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.Q '�`�t�'"P".: ^' r ,:' ";; ,o�^' s, s��`��- �::� <br /> . <br /> � _ :s�� <br /> . �� ,. ., .� ,: . . . . . <br /> , <br /> t. > — <br /> WI�R3LANTY DEED " . <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Ec:,,,,£R w���,'�s <br /> � � That �T e m.��• �f +ha Vilisi a �f �� a r <br /> , ;., <br /> ,*; � g ...� gT in the County'of Hall'ana State <br /> � o,Nebraska,in consideration of the sum of_ ��_L_V�._1__ __ /�� <br /> �a � � � � ��, � � ` <br /> i i� - ---------------------------- «-----------> <br /> � + . . > . / : <br /> � Dollars, in hand paid"does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey nnto I��R�E�_T_._Q_/3a1�lS,e��/C_____ , <br /> t - .., <br /> � .:; ' ,/ ' � ---- -------- <br /> r� of the Couniy,oF __ �%�L-L____'._y and State of _�E�/iASk/�___� �an;ee, the foilowing described Lot or Lots of � <br /> �;. land situated in the Wood River Cemeterg, in the Townsh�'p of Wood $iver, in Hail Countv, Nebraska, to-wit: _____________ <br /> � ,, . - <br /> --- ----------------=-���T.L O��'�lI/l-�A---------------- --- --- . <br /> $. and all, right,-title and interest whatsoever of the said grantor in and to the same and every part thereof. <br /> �. <br />� . �[ <br /> �o have and�to hold the above described Lot or Lots unto the said d7.E_R����Q�3_OJ�L�A_�'__�__ g.rantee �!S_ <br /> heirs and assigns forever and the said grantor hereby co�enants with the said grantee thAt it holds said premises by a good and <br /> 1. perfect titl� and"has good riaht and authority to sell and convey the same and that same are free and clear oi all claims and <br /> incumbrances whatsoever and the said Wood River Cemetery A�sociation hereby covenants to warrant and defend said premises <br /> against the lawful;claims of all persons'whomsoever.' <br /> It is-further agreed and understood that the above described property is sold and 2ssigned for the purpose of interment <br /> only be used for no other purpose,subject;.however,to the provis'ions and restric+tions of the Laws of the state of No- <br /> , ' braska relatirig to,Cemetery Associations and to a11'acts and laws of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska vdhich have been <br />' or may be,lawfully enacted respecting Gemetery:Associations and also subject to the conditions and limitations and with the <br /> privilege`'and restrictions'specified by the rules and regulations of said'Wood River Cemetery Assoeiation naw in force or that <br /> . maq be hereafter adopted by it not in conflict with°the'laws of the ,State of Ne+braska which rules and regulations As hereby <br /> sgecified are made-a part of this conveyance. <br /> , IN TES�IMONY whereof the'Waod River Cemetery Association has caused these Presents to bc signed by i President <br /> ., ,. , <br /> : ; � <br /> ; and countersigned by its secretary and the corporate seal of said assce�ation to be,herennto affixed this ____�_________day of <br /> -5�-�'-�1'-iBEB A. D., 19��. . <br /> Attest: � �.,,WOOD IV CENIETERY ASSOCIATION, <br /> ; _ � � f�� <br /> � -- -----'=-------- BY------ -�=---- --�--- ----`_--"--=------------------------------�- <br /> L�C(�� Secr rY• President. <br /> r - ; <br />� <br /> � . <br /> � � <br /> ♦� <br /> .,. . �, . <br /> , ,. . <br />