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�.P ' ,_,_ . , , � , <br /> t �J � <br /> a f T� °� w t_. <br /> .�_ . . . , � .•. - , � <br /> . . . . . . . . . .� ..� , <br /> L '�� �° . � . � � . . . � . . ... <br />✓G` ' .... . " � . . . . . . � . . . . ... <br />�� � .�. � . . � . . . �� ' . .� .,, .. :�. . . . ..:. ... � . ., . . . . . �..;. <br /> '� �— : , . _� �. . . ._ -. , . ... . .; .�..�� , <br />:k. �: .. .. . . _ �'. . . . - . . .. . <br /> �. . � ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> ., _ WARRANTY DEED � , <br /> BNOW ALL MEN t3Y THE$E PRESENTB: That we, F. A. Hitchler�and Dora <br /> Hitchler, his wife,' and William D. Brandt, an.unmarried man�.,a].1 of Hall <br /> �ounty .and 3tate of Nebraska, in consideration of the eum- oP One Dollar <br /> 'and other valuable conaideration in hand paid bq Jamea A. Michelson of Hall <br /> Countq Nebraska,- do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br /> the aa�d Jsmee A. Michelaon, the Pollowing described premises, situated in <br /> the County of Hall and State of Nebraska., to-wit: <br /> A tract more particularly described as followe: Commencing <br />� at an iron pin located on the southeast corner of Section <br />� Thirty-(3Q} in Tov�nship Twelve (12), North, Range Ten (10)� <br /> Weet :of the 6th P.M;, running thence in a aoutherlq direa- <br /> tlon on t he east side of section Thirty-one (31) in said <br /> Townahip Twelve (12) North, .Range Ten (10), West of the 6th <br /> P, M. Por a distance of Five Hundred Forty-one (541) feet to <br /> the center of the mainline of the` Ch3cago, Burlington dc <br /> Quincy Ra,ilroad Companq, running through eaid section, thence <br /> in a northweaterly direotion along the center of said main <br /> line Por a distance of q'wenty-one Hundred Forty-four (21�-4) <br /> feet, thence running at an angle to thelePt and in a soutY�- <br /> westerly d3.rection for a distanae of One Hundred Fift (150) � <br /> Peet to the south side oP the Chicago,, Burlington an� Quincy <br /> Railroad Company right-of-t,ray to an iron pin, or piece of <br /> iron (tht^ e being the point of beginning in deacribing thie <br /> traet); the`nce running from. said place of beginning in a <br /> ,direEtion and on the south line oP said CBdcQ <br /> R:R, right-oP-waq for a distanee of One Hundred Fifty (15�) <br /> feet to a piece of iron; frunning thence at an angle to the <br />� � left, ninety (90) degrees and in a eouthwesterly direction <br /> �Por a distance oP One Hundred Thirty (1j0) feet to a piece <br />� of 3ron; running thence at an angle of nine�y (90) degrees <br /> to the .lePt and in a.nsoutheasterly direetion Por a distanee <br /> i of 9ne Hundred Fifty (150) Peet (said south line oP said <br /> tract being parallel to the south line of the right-of-w�y <br /> oP sai d CBdcQ RR) to a piece oP iron; running thence at an <br /> angle of Ninety (90) degrees to the left and #xi annnortheasterly <br />;. direction Por a distance oP One Hundred Thirty (130) feet to <br /> the point oP beginning; said tract oP land above described, <br /> being located ir� the Northeast Quarter (NE�) oP �ection } <br /> Thirty-one (31) in To�n ship Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10), : <br /> West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> . . , - <br /> I �� . �� " ��� <br /> i <br /> i <br />, <br /> 1 ' � �,. <br /> , .. , ... _. ... ,. <br /> .- <br /> _..� :. ' �.. �,,, -r ..... � <br />� Together with all the tenementa, hereditaments and appurtenances to the^ <br /> same belonging, and all the eatate, right, title, interest, claim or deq��d <br />� whatsoener; includin� diwer, .curtesy and homestead rights of the said-�grantors� <br /> oP, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. �' <br /> T0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deacribed nremisea, w ith the appurten- <br /> �nc,es, �unto the said James:A. Michelson, and to his heirs s1d assigna forener. <br /> And°we hereby covenant with the sai d James A. Michelson that we hold said <br /> premisea by good and perfect title; that we have good right and lawful author= <br /> ity to sell and coneey same; that they are free and clear of all liens and <br /> incumbranae t,rhatosever, And we covenant to warrant and dePend the sa�d premise <br /> againat the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> iSigned thls 25th day of June, 19�F6. � <br />� In presence of: . ��� � ,, � �,� <br />� <br />� ' �,�. l�;�,�.�,, <br />�'� -- - . <br /> f �`� , <br />� <br />�� <br />� <br />, _ . <br />