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��f.' �'— <br /> � <br /> .��Y '_ <br /> ._:.A* .JA�....�Y�!'�_ . . _� ._ " .. .� .. .��IrY►. <br /> � . . . .. t ! .. � <br /> , .. . � . . � -i�• <br /> i . . , I <br /> � COVENAN78 ��'� �(I���e� <br /> 1. p�ym�nu. Borrower aprees to make all paymante on the secured dobt whon Aue. Unlese Bo►rower end Lender npree aiherwue, any " - <br /> � payments Lendor recelves irom Borrower or tor Borrower's benefit wlll be applled flrot to eny amounts Borrowe� owe� on tha tecured debt <br /> exclusivo of interest or principal,second to interest, and than to princlpel.If partlal propnymont of tho secured debt occuts for nny rooeon, It wlll _ <br /> not reduce or excuse any scheduled peyment until the secured debt fs peld In full. _ <br /> 2. CINms ApNn�t Tkl�.Borrower will pay all taxes, assesamenta, and other charges attributablo to the property when due anA wIN defand title � <br /> to the property ag ainst any cleims which would Impalr the Ifen of this deed of trust.Lender may requlro Borrower to essipn any riyhte,clafine or <br /> defenses which 8orrower may have against parties who supply labor or materiats to improve or malntefn the property. � "' <br /> � 3. Intunno�. Borrower wlll keep the property ineured under terms acceptable to Lender at Borrower's expense end for Lender'�bsnefit.Ail � <br /> i Insurrnce policfes shell inciude a atandard mortgage clause in favor of Lender.Lender will be named as loss payee or as the Ineured on any such �,: <br /> , Insuranco policy.Any Insurnnce proceods mny be a�plied,within Londer's discrotion,to eithor tha restoration or repeir of the demepad ptoperty _ <br /> � or to the eecured debt.If Lender requirea mortgage nsurance, Borrower agroes to maintain such insura�ce for as long ae Lendar�equires. , <br /> ::�� <br /> 4.Prop�rty.Borrower will keep the property in good conditfon and meke ail repairs reasonably necessery. <br /> --- " ^ I 6.Exp�ns�s.Borrower agrees to pay all Lender's expensee,including reaeonable ett�rneys'fees,if Borrower breaks any covenants In thle deed _ <br /> of truet or In any obtigatton eecured by thia deed of tniet,Borrower will pay these amounts to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of thia deed of __ <br /> trust. "- <br /> i�3:- <br /> 8. Pdor S�eurity I�t�nsb.Unless Borrower first obtains Lender's written consent, Borrower will not make or permit any changes to any prior -- <br /> security intaresta. Borrowar wili perfam all of Borrower's obligations under any prlor mortgage, doad of trust ar othor sucurity agrooment, __ •- --- - <br /> including Borrower's covenants to make paymenta when due. <br /> 7.Antpnmmt of R�nts and Proflu. Barower assigna to Lender the rents and prof(ts of the property.Unlass Borrowor and Lender have agreod � <br /> otherwise in wrlttnp, Borrower mey collect and retain the rents as long as Borrower is not in detault. if Borrower defaulta,Lander, Lender's - <br /> agent,or a r.ourt appointed receiver mey take possession and manago the propertv e�d coilect the renta. Any rents Lender collectc shall bo <br /> applied first to the costs of managing the property, inciudinp court costa and ettorneys' feeo, commisalons ta rantai aqente, and any other <br /> neceasary releted expenses.The remafning amount of rents wili then apply to payments on the secured debt as provided in Covenant 1. <br /> 8.L��t�holds•Condomintumr,Plmn�d Unit D�v�loptn�nU.Borrower agrees to comply with the provlsions of any leeso if thie deed of trust ia on ."� <br /> a leasehold.I�this deed of truat Is on a unit in a condominium or a plannod unit development, Borrower will perform eli of Borrower's du�ioa ��r:• <br /> under the covenants,by-laws,or regulatlons of the condominlum or planned unit development. - -_ <br /> 9. Authorfty of L�nd�r to P�rfo�m for Bonown. If 8orrower falls to peHorm any of Borrower's duties under this deed of trust,Lender mey =_- <br /> � peHorm the dutles or cauee them to be performed. Lender may sign 9orrower's name or pay any amount If necessary for performance. If any ;�;�=-` <br /> construction on the properiy Is d(scontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner,Lender may do whatever is necessary to protect Lender's • -- <br /> securiry interest in the property. This mey indude completing the construction, ,;���'�� <br /> Lender's tailure to perform will not preciude Lendar from exercising any oi ite other rights under the law or this deed of trust. "'"Y�-�;"' <br /> , -,: <br /> Any amounts pald by Londer to protect Lender's security intereat wfil be aecured by thia deed of trust.Such amounta wili be due on demand �Y� <br /> � and will bear interest from the date of the peyment until peid in full at the interest rate in effect on the securad debt. ,,,;,i <br /> ,:. 10. D�fwit�nd Acc�I�raUon. If Borrower fails to make any payment when due or breaks any covenants under thie deed of trust or any �� + <br /> oblipation secured by this deed of trust or any prior mongage or deed of truat, Lender may accelerate the meturity of the secured debt and . „�'��� <br /> demand immedlate peyment and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedles permitted by applicable lew. <br /> � .ara.�� � - <br /> � � 17.R�qu�st for Notta�of D�hult.It is hereby requeeted that copies ot the notices of dafault and sale be sent to each persan who Is a party :,�,�_ <br /> _ _ the addroes of eech such pereon,as set forth herein. °'�:-�_� <br /> 12.Pow�r of Sai�.If tha Lender Invokes the power of eale,the Truatee ehall firat record in the ofiice of the reglater of deeds of each county " � <br /> whereln the trust property or some part or percel thereof Is situated a notice of defautt contalning the informetion roquired by law.The Trustee �ti� <br /> shail also mai) copiea of tho notice of defeult to the Borrower,to each pereon who is a perty hereto, and to other persons aspreecribed by <br /> appltceble law. Not less than one month sker the Trustee records the notice of default or two months if the trust property ls �ot in any = <br /> , incorporated city or vlllage and ls used In farming operations carrfed on by the truetor,the frustee ahell give public notice of eele to the peraons _ - -�_ <br /> and i�the manner prescribed by appplicabie law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall seli the property at public auctlon to the h(qhest <br /> � bidder.If required by the Farm Homestead Protactfon Act,Trustee shnll offer tho property in two ueparate ealea es requfred by appliceble law. - - <br /> ,� Truetee may poatpone eale of ali or any parcel of the property by public announcement at the time end place of eny prevfoualy scheduled s�le. -- _ <br /> . � Lende►or Ite daelgnee may purchase the proprrty et any sale. <br /> Upon recelpt of paymant of the price bid, Truetee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the property. The recitialt contafned In <br /> Truatee's deed ehall be prime facle evldlence of the truth ot the statements contalned thereln.Trustee ahali apply 2he proceedt of the sals in the <br /> e- followinp order: Ia) to ail expenses of the sale, Including, but not Itmfted to, reaeonable Truetee'a feea, rea�onable ettorney's feea and <br /> � reinitatement teea;(bl to ell numa secured by thla deed of trust,and(c)the baiance,if any,to the persons lepally entitled to receive It. <br /> '.' 13.Fa�eto�un.At Lender'a optbn, lhis deed of trust may be foreclosed in the manner provide by eppilcable Iaw for foreclosute of mortgaqes <br /> on ro�l property. <br /> � 14.Imp�etlon.Lender mey enter the proparty to inspect it if Lender gives Borrower notice beforehand. The notice muat st�te tha reasonabta - — <br /> ceuae for Lendar's Inspectton. <br /> �� 16.Cond�mnation.Barrower assIpns to Lender tho proceeds of eny award or clalm for damagea connected with e condemnaUon or other teking <br /> �� secur ty egYroemenL the property.Such proceeds will be applfed as provided in Covenant 1.This aesignment in subject to the termt of any pNor _ <br /> � :: -- <br /> #� . � -- <br /> 18.Wdwr.By exercisinp any remedy available to Lender,Lender does not give up any rights to ietor use any other romedy.By rat exercising "`' __ _ <br /> any remedy upon Borrower's default,Lender does not waive any right to later considor the event a defauit if it happene apein. __=�T _ ' <br /> 17. Jdnt and S�vnal LI�WIIty; Co-sipn�n; Suce�s�ors and Assiyns Bound. All duties under this deed of trust are�oint and eeveral. Any , _---� <br /> Borrower who co•slgns this deed oi trust but doea not co-sign the undedying debt inatrumentis) does so only to grant and convey thet ��= _ <br /> Borrower's intereat in the prope►ty to the Trustoa under the terms of this deed of trust.In addition,such a Borrower agrees thet the Lender end -- -- <br /> any other Borrower under this deed of trust may extend,modifY or make any other changes in the terms of this deed of trust or the secured �". . ���"° <br /> debt without that 8orrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower from the terms of this deed of trust. �1'�,�-, = �. <br /> . •_• rs�:. <br /> c •tv�c•: •�.:• <br /> The duties and benefits of thia deed of trust ahnll bfnd and bonefit tho successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. �_ p�.a-,c••. <br /> r��� ;:�i;=: <br /> 18.NoUc�.:lnless otherwise required by law,any notfce to Borrower shall be given by delfverfng it or by mailing it by certified mail addressod to � � • <br /> Borrower at the p+operty address or any other address that Borrower has gIvon to Lender. Borrower wili give any notice to Lender by certiffed <br /> mail to Lender's address on page 1 of this deed of trust,or to any other address which Lendor has designated.Any other notke to Lender shall � �. . .:�•�+'�';:.: <br /> ibe sent to Lender's addresa as stated on page 1 of thls deed of trust, ,,. . .; `Q1'.". <br />_ � Any notice shail be deemod to have beon given to Borrowor or Lender when givon in the menner stated above. ' <br /> + 19.Tr�naf�r of th�Prop�rty or a B�rnRcial Intantt in th�Borrow�r.If ait or eny pArt of the property or any interest in it ia eold or tranaferred <br /> I without Lender's pnor wrltten consent, LondAr may domand immediate peyment of the securod dobt. Londor moy slso demend Immedlate <br />- payment it the Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficfal interest in the Borrowor is sold or transforred. However, Londor may not <br />' � damand payment in tho nbovo situations if it is prohiblted by federal�aw as of the date of this deod of trust. <br />� � 20.Reconv�yanc�.When the obligatan secured bV this deed of trust has been paid, and Londer has no furthor obiigation to make advances • <br />- under the instrumente or agreernents secured by this deed of trust, the Trustee shall, upon written request by the Lender,reconvey the trust I <br /> property. The Lender shall deliver to the Borrower, or ta Borrower's successor in interest,the truet deod and the note or othor ovidenCe of the <br /> obligation so satisffed.Borrower shall pay any recordatlon costs. <br /> � _.. <br />— tl. sYCG�ttvf INii��. �tlnuaf� tl[ Lvnutl��b ot�iwtq rrtay rotnWe i�uoitftl a(ni eppv���i a eui.�eeeJi iit�eino iiy �ii6i, �iioiiniy O�rV�Jy 3i i,io �-� � - � - <br /> subatitution of trustee as required by applicable law,and then,by filing the substitution of trustee for record in the ofiice of the reglster of deeds � � <br /> . of each county in whieh the trust p►operty,or some part thereof, fa eituated.The successor trustee, without conveyance of the property, shall <br /> succeed to all the powor,duties,authaity and title of the Trustee nemed in the doed of trust and of any succeusor truetee. i <br /> T . �. <br /> - fpege 7 0/71 <br /> BANKERS S�SiEMS.�NC.ST CLOUD.MN 68301�1 800 D97 2J41�FONM OCP M7G NE 6i19i91 <br /> I <br /> ] <br /> �, <br /> - __ _ <br />