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' '�} �t .,. ; . `; . ,>, y ; , ' ''' .. �_ . - „ Y. :` e <br /> . . . ; , ^ . _ • . .• . ,. ' ., << . •� • � ` � <br /> __` _.,_, (` _ 'cz»� ' � ..�._.�'��- �_.�, �r._--c/--- - ---- -�( , —y — � _' <br /> .. F' y' <br /> _. . .._ .. �t �. -_ <br /> . � .. ' ' �.._. <br /> �._� <I/— �'l=/.7�7� - <br /> . . .c <br /> .. . . ._. . - . <br /> _ V f .._ . ._ .—_ . —_ <br /> 5. Ha7ard or Propert�� Iasurance. Borro��er +hall keep the improvemenu nuw exi+ting or herwhcr rrectcd on the � :,� _ ; _ <br /> Pmperty incared agaiact losti by fire, harard. mrluded within[he term "extendeci coverage"and asiy athe� h�ards. including ' ` . <br /> flood,��r tloading. Cor which Lender reyuire+imuranre. '�hall 6e maintaineci in the ami�unh and for the per�ods ' � . •t . '' <br /> that L.ender reyuire�. 1'iie in.ur;uire r:�rrier pro�iding the in,urance.hall be chu,en by B��rruwer subjert tu l.ender'.appr�w•;il > � ` , - <br /> which �twll ncu be unre�uunably a•ithhelJ. !f Burrower faii. tu maintain co�erage de�:cribeJ aMn�r, l.cnder m:i}. at Ixnder'+ - y,.,Y-z�+= � <br /> -s- --- <br /> Y option,obtain coverage to pmtect Lender'ti right�in the Property in accurdanre a•ith paragraph 7. • �"�'=':===�M-==:T <br />�' AU insurance policie� ;u�J rene�aal� �h:ill be aaeptable w L.ender and �hall include a.t:�ndard mongage rlau�e. I.ender � • - : <br /> � �hall ha��e the right to hceld the policiea and reneu�al>. If L.ender require+,Borrower shall pmmptl}�gi�e w Lender aii nxeipt�of -- —,--��� `� ` • <br /> Paid premiums and rene.val ruxiees. In the event of loi�.8orrower shall give pmmpt noticr to the imursn�ti carrier.:nd I�nder. ` , <br /> �' L.ender may make prouf af loss if not made promptly by Borrower. . _�::��—- <br /> Untess L.ender and aorrower otherwise agree in proceed�shal! be applied to re..toration ur repair of the . �' -"----�_ <br /> � ` Propeny damaged.if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessen�'d. If the restoration or � ', ��� "�#•._. <br /> ; repair es not economically feasible or l.ender',secunty�vould be lessened.the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums �.`��. � �"•'^�'"���`� = <br />� '� se�:ureti by this Security Instrumem, whether ar not then due. with any excess paid tn Bortower. If Borrower abandons the - "?`��`'�F�` <br /> `i Property. or daes not answer within 3A days a notice from Lender that the insucance rarrier has oFfere4i to setde a claim, then �-�-=- ��� z:,,- <br />' � [.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Propeny or to pay sums - •;r� ___ _ <br /> � secured by this Security Instrumeni,whether or not then due.The 30-day period w•ill begin when the notice is given. ".';`�;r%�.��---��-- <br /> '� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wripng, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or '�'t^:.��:°' <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and � or change the amount of the payments. If `� ,.t=:•=Y����` <br /> _.,.�-:—_�-�:. <br />- under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by l.ender, Borrower'ti right ta any insurance policies and pnxeeds resulting from ''�+�k1s��fs�� <br /> damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent af the sum�secured by this Securiry Instrument ,,,_�,:•� . __- <br />� immediately prior to the acquisition. '�.��,'�;'3�.—" <br /> �t� , �r". <br /> 6.Oceupancy,Preservat�nn,Maintenance and Protection of the Propxrty;Borrower's[..oan ApplIcation; Leaseholds. _ "r. �"'� `. .y,...:= <br /> E .. <br /> ''f Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use Ihe Property as Borrower's principal residence within sicry days after the execuuon of ` - L ''F``� ';=- <br /> this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal resid�nce for at least one year after .� ,M •�; <br />' k�' the date of occupancy,unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless • <br /> �+ extenuatina �.numstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrotiz;r sh.all not desiroy, damage or impair the , r:•• ,:. , .,; ' ` <br /> Property, a9�r.� the Properiy to deteriorate, or comrrdt waste on the ?raperty. �r:awer shaLt �re in de�'ault if any forfeiture � ,''.;�! . . <br /> action or pmceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good fai�i judgmeec could result in forfeiture of the �"�:� `';;�.,., <br />: L'raperty or othenvise materially impair the lien created by this Securi�y Instrum.ent mr I.ender's security interest. Borrower may "x� � • ' �� � "' " <br /> '�r' '. .��'s�.:.::. <br /> cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in pasagr^�.:� 1S,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling ,tr�:� `• �`. •5 <br /> , . --"'Y,•"' `,'� ..`�_ <br /> thnt, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Pmperty or other material ' •. ;,s. <br /> :: impairmeni �+a the lien created by this ��rariry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borr�wer shall also be in defaute if �"'' :;�' "' <br />--. ' :i:Y'.I.a, <br />`'�• Borrower,w'�ra;ng the loan application�S��:ess,gave materially false ar inaccurate information os statements to I.ender(or faeIlel`. '•r. . <br />�a,,,: <br /> to provide L.ender with any material in::,-nation)in connection with the loan evid�nced by the Note,including,but not limited •' `` <br /> to,representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a prinrip�a1 residence.If this Security Instrument is on a �`�`` <br /> leasehold, �Sar.ower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee titie to the Property, the - `� . <br /> '' '- leasehold anZ u'�e fee title shall not mer;::Jiless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. �'4 <br /> , ���°'.�__ <br /> � 7.I'rotedion of Lender s Rights d�che Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements wntained in _�:_ <br /> . this Security Instrument.or there is a legal proceeding that may significandy aft'ect Lender's�ghts in the Property(such as a ���=�"�:• <br /> proceeding in barilcruptcy,probate. for condemnatioa oz fodeiture or to enforee laws or regulations),then i.ender may do and 'r = <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protecc Lhe value of;hr Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender s actions�+ay .;-�;. <br /> include paying any sums secured by s [ien which has priority a�•er this Secuary Instrnment, appearing in court, �z:y:r.� �°1�� . <br /> reasonabie�r:orneys'fees and entering cc��he Property to make re�a:�. Although Lender may take action under this paru:..�;�� ___-- =--" <br /> ' 7,Lender does not have to do so. �`•�-'�`d'�'=- �` <br /> , Any amounts disbursed hy L.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become �dditional debt of Borrower secured hy this "�'`"�""�'. <br /> �. �--�-�..�,.�: <br /> Security Instrument. Untess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest fram the 3;�'.�� �°�°°== ----�, <br /> + date of disbursement at the Note rate ar.d shall be payable, with ;r,terest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requ�i�p �� " <br />';� payment. �eti u:i�r T:i•=°': <br /> ��'-r :.'.`�:;�;;° <br /> S.Mortgage Insurance.Jf L.ender c�r,uired mortgage insurance as a condition of making ti:e toan secnred by this Security } �'-��m� � <br /> P'• ��"-' <br /> � instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgag� insurance in effect. If, '�any reason, the _- --------— <br />