust. , <br /> Titie. Trustor warrants that: (a)Trusta holds good and merketable title of reCOrd to the Property fn lee slmple,free and clear of all Ilens and <br /> encumbrances olher than those set forth in the Real Proporty descrlpllon cx In the Exlsflng Indebtedness sectlon below or in any ttHe tnsura�ce <br /> Iu�ll�irtghltipo e�a d aut ority to ei ec te and deliver this Oeed of TruSito�Lendefr In connecdon with tNS Oeed of Trust,and (b)Trustor has the <br /> Detence of Tltie. SubJect to the exception In the paregraph ebove.Trustor warrants and wllt forever detend the dtie to the Properly aqalnst the <br /> iewtul claims of ail persons. in the event eny acYOn ar proceeding is commenced that questions Trusla's title or the Interest of Trustee or <br /> Lender under tFus Deed of Trust,Trusta shall defend fhe aclbn at Trustor's expenso. Truslor may be Ihe nominal parly In suCh proceeding,but <br /> Lender shaM be enlilled lo perticipate m the proCeeding and to be represented in the prpceeding by Counsel of lenders own cholCe,and <br />- Trusto�w�ll dehver,a cause to be deGvered,lo lender such�nstrumenls as Lender may request irom lime to time to permit SuCh pflrf�lpaflon. <br /> 1 Compilence Wlth Lewa. Trus�or werrants Ihat Ihe Prope�ty and 7rustor's use of the Property camplies wdh all existfng applicable lews, f <br /> ordlnanC85,and regulat�ons of governmentai authontles. I <br /> � EXISTING �NDEBTEDNES$. The foMOwing proHSions co�cern�ng ewsling indebtetlnes>(Ihe"Existing Indebledness")are a part of this Deed of i <br /> _ � Trust. ; <br /> � Exlatinp Llen. The Ilen of this Deed ol Trusi secur�ng the Indebledness may be secondary and in(edor to an exlsting Iien. Trustor expressly <br /> covonanis and agreHS:o pay,or ses to Ihe Deyment of,ihe Exlsting Indebtodness and to prevenl any default on such Indebtedness,any detault ' <br /> ' under the instrumenis ehtlenC�ng such indeblodness,a any default under any securiry documen�s fa such indebtedness. , <br /> DefpuH. If the payment of any installment oi prtncipal or any Interest on the ExisUng Indebledness Is not made wilhln Ihe time requlred by the <br /> note evidencing suCh indebtedness,a shoub a defaUt occur under the instrumenf secu�ng such Indebtedness and nol be cured during any <br /> epplfcable grace perlod thereln,lhen,al the option of Lender, the Indebtednc3ss secureti by thls Deed ol Trust shall beCOme Immedlfltely due <br />— and payable,and this Deed of Trust shau be In delault. <br />— No ModlflCetlon. Trustor shall not enler Inlo Rny agreemenl wilh the holder of any mortgage,deed of trust,or other secunty agreement which <br />� has priodry over thls Doed ol Trust by whfch thal agreemeM Is modifled,amended,extended,or renewed wilhout Ihe pdor wrlHen consent ot <br />�; Lender. Truslor shali neiiher request rar aCCept eny luture advences under any such securfty agreement without Ihe prlor written consenl of <br />'�' Lender. <br /> � CONDEMNATION. The toliowing provisions releNng to condernnallon proceed�ngs are e part of lhis Deed ot Trust. <br /> --— —_. <br />