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103—WARRANTY DfiED The HuSman Gmeral Suppl�Home, Iaaoola,Nebr. j <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY TI�SE PR.ESENTS: � <br /> TH�1T Fred Schliel;.er and Grace �. Sc?�1�_ai��?�� =��?_s;�:<nd an�: '-i=e� E�ch � <br /> In "�is a:d r�er 0:}�n Ri�'_nt, S�o��se o� T=�c'z Oti�_er. � <br /> , <br /> I � <br /> t <br /> of the County of ;'-��11 and State of :•��=�r�'�i'« for and in tonsideration of the ! <br /> i <br /> 1't �(;,;� l !� T'::��r,n q i <br />, ,.rum oj One Dol'1::.� aild Oti�_3r 1'.�a',.�e .,o°:��'�;" DOLL�IRS ; <br /> 1 <br /> iin hand paid do hereby grant,bargain,sell,concey and confirm unto <br /> i Fred Bor�ark ! <br /> � <br /> 1 i <br /> � of the County of ":a11 and State of � - - the following described real estate <br /> !situated in G r�.a n d I s 1 a n d in :'•�11 County,and State of �T e�'='��'r Q to-wit: <br />. i�Ci�iJ ��DUi� �q-� �:�D LOi E'i!��i l�� � T'LG'�il�l "�Tnr�? ._�i�i �I~� � . : H_ � u i�J7i��_�1C%i�� n� �. <br /> ^?TU GI�,�. OF GR�':D ISL�::D� -.__�LL CC ;-�,�T' --r. ,:�::�,. <br /> + � �� ;. � , <br /> i ' <br /> ; <br /> i <br /> � , <br /> ; .. <br /> , <br /> TO HlIYE �1ND TO HOLD the premz.ces above descrzbed, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and <br /> ' appurtenances tlsereunto belonging,unto the said ?"e d �'o. .c`:"�'�_ <br /> and to __., heirs and assign.c foreoer. <br /> ; llnd ':e do hereby tovenant fcitl:the taid Grantee and with ' 1" heirs and a.csigns,that - _. . _ _ <br /> lawfully seixed of said premises;that they art jree from encumbrance <br /> that :'� haoe good riglrt and lawful authority to sell the same; and -"e do hereby conenant to marrant and <br /> defend the title to said premises against the Ia�Jul claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> llnd the said r-�E u �.^'' '__ ':.__ Y < __ , ""_' �'; . ��'' _ �e`'�r hereby relinquishes all <br /> t,.'_.2=1' 1' - :=TS� l,.i� ic c,..�, =ri'�c ^ � <br /> in and to the abooe de.rcribed premises. <br /> � Signed thia 1�tl1 day of J?'1.t7 � �l. D. 19 r� <br /> ; In Presence of LJ. - y-"----rt.--�---'- - - ---'---------------•- <br /> i����_.rZ_--l4.� <br />� � /, � / <br /> ° °-°° -- -'�°-•°---'------ <br /> ° ------°-------°-•-----°----------------•-°---------------------°°-----------°------------ ----°------°-°------°-•--•------------------°----------•-°•---------°-------�------------ <br /> .----------------------------------------------------------••-----°-°----------------•-------- --------•---------------------°------------°-------------•°---------•------°-----°------° <br /> � ST�1TE OF___��K----�:�-�-=��=-•--------- On thi,c-------��'---�'-�-----day�.f-•-------- - -- ------------------ �1.D.19-��--,before <br /> , ss. .. • „• ,�;-^�'i ri <br />'� ' ----------===`-�� County my the undersigned_-----a.:c:S�----��---�-�-y-=-=-�=---••--•----------•-------•-------•-------------- <br /> -•---------- <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, <br /> , „ - • -, • - -� �� -� - <br /> personally came---y-'--�-�----a-�-------�='--`�'---.�:..�__ r .. „ „ <br />, � �.^n,- -�5.....'-"" <br /> '--'_...'.."'�.�.__ai .�...�i <br /> � """"""""""""'--"'-""•'---""'-""""""'-"--"-"""--""--""""---"-"""""'-'--"'-""-•"'-"-""'•""--""' <br />� '-'._."_"""'_"'•"""-"""-"""-"•"""""""'-"--""""""'-°--""'-"-'--""-""'-'-""""""'-'-'•'-"'-'--.._... <br /> .�:��aN.�.�.., . <br /> `��`� ��?�'1� to me knoum to be the identical person-S_--•-----------•---------whose name--.a---:.:w-u--------------__ <br /> : °�" .��� i;€`t;,�:`T''•.. affixed to the�oregoing instrument as grantor.�.................and acknowledged the same <br /> : _ <br /> .�`F' �, ; �� '','. '-r--•-•---- -----ooluntary act and deed. <br /> < ' ' ��i to bt---------4:_i�::=•.. •- <br /> � : •,� : ._ . <br /> ' ;� t i�;�:�::Y�., Witness my hand and 1Votarial Seal tht day d year last abone writt�rt. <br /> ��.� ` � �<c�„ �,,:' . . <br /> ` � --�t�s.!/ ---------Notary Public. <br /> ; .., �:� 1 �F�,. t, + -- ---- --- -- - <br /> . p --- --- <br /> ---- - <br /> ''ii l ��` ' 4Q` � _ . ._. <br /> ',-. C,� .....-��E, : My commission expires he--- -•-----------� °.f---•----- - - • - ----- 1�-5� <br /> .�T . Re ister of beeds <br /> l' � oun . <br /> �y (�. ��ccc� � <br />