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� , <br /> FHA�65•32 UI�ITID STATES DEPA?�NT OF AQ2ICDI,TIIi?� Pro3ect �r�_'t� <br /> FAR�dERS HOI� ADI�It1ISTP,ATIOPT IInit M .s • � <br /> - (NRRC) <br /> QUITCLAI?3 DE� TO MINERALS <br /> In aonsideretian of �the sum of�ve and �0/100 - v � _ -•.,� - _ <br /> Dollars (�� )� the IInited�a s of Amarica ereina�ter caf�ed�ie — <br /> ttGovernment ereby� reloases� and foreroer quitclaims unto phill�n H. �'<^_�oenin� <br /> t'^a T oe ' h sband and ?-rife as 'oint ter_ar_ts t�*�th ri ht o�' o�arvivors:���n <br /> a o � te a ts ' carnmo hereinafter called tl:e Grantees whethor <br /> one or mQre � all of the righti t le and intarest of the Govorru�irt ��ccopt such <br /> interost as nay have boon rosorwd in patonts issued by the Gwvrnme�t)a in and <br /> to all of tho o31y gas and othor minerals in, on� undar� or that may bo produced <br /> from tho lands conveyod by tho Unitod Statos of Ati►erica to hil].]..p �r. V�n'eenit?m <br /> and e tha j � ^�n?n • his wifoi by a cortain doed dated <br /> ,Tu�v 2.3� 191� and rocardod in Boo 8( .� Pago 2C in tho land <br /> rvcords of � Co�mtyY No ra�go•thor with a 1 of o righti <br /> , titlo and intorest o o Gover�msnt in� to and undor any loasos� pormits� con- <br /> tracts or othor i.nstrumonts to tha e:�tont that thoy covor said minorals �nd min- <br /> oral intorasts horoby quitclr�ia�od� includix� any rentals for any loaso yoar or <br /> yomrs bogi.n* af•tar tho dtLta horeof� any �inim� royaltios becoming due and <br /> payablo aftor the d�to horoof� a�d ariy royalties or other ineomo on production <br /> after dato horoof� r�sorving� howovor� unto tho Govo.rnmont any rontals for a� <br /> loaso �►oar or yoars begi�ing prior to thc dato horoof,, ariy minimum royultios duo <br />! and paynblo on or boforo tho dato hcroofi and uir,� royalties or othor incomo on <br /> production prior to t2:o date hcroof. <br /> Tho Grantcos horoi:�i if moro t1�an ono� shall tuko b� this convuyunco thc <br /> samo proportion of:, or tho s�mo ostatc in� tho �i.ncrals quitc7.ui.aod horebyi as <br /> thoy ownod in tho surfaco of tho land describod �aroin on thc �iLd�v of�L,Lo��r , <br /> 19 r ,• <br /> No mombor of or dclog�to to Congross.� or Rosidont Conmissioncr shall bo <br /> ud�ittod to ar�r sh�ro or part of thi.s quitcl�i� deod or to an,y bonofit which may <br /> ariso thorefrom� but this g ovision shall not bo construod to oxtond to this quit� <br /> claim dood if mado to a corpor�tion for its goncral boncfit. <br /> In witnoas horoofy tho Govornmont has ouusod th�s qui�c2aim docd to bo <br /> oxecutod and doliwrod this `� du;� of ,�L�� 19��,b5► its <br /> undersignod duly authorizod of cial acting purs t to authority containod 3n <br /> 64 Stat. 99, 40 U•.S.C. 440; 15 F.R. 3815; 16 F�.R.. 1927• <br /> UNITID STATES OF AD�tICA <br /> � ` J f �� <br /> sy �ZE�-f� a . � � � <br /> Stato Diro cto r fo r dobra s <br /> Farmors Homo lldministration <br /> IIni�vd Statos Dopartanrrt of <br /> ST1�TE OF NEBRI�SItA ) Agriculturc <br /> ) SS <br /> COUNTY OF LP_NC�STER) <br /> , . �- <br /> BE IT R�:�EI2ED� That on t$c���day of J , 19�.�boforo mo <br /> tho undorsi(�od Notary Public in an"d/for tho co d s nto uforosaid; porsonti].1� <br /> appoarod ERI3EST_FRI$GH� Stato Diroctoi� of tho Farr► rs Homo Ac�ninistra.tion for thc <br /> St^tc of ATobraska� IInited Sta.tes DopArtmcnt of Agrieultu'roj who is persona.11y <br /> lrnown to mo and porsonally Irnown to no to bo buch Stato b�.roctor and tho s�mo por- <br /> son who oxocutod tho vrithin und .instrunont and ho duly aalmowlodgod thc <br /> sa�e for and on bchalf of and �s tho act of tho IInitod Statos of tlzicrica a..nd <br /> furthor statod and acl�or,rlodgod th�t ho had so signcd� oxocutod and dclivorod said <br /> forogoing quitclaim dood for tho usos and purposos hcrcin montioncd and set forth� <br /> ,.v�. �TNESS ti7FiEREOF I huvo horounto sot hand and a,ffixod ► offiai�tl soal <br /> d�+fs� �5,�.. i mY � <br /> w�e• ,yoar:abovc mitton. <br /> x:��. u�� � <br />� y�•���. •• ��j/ � �'.� . . <br /> ��.`4:oR?�rRc� ���'.L• • <br />� ��,• :�` w\`��• ����. ; <br />. }' D�� ��«l S �L4j L� a O�i n��c � <br /> L NOtAI'31 P11b 1 <br /> 0' <br /> _y � CQo ` ��.� t . <br /> � 4�; Gy��+�,�����Expir°s � �6 <br /> �t=�� y <br /> ��y�F-°�UU��kL�,,_�.. L: . <br /> *4�F 4�k'� �" <br /> :;ti�,:f� <br /> Filed.for record May 5, 1953, at 2:00 P.M. �c�w���;�Zvw Register of Deeds <br /> - - Hall County, Nebr. <br />